All Chapters of Rise of the Student Zillionaire Heir: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
181 chapters
Chapter 31: Dominance Aura!
Immediately afterward, Felixa looked up and said seriously, “It’s okay, I’m used to hearing them gossip. Besides, I feel like we’re not just classmates, but also friends, right?”“Of course!” Charlie nodded with a smile.After finishing their meal.“Felixa, it’s not too late yet, let’s go out and have some fun,” Charlie suggested.Charlie already had a plan in mind.“Go out? Go where?” Felixa asked curiously.“To the club,” Charlie replied shortly.“The club? Um... Charlie, I don’t like going to places like that.” Felixa shook her head.Felixa was very confused. Why did Charlie suddenly invite her to the club?“Don’t worry, Felixa. We’re just going to have fun. I don’t have any other intentions. Will it be too much if I ask you to fulfill this request?” Charlie smiled.“Okay then.”After thinking for a moment, Felixa finally agreed.In Felixa’s eyes, Charlie wasn’t a bad person. So, she decided to trust Charlie.After saying goodbye to her mother, they both went out.***Half an hour l
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Chapter 32: Diamond VIP card!
Eliza trembled in fear at Charlie’s attitude. She gritted her teeth and finally uttered three words, “No... it doesn’t violate.”“Since I haven’t broken any rules, why are you still standing there doing nothing? Aren’t you supposed to hurry and take us to the booth? Remember, I want the best booth.” Though Charlie’s voice wasn’t loud, it was filled with anger.“You...”Eliza’s expression turned grim. Was he ordering her to serve them?“What? Now we are guests. Do you know how to serve guests?! If your service isn’t satisfactory, I’ll complain directly to your boss. Do you understand?” Charlie snapped coldly.Eliza’s expression worsened after hearing his words.She knew if Charlie had indeed spent tens of millions here, she had to serve them well. If not, her boss would surely blame her if Charlie complained to him.She had just seen Charlie give away tens of millions for free. This indicated that Charlie must be capable of spending more than 20 million here.“I asked, do you understan
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Chapter 33: A kiss from Felixa!
“Sure, sure! Of course, no problem! Don’t worry, Sir, I’ll handle it right away,” Warren nodded, laughing.Moments later, Warren turned and instructed one of the servants, “Go! Quickly summon Eliza here!”“Yes, Mr. Warren!” After the servant nodded, he swiftly turned and ran off.Felixa, beside him, was puzzled by this turn of events. She had only seen Charlie take out a card, so why did the club owner suddenly act so respectfully?Of course, Felixa was unaware of the VIP diamond card. To her, it was nothing more than a pretty piece of card.She wouldn’t be puzzled if she knew the true significance of this card.After the servant left.“Sir, if I may ask, what’s your name?” Warren asked, still chuckling.“My name is Charlie,” Charlie replied casually.“Charlie?” Boss Warren muttered. He seemed to have heard someone mention that name recently. However, he couldn’t quite recall who that person was.At the same time, Eliza hurried over.“Boss.” Eliza saluted Warren with a smile.Eliza ap
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Chapter 34: Mr. Director!
Upon arriving at the company, Charlie headed straight to the reception desk.“Good morning, Mr. Director!” greeted one of the receptionists enthusiastically.“Is Mr. Rahil in his office?” Charlie asked the receptionist.“I’m sorry, Sir. Mr. Rahil went to inspect the project site, but... he should be back soon,” the receptionist replied with a smile.“Alright, I’ll wait for him here then,” said Charlie.Shortly after, Charlie walked towards the rest area not far from the reception desk. After finding a place to rest for a while, he took out his phone to pass the time.After a while, a man with gold-rimmed glasses entered the waiting room and sat across from Charlie.“Are you also here for an interview?” the man with the gold-rimmed glasses asked while observing Charlie from head to toe.“Well... why? Is there a problem?” Charlie asked back with a smile.From his appearance, Charlie could guess that the man with the gold-rimmed glasses was here for an interview at the company.“No, not
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Chapter 35: Emergency Situation
Inside the director’s office.Charlie sat on his chair, while Rahil stood right beside him.“Sorry, Sir, you just mentioned that there’s something you wanted to discuss,” said Rahil.“Mr. Rahil, do you still remember the girl I brought to the company yesterday? On behalf of Enigma Enterprises, you’ll go to her house and help her mother find the best hospital to treat her. Additionally, you’ll also give her some money. Use company funds to handle everything,” said Charlie.“The girl from yesterday, Sir? Are you planning to help her again? Could it be that you like this girl?” Rahil teased Charlie with a smile.Rahil still vividly remembered the issue from yesterday. And now, once again, Charlie planned to help that girl; it was reasonable for him to think along those lines.“Um... I just feel sorry for her, so I intend to help her, nothing more,” Charlie said a little awkwardly.“Hehehe... Sir, you don’t need to explain further. However experienced I am, I can assure you my feelings ar
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Chapter 36: A Crisis!
