All Chapters of HANDS OF RETRIBUTION : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
200 chapters
Eric Hilton stepped out of the black sedan and wore his black jacket. He had red hair which lit up his pale skin and his brown eyes. His mustache which was curvy all together gave him a funny look. He was dressed in a white shirt with a black leather jacket over it. At his hip was a holster with a loaded gun and a police badge on the other side. Eric had a stern look on his face, and together with his funny-looking ginger mustache, he looked menacing. Before him was a crime scene which was decorated with an ambulance and several police cars. Eric walked towards the yellow tape that surrounded the house which seemed to be the crime. There was a policeman guarding the yellow tape, blocking off the crowd of civilians from approaching the scene of the crime. Eric arrived at the yellow tape and the police officer flashed him a smile. “Detective Hilton. Welcome,” the policeman announced. Eric Hilton nodded in response. “Thank you, Brady.”“My pleasure.”Brady lifted the yellow tape enab
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“Welcome home, Roman,” Ben greeted as Roman stroked out of his black Corvette. He left it on the driveway and went to meet Ben who was standing on the porch. Roman was exhausted. Today was a crazy day at the office. David Troyes had come in to threaten him. That seemed very absurd. “I hope you enjoyed your day at the office?” He asked as they walked into the house. Roman didn’t respond. Ben noticed that he looked exhausted. He wasn’t used to this kind of work. He had been away from town for seven years. The only thing he was used to was combat training and learning. Though he had been working under a company while he was still living with The Troyes, that was a very long time ago. “The strangest thing happened today, Ben,” Roman said, taking off his suit jacket. Ben walked towards Roman who dropped the suit jacket on the couch. “What is it? Rylan?” He asked. “Lilian's new husband came into my office this morning to threaten me.”Ben chuckled softly. That was amusing. Roman roll
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A black motorcycle drove into Roman’s estate and parked in the driveway just in front of the porch. The figure in the motorcycle who was dressed in a blank leather jacket and a pair of black jeans and had a black tinted helmet with designs of motorcycle tires on fire killed the engine and leaned off the dashboard. The figure lifted off the helmet, revealing its face. It was a woman. She had short black spiky hair, narrow green eyes, and high cheekbones which gave her a menacing look. Her olive skin made her glow which made her look like a model. She held the helmet under her arm and gazed at the mansion before her. The doors swung open suddenly and Ben stepped out of it, rushing down the porch stairs. When the woman recognized him, she flashed a smile. “Lydia!” Ben called. The woman stepped off the motorcycle and placed the helmet on it as she headed to greet Ben. “Uncle Ben,” she responded. Ben pulled her into a warm hug. Lydia sighed as she hugged her uncle. When she received
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“Anything?” Adam asked. Eric was seated across from him on the opposite desk and shook his head in response. His head was buried in the file before him. “You?” He lifted his head to ask. “Same here,” Adam confessed. Edict sighed and leaned off the desk, slumping back against his chair. He was exhausted already. They had been going at this all day and they still hadn’t found anything. Eric didn’t like it when all work always ended up being futile. They were looking for clues on the murder of the victim, James Bilford but couldn’t find anything. “I think I’ve found something,” Adam said. That made Eric spring from his chair. He headed towards Adam’s desk and stood beside him. “What did you find?” He asked. “It says here that James had a family in New York. They live right here.”“You think what I’m thinking?” Eric asked. Adam closed the file and looked up at him. He knew exactly what Eric was thinking. “I think it’s time we pay the Bilfords a visit.”***Eric and Adam stepped
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Lydia approached Roman who was seated by the swimming pool. He was basking in the morning sun with a pair of shades covering his eyes. His torso was naked revealing his rock-hard abs which were so attractive. As Lydia watched him from inside the house, wild thoughts swarmed her mind. She wanted Roman so badly, but Roman didn’t seem interested in her. All her life, Lydia had always thought herself to be irresistible. That was until she met Roman Lacroix. She was meaning to talk to him about their conversation earlier. Roman hadn’t been clear enough in his words, and Ben didn’t help either. She was pondering on what to do, but she had no clue. It was left for her to make Roman shade more light on it. But she doubted he would talk to her. “Are you going to stand there all day?” Roman asked. Lydia’s heart skipped a beat as she heard that. Roman had found out that she was standing there, but he hadn’t even looked back once. That was impressive. Lydia gulped hard. She felt guilty for havi
