All Chapters of HANDS OF RETRIBUTION : Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
200 chapters
Florence was baffled by what she heard. It took a few moments for her head to gather what Roman had just told her. Roman was silent as he stared at her. He seemed to have destroyed the soothing feeling that was around them. Florence was more tense and confused now. “Yes, Florence. I was aware this whole time. I knew your father was Viper Don.”Florence tried to digest what Roman was saying but it was more difficult than she expected. Roman sounded like he was confident. Maybe he was?“What?”Roman sighed. He knew that if he kept on doing he would have no other choice but to go deep like she had done with him. He wasn’t sure that was a good idea. He wasn’t a fan of this kind of talk. The regret that surrounded him as he realized that he was the one who had started this in the first place was cold and morbid. “Florence, I knew you were using me this whole time. Not technically, because I was doing the same thing.”Florence almost lost her head as she heard that. Roman had used the wor
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Selena Rhoades sat on the couch deep in thought. Besides her was Lydia who was also silent. They had searched everywhere for Roman but still hadn’t found him. Ben was out and they didn’t have a clue of where he had gone. The house was a mess since Roman was gone. It had been two weeks since Roman had gone missing and it seemed he wasn’t ever going to be found. Wherever he was, and whoever was hiding him was an expert. Selena felt this was all over. There was no way they were going to find Roman. The least they could do was to make sure that Viper Don didn’t get the artifacts, but presently, she didn’t feel the need to look for the artifacts. They had searched numerous times, but she couldn’t find where her father had hidden it. Wherever it was, Selena doubted that it could be found. Her eyes went to Lydia who was sitting silently. She was lost in her thoughts as well. It seemed that was the theme of the day. It was hard to feel anything. Though Roman wasn’t confirmed to be dead, it
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Selena could only stare at the artifacts before her. She had a feeling of relief and also excitement. She had finally found the artifacts, and she was glad that it was still safe. She had feared that Viper Don might have found it. But since it was hidden here, she was a hundred percent sure that he wouldn’t find it no matter how long he searched. The only way he would have found it was if he had brought the house down. Selena closed the box which was made of crimson leather and had a strange seal embroidered on it. It was an owl standing on a ball that looked like the sun. She shook her head and closed back the shelf before stepping out of the closet. As she stepped out, she found Lydia walking into the room with her phone in her hand. When she saw that Selena was there, she quickly shoved the phone into her jacket. Her eyes fell to the box in Lydia’s hands. She was trying hard to believe that the artifacts were in there. “Is that what I think it is?” She asked, walking quickly
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Adam found himself walking through the hallway as he headed towards the records room. There were a lot of enigmatic things going on at the station presently. He had just found out that the case of the cartel had been closed. There was no way that could be possible. Deputy Behrens had told them that he was going to send a new team to take over the case. It was a decision that didn’t favor Adam and Eric. And now, he was hearing that the case had been closed. He had to see this for himself. Eric had gone to the crime scene of Roman to search for evidence. It seemed that the cartel had struck again, and unfortunately for Roman, he had been their next target. If Roman was there, it meant one thing. The cartel was behind all of this, and they were all in danger. Roman was the most industrious person they knew. If Viper Don was able to take him out, then they were all in big trouble. Adam arrived at the records room and knocked on the door. He swung it open a few moments later and steppe
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Eric parked his car by the alley and stepped out of it. It was sunset now, and he was trying to get this done before the sun went completely down. He had been on a call with Adam, which had ended abruptly. Eric felt that they were getting closer to solving the case. They were sure that m Viper Don was the instigator of all of these. All they needed was the right evidence to send him to jail. They had found out his real identity. Viper Don was actually Donald Weah, the new CEO of Troyes Inc. It hadn’t made sense at first, but then everything started coming together. The puzzle pieces eventually found a way to fix themselves. The death of Timothy Belton had to be tied to this. He was the one who had invited Florence Weah to the board. And now, Florence was nowhere to be found. Eric had read about it. He knew everything. Well, not everything. It was insane that the criminal mastermind who was wreaking havoc and fear in the streets of Brooklyn was now the CEO of Troyes Inc. He was play
