All Chapters of HANDS OF RETRIBUTION : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
200 chapters
That was a close call for Roman. He looked through his rear mirror and noticed that the black sedan wasn’t following him anymore. He had lost them. Whoever was following him, he had lost them. Roman sighed and stepped on the gas heading back home. He had noticed this when he had gotten out of the elevator. He was among the last set of people to leave the office each day, and he knew all the cars that stayed behind. Finding out a strange black sedan was parked in where his secretary’s parking space was also a huge giveaway. Someone was watching him, and Roman didn’t like that. It meant that he would have to thread carefully from now on. Whoever they were, he was going to find out.Roman arrived home a few minutes later and moved into the house with the briefcase in his hand. He had been aiming to go to Kenneth’s office today, but with the black Sedan following him, he had to cut it off today. Roman hated when he was being pushed back, but it was only right that he had lost them. Who k
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Lilian combed her hair slowly as she sat by her dresser. By the doorframe stood her husband, David who was leaning against it with his arms folded. He was watching admiringly as Lilian combed her hair. Lilian didn’t seem to have noticed him. Her black hair which was flawless and glistened in the lights was straightened now by the brush in her hands. Lilian was done now. She was dressed in her black night gown ready to go to bed. She dropped the brush on the dresser and turned around, finding her husband standing by the doorframe. He had a smile on his face as he watched her. Lilian was perplexed by this. “What are you doing?” She asked with a smile. “Just staring,” David replied as he leaned off the doorframe coming into the room. David closed the door behind him before coming to meet his wife. He was worried about Roman. After confronting him, he threatened Roman that he was going to stop him by any means. What bothered David was the fact that Roman had remained calm about this.
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“Roman Lacroix,” Adam Coleman said as he leaned on his chair. His legs were placed on the desk as he laid back and had a yo-yo in his hand which he used for amusement and company. Besides him Eric was leaning back on his chair lost in thought. Eric was still thinking of how they had fumbled Roman. They had him in their grasp but he had managed to escape. Eric didn’t know he was Ana slippery as an eel. There was something they could do about it. But what?They couldn’t find anything on Roman all day long, and they were both exhausted. Adam knew how to take the pressure off his shoulders with the help of his yo-yo. Eric on the other hand was drowned in despair and disappointment. He couldn’t let go of how bad their mission had gone. Eric had been confident that they were on Roman’s tail just after the traffic on the main street. Roman must have known that he was pursuing them. And so he had used the truck as a distraction to distance himself from them. Another advantage he had over the
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The morning sun was bright and exuberant which reflected on Roman’s mood. Today was going to be a good day. He was certain of it. It was time for the second phase of his place and he couldn’t continue his excitement. As he stepped out of the black Corvette with a black briefcase in his hand, he straightened his clothes and smiled. He was dressed in a navy blue suit with floral designs on them. His undershirt was a string sky blue color and his black hair which was combed back neatly glistened in the morning sun, altogether with his piercing silver eyes. The other door of the corvette opened and Lydia stepped out of it. She was dressed in a gray suit with gray trousers on. Her short black spiky hair glowed in the sun and so did her exquisite green eyes. She was as dazzling as Roman. Today was also a huge day for her. It was her first day of work. Roman had finally trusted her enough to take her out on an actual mission he was going to. This was going to be exciting. She couldn’t stop
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“What?!” Lilian screamed at the top of her voice. She startled both David and Lincoln who were in the room with her. David was shocked by her expression. It seemed she was losing her mind. The worst thing had just happened. One of their trusted shareholders had sold his share to Roman Lacroix, which meant that Roman was one step closer to getting what he wanted—his revenge. “I bet he must have blackmailed Kenneth into doing so,” Lincoln said. “Kenneth wouldn’t just sell off his share like that. He trusts our company.”David shook his head and folded his arms. “Right now. I don’t think anybody trusts anymore,” David assumed. Lincoln turned to him slightly infuriated. He had to be pessimistic at the wrong time. Every day Lincoln was growing impatient with him. He would soon have to do away with him, but he was Lilian’s husband. That was the only advantage he had, and was why he was still living with them. “Why would you say that?” Lincoln asked. David shrugged his shoulders and si