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Lydia Rhys swung into the dark room through the window. She landed neatly on the floor making no sound. Everywhere was quiet. Lydia scanned the room and found nothing out of the ordinary. There was no movement in sight. She eased herself off the squatting position she posed in from her landing and began walking into the room. Dressed in all black, she camouflaged herself with the shadows as she made her way through the living room. It was wide but not as vast as Roman’s. She was here on a mission. A mission to gain Roman’s trust. Though he was currently a jerk to her, Lydia knew she would have to impress him if she wanted to work for him. The reason she was doing this was because she had no way else to go. Roman was her last option, and she had to make him see that she was worth it. Just being part of his family wasn’t enough. She had to show him that she could offer some use to him. That was apart from being his lawyer. Lydia walked further into the room and found a hallway by her
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“I want to know about my father’s death, Ben,” Roman said as he sat on the couch. In his hand was a glass of scotch. Ben was flabbergasted by Roman’s words. He never thought that Roman would randomly ask about his father. It was something that had happened a long time ago just before Roman had been lost. Ben felt the reason Roman was curious was because he was feeling grief once more. It wasn’t easy for him to get over the death of Amiri. Having to meet your mother for the first time on her dying bed was traumatic. Ben knew this. “Why all of a sudden?” Ben asked. Roman reached for an object that was by the couch. It was a picture of Roman’s father, Lucien. In the picture were Lucien and Amiri standing together with a warm smile on their faces. Roman guessed this was just before they had him. “Because I’m curious. I want to know what he was like,” Roman replied. Ben nodded. “Very well.” “Thank you, Ben,” Roman said, placing the picture away. Ben sat on the couch opposite
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Lydia drove her motorcycle into the estate and squeezed the gear. The motorcycle sped through the driveway before stopping abruptly before the porch. Lydia killed the engine of her motorcycle and took off her helmet. She was back, and sitting before her was the file she had stolen from Kenneth Heaton. It hadn’t hee easy as she had expected it to be. She had been caught, and she had barely made it alive thanks to the tools that Ben had given her. Lydia stepped off her motorcycle and walked into the house. She was still dressed in black as she walked through the living room. Everywhere was quiet. It was 6 am now. Lydia had been away the whole night. After escaping the crazy Kenneth, she had gone to the cage and read through the file properly. It turns out that Kenneth was part of a human trafficking scheme which the police had been after for a while now but they had no clue. The documents contained all the information about what he had done. Lydia was surprised that someone like him w
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Ben was sitting in a dark room behind a large monitor screen. His face was lit up by the light emitting from it. He was searching for something important that he didn’t notice when Lydia entered the room. Lydia was in awe as she stared at the room. She didn’t know that something like this existed in the house. It was beautiful and dark. Her two favorite things. She had been looking for Ben to return the utility belt he had handed her just before she left the house last night. Without Ben, she knew she wouldn’t have gotten that far. Perhaps Kenneth would have caught her before she even got to the safe. In all, she was lucky that she was able to get out of there alive, and that she had someone in the house who at least supported her. Roman got what he wanted, but he still did not acknowledge her. Lydia was getting tired of having to prove herself. She had done this in the first place because she didn’t have anywhere else to go. She was hoping that things would get better when she hel
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In the underground parking lot of the Lacroix Industries’ building, sat a car. In the car was Eric Hilton and Adam Coleman. They seemed to be waiting for someone. Eric’s hand was on the windowpane as he waited while Adam was looking at a file in his lap. It was a file on Roman Lacroix which he found intriguing. They were after him now and were suspicious that he was among the mafia. Who would make a business transaction with the mafia? Everybody knew the mafia was dangerous. And they all tried to stay away from them. Well, everybody but Roman Lacroix. “Guess what, Eric?” Adam asked, breaking the comforting silence. “What is it this time, Eric?” He asked in disinterest. “Did you know that both Roman Lacroix's parents are dead, and he had been reported missing for more than twenty years?”It took a few seconds to understand what Adam was saying. And when it finally sunk in, he quickly reached for the file. “Let me see that,” he said.Adam handed it over to him. Eric furrowed his bro
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