All Chapters of Rise of the Student Zillionaire Heir: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
181 chapters
Chapter 41: Punk Kids!
“Ea-eating feces?” Erwan’s face turned pale upon hearing it.As Charlie’s Lamborghini attracted too much attention, there were now many people surrounding them, discussing them.“It’s like a real-life movie where a conglomerate is lecturing street punk kids. Quite interesting!”“I know this punk group. They often cause trouble around here. This time, they finally got what’s coming to them! Serves them right!”“Exactly, these punk kids are too unruly. Finally, someone can teach them a lesson!”Seeing a conglomerate reprimanding the punk kids, the pedestrians around also felt relieved.“Bro, eating dog feces? Humans can’t eat that. Don’t joke around,” Erwan forced a smile.Eating feces is more disgusting than eating used candies. Just looking at it made him feel disgusted, let alone eating it.“Dog feces indeed are not human food, but if eaten by a human who acts like an animal like you, that’s not a problem,” Charlie smirked, folding his arms.Salvino also chimed in, “You’ve already hi
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Chapter 42: David the Furious!
After leaving the internet cafe entrance, Charlie and Salvino immediately took Yanis to the Lotus Garden Restaurant.Meanwhile, the punk kids who had attacked were already subdued. They were all helpless and immediately taken to the hospital by an ambulance.At Lotus Garden Restaurant.Salvino told Yanis about Charlie’s secret, that he was the CEO of Enigma Enterprises and also Ornell’s grandson.“What? CEO of Enigma Enterprises! Grandson of Ornell, the richest man!” Yanis’s eyes widened in surprise.Truly extraordinary, Yanis knew well how great Ornell and Enigma Enterprises were. That’s why he was astonished upon learning this new fact.Previously, even if he killed Yanis, the man still wouldn’t have believed it. But now, seeing Charlie driving a sports car and being able to summon so many people so quickly, he had no choice but to believe the information.“Yanis, this restaurant has also been bought by Charlie,” Salvino said with a smile.When Yanis first entered, he heard the wait
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Chapter 43: Murder Attack
“Mr. Charlie, David might have guessed that we are the masterminds behind today’s actions. David is a cruel person, he will surely seek revenge. You have to be more careful,” Rahil said very seriously.“Don’t worry, he’ll seek his revenge if he can.” Charlie still smiled.“By the way, Mr. Rahil, you said there was something important to tell me. What’s up?” Charlie looked up and asked.“Oh yes, Mr. Charlie, in a week there will be an auction event, the highlight of which is a land auction,” said Rahil.Rahil continued, “At that time, there will be some very valuable and important pieces of land. You must attend the auction and try to acquire those important lands. It’s related to the company’s plans for the coming years.”Enigma Enterprise’s main business is real estate. So, it’s crucial to acquire good land with great locations. Only on good land can real estate be built.Moreover, land in strategic locations will surely be coveted by many.“A week from now? Alright, I understand!” C
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Chapter 44: Dare to Kick Me Out?
“Boss, I don’t know what happened. Everyone I sent seems to have vanished into thin air,” Peter said cautiously.Unable to contact the people he had sent, Peter was left clueless about what was going on.“That means the mission failed, right?” David asked coldly.Peter nodded cautiously.“Trash! All in vain!”David, furious, smashed the wine glass in his hand by throwing it to the floor. Shards of glass mixed with red wine scattered across the floor.The people in the living room could only bow their heads and dare not speak. They all knew clearly what David’s temper was like. If anyone dared to disturb him while he was angry, it would be the end of them. That’s why no one even dared to breathe.At the same time, Peter dared to lift his head and speak cautiously, “Boss, I think, the people I sent, they couldn’t... couldn’t possibly all be dead, right?”“Find them all! Even if they’ve become corpses! Find them for me! San Setillo is my territory, I refuse to believe they can’t be found
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Chapter 45: Not Worthy!
“Dean, I... I didn’t take anyone’s side. This student has been absent from class for a total of 37 hours. According to campus regulations, he should be expelled,” Pietro said softly, lowering his head in fear.The girl with purple hair quickly voiced her thoughts as well, “Yes, that’s right, Sir! He often skips classes and the impact is very bad, so, he should be expelled!”After hearing the words of his two students, Adelio’s face darkened.“Do you still dare to say that? Silence! Do you know who Young Master Charlie is? You’ve offended him, I think it’s both of you who should be expelled!” Adelio shouted directly at them.Seeing their dean’s anger, both Pietro and the girl with purple hair trembled in fear. Their faces looked very pale. They simply bowed their heads without daring to speak any further.They didn’t expect their dean to be so angry just because they offended Charlie.“If both of you don’t want to be expelled, you must apologize to Young Master Charlie immediately!” Ad
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Chapter 46: I’ll Treat You!
