All Chapters of HANDS OF RETRIBUTION : Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
200 chapters
“You can’t be serious,” Lydia said. Ben was still trying to grasp what had just happened. He had put the pieces together easily. Roman’s car was parked haphazardly by the roadside. It meant that he had been in a rush. Maybe he had been held at gunpoint or he had been trying to run from a shootout. It would only explain why the door was left open, and why the battery had died. And then, there was blood on the pavement. Maybe it wasn’t his. Maybe it was from one of the thugs that had tried to end him. But either way, someone had been killed, and he feared that it was Roman. Roman hadn’t been armed last night, and he wouldn’t just kill recklessly. There had to be something that occurred. Plus there was also a body missing. The dumpster and its surroundings were stained with blood. It meant that someone had taken it from there. Ben wasn’t sure it was Roman’s. But if it wasn’t, then where was he? Why wasn’t he picking up his calls? And why didn’t he come home?Ben was in a dilemma. S
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Donald tried the line one more time and he was told the same thing by the machine; the number had been disconnected. As he stood by the sunlit window of his study room, he tried hard to digest what was happening to him. The number he had been trying to call was Florence. It seemed now that she was no more interested in working with him which hurt a lot. Why would Florence disconnect her line and where was she? Why would she choose to ignore him? In her defense, she had every right to hate him. He had manipulated her multiple times into helping him against her wishes. He had made her into an object since she was eighteen. This was because she was the smartest girl he knew. His daughter had inherited her mother’s brains so he couldn’t just let her waste it. He had decided to use it to his advantage and also mold her in his image. This was to make sure that she took over the cartel when he couldn’t go any longer. But that didn’t seem possible now, because she was goneWithout Flore
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Troyes Incorporated was in a mess currently, but that was concealed tonight by a lavish party rumored to have been organized by the new CEO. After the death of Lincoln Troyes, the company had been in limbo because there had been no leader to control the company. But that was going to him tonight. Why? There was a new CEO that was going to be announced and everyone was eager to know who it was. Well, everyone but Lilian and David Troyes. As their Cadillac arrived at the party, Lilian felt she should have stayed home instead. She wasn’t ready to be back in public. Her mind was still trying to grasp the reality that had hit her a few moments ago. Her father’s death had hit her hard, and she was still trying to recover from the shock. Her husband, David, had always been with her trying to make sure that she got everything she needed. But that didn’t matter to her. The only thing she wanted was for her father to be alive. But that was a wish she couldn’t be grantedShe would have to liv
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The sound of the gunshots echoed in the darkness. That was all that he could feel. It was cold and dark, and there was no way to escape. He was stuck. The feeling was morbid and surreal, but he had watched it happen because it had happened to him. He was scampering around in the dark abyss looking for a way out—for a light in the tunnel but there was none. This was it. This was the end. But could it be? After everything? It had come to an abrupt end. An end he felt was undeserving for all the hard work he had put in. This couldn't be the end of his story. He tried his best to scream at the top of his voice but no words came out. It felt like a lump was stuck in his throat which prevented him from screaming at the top of his voice. His reality was that he was stuck. But for how long? A few weeks? Years? Or even forever? He dreaded the last thought. There was no way he was going to let this happen to him. He had to find a way out as soon as possible. And then, there was the light t
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Eric tapped his chin as he watched the news from his couch. It was showing the party of Troyes Inc. when Eric saw the video of Donald Weah coming up as the new CEO of Troyes Inc. He couldn’t help but think that something was off. There was something wrong with Troyes Inc. It was barely weeks after Lincoln Troyes had died, and he had been expecting David Troyes, his son-in-law to step up as the new CEO. Eric was certain that was what everybody had pictured as well. So who was this man? And why was he the new CEO? Did David step down for him? Eric doubted that. He rose from the couch and headed into the kitchen with two empty bottles of beer. When he dumped them in the trash can, he reached for the telephone that was by the wall and dialed Adam’s number. The phone rang for a while before Adam picked up. “What is it?”Eric walked back into the living room with a torn wireless receiver. “Are you seeing this?” He asked as he stood before his television screen. There was silence for a
