All Chapters of HANDS OF RETRIBUTION : Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
200 chapters
Lilian sat before the casket all dressed one black. It seemed like Deja vu. Just over a month ago, she had sat here to mourn the death of Timothy Belton, David’s uncle. And now it was her turn to mourn someone close to her—her father. It all came as a shock. It still felt like a dream as well to Lilian. She felt that she would wake up soon. This wasn’t how this was supposed to end. Her father wouldn’t die off leaving her here. There had to be something wrong about this. As Lilian gulped hard, she fought back the feeling of reality dawning on her. Her father was truly gone. His lifeless body lay in the casket before then as the priest said the prayers. It was all her fault. The news of the company not being under their control anymore had come as a shock to Lincoln. That was what triggered his heart attack, which ultimately led to his death. Lilian panicked as he was brought to the hospital, but she had expected everything to turn out well much later. She had expected it to be just a
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“What are you doing here?” She asked. David, who was talking to some people, turned around and met Lilian. She seemed to be in a conversation with herself. Roman didn’t say anything apart from that. He only smiled at her which began to annoy Lilian. But deep down, she was glad that he was here. That is if he was really here. “What do you want, Roman?”Roman took a step closer until he was face to face with her. Lilian could feel her heart thumping hard against her chest. She couldn’t remember the last time she was this close to him. It was many years ago. But she could remember how he smelt. Roman placed his hand on her cheek and caressed it slowly. Lilian closed her eyes and savored his touch. She was glad that he was here. She couldn’t deny the fact anymore. Roman had been the first one to meet her father, Lincoln. He had stayed with them a while so he understood how she felt presently. His touch was soothing, and she wanted it to last a bit longer. “Lilian?” David’s voice soun
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Roman watched as everybody dispersed from the cemetery. He had been watching Lilian give a speech about her father. It felt so emotional. It was hard to believe that Lincoln was dead. Roman was appalled by that. Though he hated him so much, he didn’t wish for Lincoln to die. Not until he had his revenge on him. This had turned from something gun to something tragic. He had a pair of black shades on which complemented the black suit he wore. He was here only because he felt he should be. The news had reached him as soon as he had returned from New Jersey. At first, he had thought that Ben was kidding with him until he had shown him the report. Lincoln had been labeled dead by the general hospital. He felt so bad for Lilian. The only pain she deserved was one from him. Lincoln had been so bad to him. He had fired him and also tricked his daughter into divorcing him. This was after he had made him go through hell at his house. From the day he had been married to Lilian until the day h
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Viper Don was standing by the window with his hands behind him. He was thinking of his recent actions. With the death of Lincoln reaching him just a few hours ago, he was pleased by it. With Lincoln gone, he knew that nobody was going to stop him from getting the company. Florence now had a free ride to the CEO’s chair. The only person who could think of stopping them was Roman, but he knew that Roman was being cautious. He had barely shown his face ever since that night he had ruined him, and he felt that it was still affecting him up until now. With the seat of the CEO now in his control, Viper Don had to begin the next phase of his plan which was the artifacts. When he finally had the compass and map, he would be the most powerful man in New York, and nobody was going to stop him. Not even the cops. It was only a matter of time before he got his hands on it. He was working his men off making them search Jermaine’s residence twenty-four-seven hoping that they would finally stumble
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Florence was shaking as she held the doorknob. What was she going to do about this? She couldn’t let Roman die. But that would be going against her father and she didn’t want any of that. Her father wouldn’t forgive her for going against him. Florence was in a dilemma. How was she going to go about this? Maybe the best thing to do was completely ignore this. Roman was strong enough to handle this himself. She could flee the country and never look back. She had enough money to start a life outside, but she couldn’t abandon Roman. The guilt wouldn’t let her. She felt that she had used Roman to get closer to him. She had thought that what they had was real. And maybe he was. The sex and the way he touched her made her feel amazing. Roman was a good person. She couldn’t let Roman die, but she didn’t stand a chance against her father. She had thought that she would be able to get through to him and make him change his mind about continuing with this lifestyle. She had thought that she s
