All Chapters of The Return Of General Tyler: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
184 chapters
Adriana's voice was laced with a subtle hint of sarcasm as she spoke, her eyes fixed on her husband with a piercing gaze. "So...I've noticed your latest pawn," she said, her words dripping with disdain. She carefully sliced her sausage, her movements deliberate and precise, as if she was defusing a bomb.Tyler, anticipating this conversation, wiped his mouth with a napkin, his eyes still fixed on the omelette on his plate. He was determined to savor every bite, but first, he had to navigate this treacherous conversation with his wife.The tension between them was palpable, the air thick with unspoken words and unresolved issues. Adriana's gaze never wavered, her eyes boring into Tyler's soul like a drill. "Who is she, Tyler?" she asked, her voice deceptively calm.Tyler hesitated, his fork hovering over his plate. He knew better than to lie to his wife, but the truth was complicated. "Her name is Sophia," he said finally, his voice measured. "She's associate."Adriana's l
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Adriana's smile was warm and supportive, her eyes shining with encouragement. She urged Tyler to eat the rest of his meal, her gesture gentle and reassuring. Tyler settled back into his chair, his eyes never leaving hers, and took another bite of his food. But before he did, he gave her one more reassuring look, a look that said "I've got this, I've got us".Adriana's smile faltered for a moment, her eyes searching his face for any sign of doubt or uncertainty. But Tyler's gaze was steady, his eyes burning with determination. She knew that he was a man who had been through hell and back, a man who had fought tooth and nail for everything he had. And she knew that he would do the same for her, for their family, for their future.She nodded, her smile returning, and Tyler knew that she was with him, all the way. He knew that she wasn't blindly following him, that she was a smart woman who asked questions, who sought answers. But he also knew that she trusted him, trusted his judgment, t
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Pressed down
“I can understand why you feel that way but if you let me I can change your mind about me I'm very different from Matthew as different as chalk and cheese but considering your experiences with the two of us I can't understand why you would feel differently however I'm going to convince you that that is the case so I would like you to be eating breakfast lunch and supper with me and my family,” The invitation like everything else that Tyler did was tactical and all part of his plan Judas was fully aware of this he knew that the other man's personality has not just taken a complete 180 overnight. He was worried about how he was supposed to respond to this his face tight end up and the rage inside of him built up, heated being played like this like some kind of toy in Tyler's hands mostly for his amusement apparent to be since he had not started with his main plan obviously. Less than 38 hours ago he was completely on the side of his nemesis and because of the way the tables had t
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Sanya was primping and preening in front of the mirror, meticulously perfecting her appearance, when she felt the weight of her best friend's disapproving gaze upon her. Sharon's judgmental stare was like a palpable force, making Sanya's skin prickle with discomfort. Though she tried to ignore it, Sharon's intense scrutiny was suffocating, her hot breath on the back of Sanya's neck making her skin crawl."Sharon, you know you're not going to be able to discourage me from doing this," Sanya said, her voice laced with a hint of exasperation, "so at the very least you should..."But before she could finish, Sharon's expression darkened, her eyebrows drawing together in a fierce scowl. Her eyes blazed with a fierce intensity, as if daring Sanya to continue. The air was thick with tension, the silence between them a heavy, oppressive weight that seemed to pulse with unspoken disagreement.Sharon's words were laced with a mix of frustration and concern, her tone a perfect blend of exasperat
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A story to tell
With lightning-quick reflexes, Sanya's hand darted into her bag and emerged with a compact canister of pepper spray, her fingers wrapping around it like a lifeline. She held it up, her eyes flashing a warning, her voice firm and commanding. "Look, you don't want to mess with me, so I suggest you leave me alone before I give you a taste of my pepper spray!"The stranger's expression remained unperturbed, his eyes never leaving hers. He raised his hands, palms facing her, in a calming gesture. "I mean you no harm," he said, his deep voice soothing. "I'm here because someone very important has been searching for you."Sanya's eyes narrowed, her grip on the pepper spray tightening. She took a cautious step back, her eyes locked on the stranger. "Who is it?" she demanded, her voice laced with skepticism.The stranger's eyes crinkled at the corners, a hint of a smile playing on his lips. "Let's just say...a mutual acquaintance," he said, his tone cryptic.Sanya's eyes never left his face, h
