All Chapters of HANDS OF RETRIBUTION : Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
200 chapters
“Why are you doing this?” Selena asked. She was in a car and the driver’s seat was Lydia who seemed focused on the road. She had one hand on the steering wheel while the other was a gun pointing directly at Selena’s abdomen. If she made any false move, she was going to end up dead. “Why wouldn’t I?” Lydia asked. “You have what I want, and apparently it’s only you who can read the map.”Selena was puzzled by this. The first time she had heard of the map was when her father spoke to her just before he was taken away. She had no idea where the map led to or how to read it. Lydia and Viper Don were in for a big disappointment. “I hate to break it to you, but I can’t read the map,” she said nonchalantly. “I don’t even know where it leads to.”Lydia swerved the steering wheel to the right dodging a speeding truck. She chuckled after that which had Selena sort of confused. “All you need is a little bit of inspiration, and you will know,” she said. Selena didn’t speak after that. That wa
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“Is he going to be okay?” Roman asked Florence had just finished applying a bandage to his gunshot wound. Her hands were stained with blood, and she was eager to wash it off, but the unending questions from Roman were beginning to irk her. “He’s going to be fine, Roman,” she said, walking towards the kitchen. “He’s lucky that the bullet grazed the ends of his abdomen. He’ll be alright.”Roman was relieved to hear that. Ben was lying on the couch motionless, and he was worried that he was going to wake up. That was until Florence assured him of his health status. When they first found him on the ground bleeding, Roman was scared that Ben was dead. He had rushed to lift him from the ground, and luckily for him, Florence had been around to stitch him. He was going to be fine soon. After that, Roman searched for Selena or Lydia, but none of them were around. There was no doubt that this was Lydia’s work. But Roman didn’t understand why she would want to kill her uncle. Or did she?Rom
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Viper Don smiled widely as he watched Lydia step into the room. Recruiting Lydia turned out to be a better plan than he had initially thought. She had done the job she had been asked to do impeccably, which was impressive. It was safe to say that there was no doubt that she was his best work in recent months. Standing still beside her was Selena Rhoades, who looked particularly frightened to see him. Viper Don could vividly remember pulling the trigger and boring a hole into her father’s head. It was sad that she was going to go through the same thing. He hated thieves, and he was going to make sure that he wiped out all of them, including their families. It was the only punishment deserving of them. “Did you bring what I asked for?” He asked, looking at her left hand, which was clutching into a box. Lydia gave him a sinister smile. She took away her gun from Selena and shoved it behind her belt. She walked towards him with the box in both of her hands. “You bet I did.”Viper Don
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“Wait. What?” Roman yelled in surprise. Ben was chuckling now, while Florence looked surprised by his outburst. “Are we just going to let Viper Don hand both Selena and the artifacts?”Ben stopped laughing now and was gripping his bandaged abdomen in pain. Florence who was watching regretted helping him. She wished that she had let him die. But she knew Roman needed him, and if she wanted to be on his side, she had to do what he wanted. That was the only way Roman was ever going to trust her.It seemed he had begun to do so. Well, that was until his butler had tried to brainwash him again. Florence was now getting impatient. “I don’t know, Roman. But do we stand a chance now that he has the artifacts?” Ben asked. “If what Florence is saying is true, and he has Selena with him who will read the map for him, then he is going to be unstoppable. He will reach the end of the map and will get his hands on whatever treasure the map is hiding before we can even find him.”Florence sighed.
