All Chapters of HANDS OF RETRIBUTION : Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
200 chapters
As Florence rushed into the living room, a bullet whizzed past her head which brought her to an abrupt halt. Roman who was behind her joined her, stopping. It was then he realized that they were being shot at. Roman immediately pulled her to the ground, landing on his back. Florence fell on his stomach and turned to him. Roman flashed her a smile and she rolled her eyes. “Be careful,” he said. “I am,” she said standing up. The shot was fired once more and it prompted Roman to find another hiding spot. He crawled towards one of the couches in the living room and hid by it. The shots came towards him. It seemed the house was heavily guarded by Viper Don’s men. Roman felt like they knew they were coming. There was no way that Viper Don’s house would be this heavily guarded twenty-four-seven. Roman waited until the guard stopped to reload. Then, he pulled out of the couch and aimed at the guard, before firing at him. The butler pierced through his skull and the guard dropped to the f
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Eric was startled by the sounds of the gunshots. He had been searching a room when he picked up the sounds of the gunshots. It wasn’t just one but many like there was a war going on downstairs. He had separated from Adam a while ago and he feared that he might have gotten into trouble. The thought of Adam being killed frightened. Adam hadn’t been sure about doing this without back up but he had managed to convince him into doing so. Eric left the room and immediately he was caught by a guard. The guard immediately pulled out his firearm. But it was already too late. Eric already had his gun in his hand and he pulled the trigger at the guard. The bullet caught the guard in the chest and he dropped to the floor dead. Eric stared at the man on the floor realizing that he was going to attract a lot of guards. But that shouldn’t seem like a problem. They were all probably fighting whoever it was. He had to find Adam. That was the only thing on his mind. And he prayed that Adam would be
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Roman slammed both feet on the chest of the guard. The guard flew and hit his back on the wall before falling to the ground. As Roman stood back to his feet, a bullet whizzed past his ear. He turned around and pulled the trigger at the guard behind him. The bullet caught the guard in the chest and he dropped dead. The hallway was clear now. All they had to do was go about Viper Don. There was no way he was going to let him escape him. Not tonight. They had already wasted too much time and it was going to be long before the painkillers faded away. When that did, he would be powerless. “Are you okay?” Florence asked as she came to meet him. Roman nodded. “We need to move. We can’t let them escape.”And with that, they headed through the hallway and arrived at the door. Florence's face was filled with horror as she realized where the door led to. “No! No! No!” She said as she rushed towards it. “What is it?” Roman asked, confused. Ben just arrived behind him reloading his gun. The
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Selena was shaking as she looked at the map. Besides her was deputy Behrens who had a gun to her ribcage. It made Selena quite uncomfortable. In the driver’s seat was Donald, who seemed in a hurry to get far away. She had seen him. He was miraculously still alive. Roman had come to save her. It was only now that she realized that he would do anything to save her. After seeing his blood being spilt over that alley, she feared that the worst might have happened to him and that he was in critical condition. But that wasn’t the case. He looked no healthy and agile as he ran towards them. It was too bad that Donald had a head start over them. Everything was falling into place for him, which made it suspicious. Was Viper Don having the luck of two lifetimes, or did he carefully plan everything? Selena didn’t know which one to choose. They both seemed too real. Donald looked at the back through the rearview mirror. He was waiting for Selena to tell them where they should be heading, but
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“I’m not sure about this, Roman,” Ben confessed. Roman sighed as he understood what he meant. Ben was talking about letting the cops join them. He knew that they had been after him for a long time. Ben had grown suspicious of them there since they had stalked him, but it seemed Roman had forgotten about that too quickly. They wanted him in jail, but he didn’t realize it. “What else could we have done, Ben? They would have arrested us right on the spot if we didn’t try that.”Ben sighed and looked at the rear mirror. They had the cops following them from behind. Ben still wasn’t sure about them being involved in this. There could be secrets revealed that could send all of them to jail. Roman turned to Florence, who was oddly quiet. She was looking out the window, probably lost in her thoughts. She had been the one who had convinced the cops to join them. He never knew she would be that smart. If she hadn’t done that, they would have been arrested, and their mission would have ended