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Lydia swung her fist at Roman who blocked it with his elbow. Lydia hissed in disappointment. Roman smiled at her. “Come on,” he urged. “Is that all you got?”Lydia smiled and clenched her jaws before throwing another fist at Roman. Roman swung his head to the side dodging her fist. Lydia was getting frustrated. She jumped up and threw her leg at him attempting a kick. Roman held her leg and pulled her to the ground. Lydia landed awkwardly on her back. She coughed out in pain as Roman watched her. “Lesson three, don’t throw your leg unless you’re sure of landing a blow,” Roman said. Lydia rolled her eyes and hopped back on her feet. She slammed her fists together before heading towards Roman. Their fists which were covered with boxers’ gloves were held at their faces. Roman was awaiting another move from Lydia. Lydia moved in circles studying Roman’s movement. She noticed that he took a strong stance which would be hard for her to bring him down. He had set himself up strongly from
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In a huge living room, there was soft jazz music playing in the background. By the fireplace stop a figure with a glass of scotch in their hand. It was Timothy Belton. Timothy had received the strangest call today. It was one from his nephew, David Troyes. Never did he think that David would ask for his help. They weren’t on speaking terms, so when the call came in, Timothy was intrigued by what he had to say. The doorbell rang and Timothy sipped his scotch. His butler passed behind him as he made his way towards the door. Timothy gazed at the crackling fire before him. It was warm and comfy. He looked at the glass of scotch in his hand before taking another drink. At the door, David stood nervously as it swung open. He was staring at the butler now. He was surprised because he couldn’t record this one. It seemed his uncle, Timothy had changed butlers again. The butler who looked to be in his late fifties dressed in a black suit offered him in. David nodded and stepped into the hous
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A black Ferrari swerved into the parking lot of a clubhouse and Roman Lacroix stepped out of it. On the other side of the car, Lydia Rhys eluded the passenger’s seat and closed the door. She was still surprised that Roman had agreed to take her clubbing. It was long since she had done so. It was also to celebrate their victory in completing another phase. With time, they would achieve their goals. Roman was dressed in a black suit with a white undershirt. Lydia wondered why he would wear such attire to a party. Lydia, on the other hand, was dressed in a short-sleeved gown that stopped at the middle of her thighs. Her short black hair and narrow green eyes gave her a dazzling look. Roman gave her his hand and she got her cheeks heated up. Ever since they had talked at his gym, things had gotten better. Roman had begun being nice to her, and it was charming. It was also relieving for her uncle, Ben. He had been worried that he had done too much without her being accepted into the fam
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“Would you care for some chicken casserole, sir?” Timothy’s butler asked. Timothy was now in his study room with a bottle of scotch on the desk before him. He looked up at his butler and contemplated it. “Sure.” He replied. “Why not?”“Very well, sir,” the butler said and walked out of the room.Timothy got back to the MacBook that was before him. He was doing some research on Roman Lacroix. It turned out that Roman Lacroix was a well-known businessman. He was a billionaire entrepreneur which made Timothy envious of him. Someone was out there living his dream. Timothy understood why David had come to him for help now. This Roman Lacroix guy seemed like a real problem. If he was after their company, then he must like it. Timothy stroked his chin as he gazed at the image of Roman. He had a commanding look. His smooth black hair and silver eyes were charming enough for Timothy to realize that he was not only an entrepreneur but also a man of many trades. He knew he had heard of the La
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Jermaine Rhoades scanned the dark room to make sure nobody was in there. It was all clear. He shouldn’t be here, but he had no choice. It had to be done. For the safety of his daughter, he had to do this. His heart raced and he ran his fingers across the well-polished wooden desk. He moved towards the back of the desk and found the drawers. He pulled out one of your drawers and reached into it. His hand met a stack of papers. Jermaine brought it out and placed it on the table. The room was lit dimly by the faint light coming from the moon’s light. It was night and everywhere was quiet. Jermaine knew he had to be swift for him to get here alive. If he was caught, that would be the end of him. He had to be careful. Jermaine scanned the files looking for a particular document but couldn’t find it. His heart was throbbing hard against his rib cage. Fear and anxiety couldn’t keep him focused. He was going to lose everything. When he couldn't find the document, he closed the drawers and h
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