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“But that can’t be possible, can it?” Adam asked before munching his burger. Eric shrugged his shoulders as he drank his cappuccino. They had stayed up all night to work on the case especially now that they had figured out that Viper Don was Donald Weah. They had looked up on Donald Weah and Eric wasn’t surprised when he was shown a couple of things about Donald Weah’s demise. It turned out that he had a daughter, Florence Weah who owned a share in Troyes Inc. which made everything make sense after that. Donald Weah had been claimed dead many years ago after his wife had died. That was why Viper Don didn’t have a face. It was because his prints and face had been erased from the database after he was found to be dead. That was why nobody could trace him. After Timothy Belton’s death, Eric realized that it could have been Viper Don’s plan to get rid of him to move up the rankings on the board. The company had been with him from the start. But he was the only one who knew about it. A
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Roman opened his eyes once more and stared at his surroundings. He sighed as he realized that he was still in Florence’s room. When he had first woken up, he thought that it had all been a dream and that he would eventually wake up in his office or his bedroom. But that wasn’t true now. The prospect of getting shot was traumatizing. It seems Viper Don was out to make his life miserable. After getting his spike broken by his men, he attempted to take his life. That was all that he needed. Roman knew that with him out of the picture, Viper Don would have easy access to the artefacts and Selena as well. That had been the plan all along. Roman tried to sit up, but the pain in his chest stung a lot. He sighed and decided to lie back down. It was happening all over again. Just like the time had his back broken. He had been immobile for weeks until he had been nursed back to health by Lydia and Ben. Roman had hated that feeling of always having to depend on others for survival. And it wa
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Roman was now seated on the couch. He was watching a television program. It had been a long time since he had seen the television. Being connected from the outside would have its advantages and also its disadvantages. Besides him sat Florence who looked to be engrossed in the program. It was a telenovela program and it caught Florence's mind. It had been a week since he had been able to walk on his two feet. He was getting better, but better wasn’t enough. He needed to be back to his best once more, but he feared that would be a long time. There were still bandages on his chest which meant that the wound wasn’t fully healed. He couldn’t stress himself in fear that the stitches may be undone, and that would mean going back to square one all over again. As his eyes fell on Florence, he wondered how he would tell her that he was going to murder her dad. She was the person who had saved his life, and he still wondered why she had chosen to do that. She had every right to put a bullet
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Adam walked through the hallway with haste. He was heading back to his desk to meet up with Eric. In his hand was a flash drive, a drive which seemed to contain something worth much to Adam. They were still on the case after Deputy Behrens had told them to stay away from it. There was no way they were going to let the Deputy decide who brought the murderers and all those involved in the case to Justice. So far, there hadn’t been anyone who had been employed to take over the case which had been suspicious to Adam. They had been taken off the case for about a month now and there was nobody that had been appointed to handle the case. The case seemed to be stale and scary in the water which wasn’t a good look. And that wasn’t all. There was a new development in the case. One that was going to shock Eric. When Adam arrived at the desk, he found Eric seated with his feet on the desk as he leaned back on his seat. He had a hat covering his face and Adam knew that he was sleeping. They ha
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Florence handed Roman a glass of water as she came into the room. Roman looked at the glass of water in her hand hesitantly before getting it from her. He kept it by his side as he watched Florence take a seat beside him. Florence could feel her heart pounding. She had been caught by Roman. It seemed he had found out the truth about her father. It stunned her that her father would end yon being broadcasted in the news again. After the takeover of Troyes Inc., she had hoped that he would end up going lowkey but that didn’t seem to be the case. He was very active on the news for a man that is supposed to be dead. “Roman,” she began. “I have not been completely honest with you.”Roman chuckled at that. Florence bit her lower lip. Currently, she was in a tight spot and she couldn’t see herself getting out of it easily. Roman wasn’t going to forgive her after this, and she understood. “If after everything, you decide you don’t want to stay with me, I won't hold you back.”Roman was t
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