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Deputy Behrens washed his face in the faucet before looking at his reflection in the mirror. His hands were trembling as he gazed at them. He had messed up badly. His secret was now out. Eric and Adam now knew that he was the mole. He was lucky to have made it out alive with Eric coming in to take him by surprise. Never did he know that Adam would be the one to figure everything out. It had all happened in a flash. Behrens knew that he was in trouble ever since he had seen Eric with the file from the first murder case many years ago. He thought he had hidden that case file perfectly. How they had found it was still a mystery to him. But none of that mattered now. He had been caught, and it was only a matter of file before the news spread throughout the precinct. What would he do? Where could he go? He had no clue. Going back to meet Viper Don would attract attention to them and ruin their plans. But that didn’t matter. He had to inform them that their plan was in jeopardy and they w
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Floyd Helix swung the door open and stepped into the study room. There, he found Viper Don sitting at the table with the lights on and his feet on the desk. This surprised him because Viper Don was always so serious when it came to hiding his identity. But tonight, he seemed so nonchalant about it.Donald smiled as he watched Floyd step into the room. He could recognize the surprised look on his face. “What the hell is going on?” Floyd asked as he came forward. He had noticed that the number of guards around the house had increased. Were they expecting an attack? If they were, why would Viper Don invite him over? None of it made any sense. As he walked forward into the room, he caught the sight of blood on the carpet, which made him frightened. What had happened? There was a lot of explanation Viper Don had to do. “Good news, Floyd. I’ve found it,” he replied. Floyd cranked his eyebrow in surprise. “Found what? Roman’s corpse?”Viper Don hissed. “Even better. I’ve found the ma
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Roman stared at his chest which was filled with stitches in the mirror. He wondered if he was capable of going through with the plan tonight. Did he have the strength to fight Viper Don? If he lost tonight, he was as good as dead. There would be no coming back from this. Viper Don would have everything that he wanted and not even he will be able to stop him then. If he had to do anything, tonight was the night. Roman clenched his jaws and wore his undershirt buttoning it up. He picked up his suit jacket and wore it next. Now he was ready. He looked gorgeous for tonight’s occasion. His black hair was combed backward and his silver eyes shone as he stared at himself in the mirror. This was all that he wanted. This could be his last night. Or this could be the night of his elevation. It all depended on the outcome. Roman walked downstairs and found Ben stacking a black duffel bag with guns and ammunition. They were not messing around tonight. Ben felt he had something to prove. Befor
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The door swung open and Selena was brought into the room by the guard who was gripping her by the hair. Selena was in so much pain and tried to free herself but to no avail. The man’s grip was too strong for her. Donald smiled as he watched Selena being dragged into the room. She was the key to his prize which made her very priceless to him. Nothing could happen to her tonight when she held the keys to his victory. There was nothing that could stop him from getting what he wanted, and her struggle was only going to make things harder. “Thank you, Tyson.” The guard nodded and stepped out of the room. Selena held her head as she tried to wiggle away the pain that was running through her veins. She was tired and hungry and was hoping that this nightmare would end soon. But it was only the beginning. She still had to help Viper Don locate whatever treasure the map hid. Selena felt that the treasure would be enough to buy every entrepreneur business in the city. This would make Viper
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“Did you hear that?” Adam asked as he cocked his gun. Eric clenched his jaws and nodded. He was staring at the estate now where the sound of a gunshot had come from. Something was going on there, and they had to go in and find out what it was. They were cops. It was in their nature to respond to the sound of gunfire. “Are you sure Behrens isn’t going undercover to solve this case?”Eric turned to Adam in shock. “This guy tried to kill you about three hours ago, and here you are still trying to support him?”Adam stared at his gun before turning to Eric and shrugging his shoulders. “All I’m saying is that we need to be sure about what we are doing.”Eric shook his head. He didn’t have time for this. There could be people in there who could need their help. There was no way he was going to sit here and argue about which side Behrens was truly on. He opened the door and stepped out of it. “You could sit here and think about them while I go in and help people that actually need sav
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A black SUV pulled up to Viper Don’s estate parking just a few meters away from the gate and a police vehicle. A figure stepped out of the passenger’s seat all dressed in a black suit. It was Roman Lacroix. Roman straightened his suit and looked around the empty street. It was weirdly quiet around here tonight. This was all the signs that something back was about to happen. The back seat door opened and Florence stepped out of it in all her glory. She was holding two guns in her hands. This made Roman smirk. “It seems you’re ready for this,” he said, folding his arms. Florence scoffed at him. “I still think this is too dangerous for you,” Roman said, coming towards her. “Let me and Ben handle this.”Florence arched an eyebrow at him. “There’s nothing that you’re going to say that is going to keep me out of this Roman. I’m going in.”Roman clenched his jaws. “You should listen to her, Roman,” Ben said, stepping out of the driver’s door. “I think she can handle herself.”Roman l
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