“It’s not your fault, Felixa.” Charlie didn’t want Felixa to worry, so he smiled at her.Immediately after, Charlie glanced at Elena.“Elena, I just want to warn you. What you hear from the outside may not necessarily be true. For Felixa’s sake, I don’t care about what you’ve done today. But, what you need to remember is if you underestimate others, it will only bring bad luck upon you,” Charlie said sarcastically.After saying these words, Charlie turned around and returned to his seat calmly.“Hah! I don’t need your lecture! You’re just a poor kid!” Elena continued to belittle Charlie.Charlie sat back down in his chair.“Charlie, I’m truly sorry. Because I invited you, it only made things messier,” Salvino looked guilty.“It’s okay, you can’t be blamed.” Charlie patted Salvino’s shoulder to reassure him.“Charlie, I feel really angry. These people are really bold to say such things to you. They even dare to belittle you! I really want you to show your true identity as the CEO of En
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Chapter 47 : I Am the Boss!
Inside Lotus Garden Restaurant.There were more than forty students in Charlie’s class. This made Lotus Garden Restaurant look very crowded.Seeing so many people suddenly coming, some waiters immediately welcomed them.“Excuse me, are you here at Lotus Garden Restaurant for dinner?” a waiter asked.“Yes, we’re a class here and we want to have dinner together, is there an empty table?” Elena explained.“Dinner from a class? Are you... are you sure?”Some waiters looked very surprised.The menu prices at Lotus Garden Restaurant were very expensive. Usually, only wealthy people’s children who wanted to have a private dinner came there.No one had ever held a class dinner at a fancy restaurant!“Of course!”Someone’s loud voice was heard from outside the door.Some waiters turned to look around. When they saw Charlie stepping in from the crowd, they were immediately surprised.“Boss!”Some waiters were surprised, isn’t this Charlie, their boss?Immediately after that, they all hurriedly
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Chapter 48: Conflict!
Zerlina, on the other end of the phone, for some reason felt calm upon hearing Charlie say that.“He’s the son of the owner of Pfizer Company. He asked me out for lunch to discuss business. But... he...” Zerlina hesitated slightly at the end of her sentence.“He wants to pursue you under the pretext of inviting you out for lunch to discuss work?” Charlie said, smiling.After hearing what Zerlina said, Charlie already had his own guess in mind.“Hmm...” Zerlina just whispered in agreement from the other end of the phone.“So, I want to ask for your help to pretend to be my boyfriend. When we meet him together, he’ll definitely know that I already have a boyfriend. Of course, after that, he won’t pursue me anymore,” Zerlina explained.“Oh.” Charlie nodded in understanding.“Then... can you help me? The time will be half past one in the afternoon,” Zerlina’s sweet voice sounded over the phone.“No problem. Just send me the address of the restaurant,” Charlie replied promptly.For Charlie
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Chapter 49: More Expensive Than Your Car
If this person dared to do something, Charlie surely wouldn’t let it slide.It didn’t matter if he was the son of the owner of Pfizer Company. When he dared to misbehave in front of Charlie, then Charlie wouldn’t stay silent.“You!”When he saw the fork in Charlie’s hand, the expression on his face suddenly changed. At the same time, he swallowed his saliva and looked a bit weak.The man also had his own background to uphold, so he dared to bully others recklessly.But when it came to fighting, he really couldn’t do it. He was afraid that if h really fought, then Charlie would hit him with the fork in his hand.“James. What are you doing? He’s my boyfriend!” Zerlina tried to intervene.“Boyfriend? Zerlina, he’s your boyfriend? Since when do you have a boyfriend?” James looked surprised.“Since when I have a boyfriend is my own business. It has nothing to do with you,” Zerlina said coldly.“It doesn’t matter! Zerlina, you’re the one I’m after!” James said sharply.At the same time, Jam
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Chapter 50: Photo!
Charlie’s voice wasn’t loud, but there was no doubt it sounded very commanding.Zerlina, pulled into Charlie’s embrace, looked surprised. Her face even flushed slightly.For Zerlina, no man had ever hugged her like this before.But Zerlina didn’t try to resist; instead, she let Charlie hold her like this. She also knew that Charlie did it to make the drama feel more real.James stared at the woman he had been dreaming of, now held by someone else, making him feel jealous, envious, and hateful!But there was nothing he could do.“Do you hear what I just said? Answer me!” Charlie continued his questioning of James in a cold voice.“I... understand, Mr. Charlie.” James gritted his teeth and nodded.After all, Charlie was much stronger than him. Could James dare to snatch a woman from the richest grandson? He didn’t dare to. Even thinking about it was reluctant.“Alright, I’ll take it that you’re being sensible. If you dare to refuse, I can guarantee your family won’t be able to survive i
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