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Sanya's words dripped with desperation, her eyes pleading with Sharon to understand. "Do I have to spell everything out for you? Matthew is rich and powerful. When do you think I'll ever get the attention of somebody like that again? My entire life, aren't you tired of living the way we do?"Sharon's gaze wandered around the room, taking in the humble apartment they had shared for so long. It wasn't luxurious, but it was home, filled with memories and laughter. She felt a pang of hurt, realizing that Sanya was willing to sacrifice their comfortable life together for a chance at wealth and status.The room, once a symbol of their friendship and contentment, now seemed dull and lacking in Sanya's eyes. Sharon sensed that her friend was trying to convince herself as much as Sharon, that she was more dissatisfied with their life than she actually was. But Sanya needed Sharon to believe her version of the truth, to justify her pursuit of Matthew.Sharon's heart ached, seeing the desperatio
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Big picture
If Sanya had pictured anything for her day it was definitely not getting chest by a cab driver who was repeatedly calling her a thief and demanding that somebody grab her high heels were not helping and she regretted wearing them along with a couple of other decisions. She could imagine that Sharon was in the corner right now laughing at her how did she even know that she was not being scammed from the start as if somebody was not playing some kind of nasty prank on her to see just how far she would go? Despite the build of the perverted cab driver he was actually quite faster than sanya had expected and she was not able to so easily outrun him it was because of this that she saw she was about to be caught and just when she thoughts that she was about to make it down the streets and very herself with the people and the crowds her heel broke betraying her. As soon as her heel broke she was expecting that the perverted cab driver would just grab her immediately but then it was som
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Since she was alone in the office she was not able to hold back her curiosity and Matthews laptop was there open it was a temptation that she was not able to resist and that was exactly why she had to go behind his desk but of course it was foolish of her to think that somebody like him would just leave his laptop open and they wouldn't be a password as she was staring at the password she felt like she was looking at another brick wall again amongst many others that she had to encounter. She decided that she might not get the opportunity again anytime soon and so she decided that she was going to make use of it she tried using his birthday and it was a failure not only that she started hearing a creaking sound and it was too fast the next thing she knew it was Matthew standing at the entrance of the office and then she was behind his laptop both of them locked eyes for a while and because of this sweat began to drip down her face immediately while his face was completely painted w
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"Oh, we meet again," Sonya says with a bright smile, her eyes sparkling with a hint of mischief. "It's nice to see you again, Mr." Her voice is warm and inviting, but Tyler's expression remains stoic, his eyes fixed on some point between Sonya and Mathew without uttering a word.Mathew looks surprised, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. He doesn't know what Tyler is doing at his company, and at the other end, he doesn't know how Sonya knows Tyler. The tension is evident, the air thick with unspoken questions."How did you know him?" Mathew asks immediately, his curiosity getting the better of him. His eyes dart back and forth between Sonya and Tyler, searching for answers. Sonya's smile falters for a moment, and she exchanges a brief glance with Tyler before turning back to Mathew."He helped me earlier," Sonya replied with a smile, her eyes sparkling with gratitude. "If not for him, the taxi driver would have disgraced me." Her voice was laced with a hint of embarrassment, and she g
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"I warned you, but since you don't listen, you're going to regret it," Tyler says, his voice dripping with malice. His eyes gleam with a sinister intensity, and his smile is a cold, calculated gesture. Mathew's face twists in anger, his eyes flashing with defiance. "And you think Judas is any different? You believe I manipulated Judas? He's a grown man, not a kid to manipulate. And I love him, which is more than I can say for you," Mathew spits out the words, his contempt for Tyler evident. Tyler's laughter is like a cold wind, sending shivers down the spine. "Yeah, I know you both are evils, but you're the worst. Judas is already going through his punishment at my place, and you'll soon be joining him." Tyler's eyes glint with triumph, as if he's savoring the victory. Mathew's face darkens, his eyes blazing with fury. "I am not like Judas. You can't do anything to me. And I'll make sure you lose all those shares you secretly bought in the company." Mathew's voice is a low growl, a
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