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As Roman stepped out of the car, he reached into his breast lovey for his vibrating phone. A loud thunderclap could be heard in the background. It seemed it was going to rain tonight. Roman looked at the caller’s ID and was surprised to see that it was Ben calling him. He answered the phone and shut the door of the Audi. “Where are you?” Ben demanded. Roman sighed as he stood facing the building before him. He was in the parking lot of a bar. Tonight, he was going to drink away his sorrows. It was strange that he would rather drink at a bar than have a drink at home. After being at the funeral, he felt that it was best to mourn Lincoln too. And he needed to do it alone. “I'll be returning home late tonight,” he replied. Ben sighed on the other end of the line. “Just be careful, Roman.”Roman scoffed at his words. “Since when did you start being so caring?”“The weatherman said there’s going to be a storm tonight. I’m just making sure you’re safe.”“I’ll be fine, Ben.”Ben ended
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“Are you okay?” Roman asked. The goth girl nodded at him timidly in response. Roman sighed and straightened his clothes as he stared at the body of the bald man lying on the floor. He was still feeling woozy from the liquor. This was time for him to head home. He had come here looking for some fun and he had found it with the man. Now it was time to head home and get some rest. There were a lot of things still left for him to do. “Thank you,” the goth girl added. “What are you doing at a bar like this?”The girl scratched the back of her neck and grew speechless at that. Roman raised an eyebrow indicating that he needed a response but none came. “You know what? Forget about it. You can go home,” he said and turned around to the bartender. Roman reached into his inner breast pocket and brought out his wallet. He took out a few dollar bills and kept them on the counter. The bartender gave him a grim look. “That is for the drink and also for the glass.”The bartender nodded, pick
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Alicia and Billy, the bald man stared at Roman’s body which was now on the ground. They had been successful in their mission. Roman was dead. She could see the blood oozing out of his motionless body as he lay in the rain. “What are we going to do with him?” Billy asked. “We will get rid of the body,” she replied. Alicia shoved the gun into her skirt and walked forward. They had received a call from Viper Don less than three hours ago to take care of Roman. He wasn’t useful to him anymore and therefore to be ended. Alicia had been shocked by this. She was also unsure about getting rid of Roman. She knew Roman for being lethal and strong. But tonight, he had barely expressed that. He had managed to take out Billy effortlessly, a move which they had both planned out. They knew if they were to kill someone like Roman, everything had to be done according to plan. And it did. Alicia had suggested she pose as a helpless hooker, knowing that Roman would want to help her out. Who woul
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Eric Hilton closed the file and laid back on his desk. He was exhausted. Nothing was added to it. He felt like he was wasting his time looking at the files. There was nothing in there that was going to lead them to the murderer. They were all random but were affiliated to Viper Don. Adam Coleman who was sitting beside him was eating ramen. He had run out of steam a couple of hours earlier. All their investigations were leading to nowhere. They were still back to square one no matter how hard they tried. Eric stroked his chin as he thought of the accident that had happened. Leonard had told them that it hadn’t been planned. The killer aimed to kill Timothy Belton with the gun. But instead, he had missed which had led to the accident that had ended up killing Timothy. Timothy had been affiliated with Viper Don. And so was Jermaine Rhoades. That was the only lead they had. So far it didn’t look like all the killings had been done by one person. Each bullet they had run analysis on ha
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The line rang but there was no answer. That was the third now. Ben was getting frustrated. It had been two days since the night he had last called Roman, and he hadn’t heard any word from him. This was suspicious. Why wasn’t Roman picking up his call? Ben feared that something bad must have happened to him. “Still no word?” Lydia asked, coming down the stairs. Ben shook his head. He wondered what Roman could be doing now. Why was he too busy to answer his phone? Something was wrong. Ben felt that Viper Don must have gotten to him again. It was possible. But he wasn’t sure that Roman would go down that easily the second time. Then where was he?The door swung open and they both turned with expectation. It was Selena Rhoades at the door which made Ben and Lydia upset. Selena read the room as she closed the door behind her. She read the expression on Ben’s worrisome face. Something was wrong, but she figured nobody was going to say anything to her. “Try again,” Lydia suggested. Ben
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