That’s why Charlie exploded in anger immediately upon hearing the news!Who knows how many families would be left destitute because of such deliberate actions!? What would happen to the families left behind by husbands or breadwinners! And also, how many children would be orphaned like himself after being left by their fathers!“Mr. Charlie, this David guy is truly ruthless. Who knows how many lives he sacrificed to secure his current position! He wouldn’t care about the workers’ fate. As long as his goals are achieved, he’d sacrifice many lives!” Rahil exclaimed.“Scoundrels like him deserve to be punished!” Charlie clenched his fists.Just then, Rahil’s secretary rushed into the room in a panicked state.“Mr. Charlie, Mr. Rahil, the head office of Enigma Enterprises just contacted us. They said they’ve received numerous complaints from customers. The reason is the same, Sir, it’s still about the issues at Lotus Real Estate,” the secretary reported.“Damn! Damn! Damn! Why do problems
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Chapter 37: Whose Idea is This?
After a while, Charlie suddenly asked Rahil, “By the way, how much compensation does the company pay to the family members of dead workers?”“One billion, Sir. It’s the standard policy set by the head office. The process will be completed soon, and we’ll distribute it shortly,” Rahil replied.“One billion? That amount is too little, I want to double it, give two billion to each family as compensation! I don’t care about the rules from the head office. In this branch company, if a death case like this arises, I want you to give two billion as compensation to the grieving families!” Charlie exclaimed.Charlie still vividly remembered when his father died while working in building construction. The company denied his father’s death and didn’t provide any compensation to his family. When his mother demanded it, she was beaten and kicked out. And in the end, his mother had to bear the cost of his father’s funeral.“Too little, Sir?” Rahil said, slightly surprised.In Rahil’s mind, most com
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Chapter 38: Day of Reckoning!
Capital city of the province, Donovan family residence.In a grand white mansion, Mr. Ornell’s secretary strode quickly inside.“Mr. Ornell, there’s news about the branch company in San Setillo!” he exclaimed excitedly.“What? That was fast! What’s the result?” Ornell asked, curious.“The branch company in San Setillo decided to offer a 30% discount on housing sales at Lotus Real Estate. After hearing the news, all the customers who were adamant about canceling changed their minds! And finally, the situation is under control!” the secretary said, smiling.“A 30% discount? Just as I thought! If I was in his shoes, I’d do the same. It’s the best way to handle the current situation,” Ornell nodded approvingly, pleased with Charlie’s performance.Nevertheless, Ornell had been in the business world for years. He didn’t worry too much about the losses in front of him. If there was a small profit to be made, so be it; there would always be other opportunities for bigger gains later on.That’s
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Chapter 39: Buying Lotus Garden Restaurant!
Charlie turned to the source of the voice. Sure enough, a very familiar figure appeared before him.It was the manager of Lotus Garden Restaurant, the same person who had mocked and threatened to report Charlie to the police back then.“I thought so, it’s you two!” the manager said, stepping closer.“You two have no shame, huh? Still daring to come here! Why? Want to eat for free again? Hoping there would be more people who believe in fraudsters like you and pay for everything?” the manager sneered with contempt.Charlie’s face darkened. The issue with this restaurant manager had already angered Charlie before. And now, before Charlie could even seek him out to resolve the matter, here he was, appearing before Charlie!“Watch your filthy mouth! Do you even know who’s standing beside me!?” Salvino snapped. He had been visibly annoyed from the start. Just imagining the manager’s face was enough to irritate him, let alone meeting him in person!?“I heard he’s the grandson of Mr. Ornell,
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Chapter 40: Lamborghini Show!
“Yanis got hit? What’s the reason?” Charlie furrowed his brows.Yanis was Charlie and Salvino’s dorm mate. However, being a gaming maniac, he often spent his time at internet cafes. So, they rarely went out together.Nevertheless, Charlie and Salvino still considered him a good friend.Now, Charlie was already quite successful. If Yanis was in trouble, he couldn’t just sit back and do nothing.“Yanis said he was hit by a punk kid near the school. He was asked to pay for their internet cafe usage. Of course, he refused, so they dragged him out of the cafe and beat him up,” Salvino explained.He paused for a moment, then continued, “Right now, they won’t let Yanis go until he gives them 4 million. And they also said they would break his legs and arms to make him disabled.”“Yanis doesn’t have the money, that’s why he could only call me for help. If possible, he’s asking us to bring the money there to save him. He promises to pay us back later.”“Those scumbags! It’s like robbery!” Charl
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