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There was more to the story. Roman couldn't believe it. It seems he didn’t know everything after all. It was either that or Florence was lying to him. And so far, Florence had spoken an iota of lies to him. So it meant that she was dead serious. But what could be more than what she had said? What could make him scared? There were some questionable things that Viper Don had done which he didn’t have any explanation for. Maybe those were the things that Florence was going to tell him. “There’s more?” He asked. Florence scoffed at that. “You’re not a god, Roman. You can’t know everything.”Roman chuckled at that. Her tone seemed to have changed since he had told her the truth about everything. He couldn't lie to her and said that what they had done while they had been together was real. It would only elongate things and make them more complicated in the future. Telling her the truth was the only thing that he could do.“Okay. Tell me.”Florence didn’t know where to start. There were
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Adam was trying his best to calm himself down if it wasn’t working. He was freaking out. How could this be? He hated the fact that pieces of the puzzle were now coming together. He could understand a lot now. He understood why Deputy Behrens had chosen to take them off the case. It wasn’t because they weren’t able to do their jobs. It was because they were so close to finding out the truth. They had almost solved it and he had stalled them by taking them off it. That made perfect sense. They had also told him about Viper Don’s identity. They had told him that Donald Weah was Viper Don. But he knew about that already, because he had been protecting him from day one. When they had handed over the case file to him, there had been a shock on his face. Adam had felt it was because they had found out the case file where it had been archived. But there was more to the story. He was shocked that they knew about the truth. If Deputy Behrens knew they had found out the truth about him, they
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Eric glanced at his watch as he sped through the streets. Fifteen minutes had passed since he last spoke to Adam. He feared that he would be too late to help him out. If Deputy Behrens was behind this, then they weren’t safe. They had to make sure that he didn’t get to them. And by then, he meant Adam. Adam was still at the precinct and locked in the records room. It meant that Deputy Behrens had access to the room as he wished. Which also meant that he had access to Adam as well. Eric stepped on the brakes and brought the car to a halt. He was stopped by the lights. “This is very bad timing,” Eric said as he tapped the wheel impatiently. He glanced at his watch once more and the time read 6:45 pm. Another five minutes had passed since he had driven. This evening was moving faster than he expected. First, they found out that Roman was missing. Now there was this suspicion about Deputy Behrens. If Behrens was indeed working for Viper Don, then the integrity of the police force wa
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Ben pulled the black SUV into the driveway of the estate and halted the car. He stepped out of the car and headed towards the porch. He was on a mission when he got a call from Lydia that they found the artifacts. He found it hard to believe and wouldn’t until he saw it himself. Ben swung the doors open and stepped up to the house. In the living room, Lydia and Selena sat together looking into a box that was on Selena’s lap. He shut the door and walked slowly towards them. Selena looked up at him and smiled. She was happy that she had found it. Why would she be when her father had sacrificed his life to protect whatever was in that box? It was crazy that they had managed to find it without Roman’s help. And as for Roman, he was working tirelessly to find him. The closest he had come was with Billy and Alicia. But they didn’t seem to know anything about it which upset him. They were his last hope but they had failed him. How was he going to find him? Ben wondered what Roman was do
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“What?” Roman yelled, sitting up erect. He refused to believe what Florence was telling him. Florence appeared to be calm. She didn’t sound like she was lying at all. They have been having this conversation for over two hours now and she has been nothing but honest with him. Why would she choose to lie now?“It’s true, Roman. I swear,” she pressed. Roman was thinking now. He was trying to digest what he had just heard. Florence had told him that he had a mole in his crew, and it was no other person than Lydia. But it didn’t make sense to Roman. Why would Lydia try to betray him? They had been through so much together. She had treated him when he was paralyzed. She had also made sure he was safe when they had both gone to Shanghai. Lydia was the one who had stuck by him after everything he had done to her. He admitted at the beginning he had been very rude to her. He had been a jerk, but that didn’t change her mind about him. Lydia had worked with him and made sure that he got the
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