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The black BMW pulled over at the old cabin that was parked in between two houses. It looked dirty and old compared to all the pretty houses surrounding it. The house looked morbid in such a good and flourishing neighbourhood. Donald thought this as he stepped out of the car. The back doors opened, and Selena stepped out of the car with the map still in her hands. She looked at it one more time to confirm that they were in the right place, but she knew they were because she had been there before. But that was a long time ago. Her father had brought her here once, and the memory was still stuck in her head. Deputy Behrens was last to step out of the car. He was exhausted. Today had been a long day already, and he was ready for it to end. He was hoping that all of this would end with him on a solo flight to another country.Donald had promised him a share of the treasure. He was hoping to use that to start another life in another country where nobody would be able to find him. He deser
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THIRTEEN YEARS AGOJermaine Rhoades pulled over the sedan into the lawn of the old cabin and brought the car to a halt. Selena, who was sitting in the passenger’s seat, had her arms folded, looking upset. Jermaine shook his head as he gazed at her before killing the engine. He stepped out of the car and waited for his daughter to come out, but he waited in vain. Frustrated, he poked his head into the car once more and found her sitting still with her arms still folded. “Come on, darling. There’s no harm here,” he urged her. “Why are we here, dad?” She asked. “Couldn't we have gone somewhere else?”Jermaine clenched his jaws and sighed. She wouldn’t understand, and he couldn’t blame her. She was still too young. She would only understand when she grew older. And when the time came, she would understand why this trip was important. “We’ll go and get you ice cream afterwards?” Selena turned to him with a stern look on her face. Jermaine felt that had worked.“I’m no longer seven, D
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“We are here,” Ben announced. Roman looked up and found an old cabin that was filled with SUVs. He didn’t need to be told that this was where Viper Don was situated with Selena. It seemed she had found where the treasure was. But why would it be in such a place like this? It looked like Selena was trying to stall them until they arrived. She was smart. “Are you sure this is the place?” Florence asked as she gazed upon the old cabin. Ben shrugged his shoulders. “I’m only following where her tracker takes us, and this is where she is.”“I mean. Isn’t it that obvious?” Roman asked, pointing at the SUVs that were parked around the old cabin. “Okay then. Let’s move, team,” he said, opening the door. He was stopped by a hand. Florence’s. He turned back to her with an eyebrow raised. “What is it?” He asked. “I think it’s best men and Ben handle this.”Roman looked at her confused. “What do you mean by that?”“That’s it’s dangerous for you?” She replied. “You’re not in a condition
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Donald ran his fingers on the box in admiration. He was still finding it hard to believe that the box was finally his. He had won. Though it had taken a while, all the time wasted was now worth it. He had what he wanted. Now, all he had to do was see what was inside. Selena could feel her heart thumping hard against her chest. There was nothing more she could do. She had lost to Donald. She had failed her father. Jermaine had sacrificed himself to make sure that the box never went to Donald. But she had led him right to it. What could be more disappointing than that?Donald held the box up and shook it gently. It wasn’t heavy, which confided him. Why would the trophy be so light? He turned to Selena, who looked defeated as she stared at him. She hadn’t been lying after all. He knew that once he had her, all his troubles had gone away with the wind. Only he had gotten his hands on her much earlier. Roman had been the stumbling block. But that didn’t matter to him anymore. He had fin
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FIFTEEN MINUTES EARLIERSelena wasn’t sure if the question was for her. It sounded sort of rhetorical. Donald looked infuriated by the files he found. He brought them closer to her. Selena was Joe standing by the couch with her hand twitching. She was wondering if she could get the documents and run away with them, but that was impossible because the room was filled with guards. She would get killed before she even made it to the door. She was trapped in her with Donald. Donald walked past her and went to the couch. He pulled the center table closer to him before sitting on the couch. The couch made a squeaking sound. Selena wasn’t sure if it was a squeaking sound or a cry for help by the couch. It looked tortured by Donald’s weight on it. Donald looked at the documents trying to understand what was going on. If the documents were the treasure then it must be something important. He opened the file of the documents and looked at the first document before him. It was a certificatio
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