All Chapters of HANDS OF RETRIBUTION : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
200 chapters
“And here you see our stocks in the market drop drastically over the last few weeks,” David said pointing at the chart that was being projected. Roman rolled his eyes at that. It was thirty minutes into the meeting and he was already exhausted. When he had woken up this morning to an emergency meeting text, he knew that his whole day would be slow. The only thing that kept him going was the fact that David was the one presenting. He could barely hide his amusement as he watched the man who had come into his office a few weeks ago threaten to try to convince him to pump more money into the company. The other shareholders which occupied the remaining seats in the table seemed to be paying more attention to David than Roman was. He had a lot on his mind. Like how he was going to convince the remaining shareholders to sell him their shares. With David trying to convince them to add more and reassure them that it was only a temporary issue, it would make it a bit hard to do that. But Rom
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Roman Lacroix sat across Jermaine who looked rough. Roman could barely recognize him. It didn’t take him long to arrive here. The urgency in Jermaine’s voice had propelled him to come quickly. “Thank you for coming, Roman,” Jermaine appreciated. “You sounded like you were in trouble,” Roman pointed out. “I had to.”Jermaine nodded. The afternoon sun was over them as they sat by the window in a cafe. Jermaine’s meeting place was public, but it didn’t matter to Roman. All he wanted to do was make sure that Jermaine was okay. And it seemed his work was already done. “So. What is it? Why do you want to see me so badly?” Roman asked, barely hiding his curiosity. Jermaine nodded and leaned on the table. He looked around and outside the window to make sure nobody was watching or following him. Presently, he didn’t have much time left. They would be looking for him right now, but that didn’t matter to Jermaine. He just wanted to ensure the safety of his daughter. She was the most importan
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Eric Hilton and Adam Coleman stepped out of the car in the parking lot of Lacroix Industries. They were outside now, and couldn’t believe that the building had two parking lots. It seemed like one of them was for the workers, and that was the underground one. Eric felt a little nervous to be back here. The last time they had been here, they had been stalking Roman. Eric still felt guilty that he had lost track of him. Adam whistled as he stared at the huge building. It was a skyscraper that had a gruesome aura around it. Probably because it was painted black. Today, they were here to interrogate Roman. After many sleepless nights of work, they had finally come up with enough reason to interrogate him. “What do you think of this?” Adam asked, pointing at the building. Eric rolled his eyes. “Adam. Remember we aren't here for sightseeing.”Adam placed his hands in the pockets of his black leather jacket. His sandy brown hair was combed backwards making him look a lot younger. Nobody
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Roman stepped out of his black Ferrari and threw the keys to the incoming valet. He straightened his clothes and touched his Joe to make sure it was still neatly combed. Tonight was a party; an unexpected party in all honesty. Roman was surprised to receive an invitation letter from Ben saying that he was invited to a party hosted by the Troyes. After the confrontation at the conference room that day, Roman had doubted that David and Lincoln would make any move so soon. They wouldn’t want to rush anything, because they knew how smart he was when it came to countering it. This had to be something they had planned for a while now. Roman was amazed by this. They had played innocent in his face all alone. Finally, they were making this interesting, and he couldn’t wait to see what was in store for him. And all dressed in a charcoal black suit with floral patterns all over and a shawl wrapped at his waist, he looked gorgeous. The camera flashes from the paparazzi almost blinded him as he
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“How did it go?” Ben asked Roman who walked into the living room. Roman sighed and shook his head as he took off his suit jacket. He was exhausted. The party had been boring, and he left a few minutes after his confrontation with Lilian. “It was a living hell,” he replied. “I can’t believe I wasted such an outfit for that.”Ben chuckled at that. He was standing by the kitchen door dressed in a black turtleneck sweater. He had been waiting for Roman to return. “You look exhausted. You should get some rest,” Ben advised. Roman scoffed and slumped on the couch with a sigh. His mind went back to Lilian. It was brave of her to confront him. He couldn’t deny that he liked how she had come to him. Maybe she still thought about him. Was there a possibility that she still liked him? Roman wasn’t sure. And he didn’t care anymore. All he cared about was exacting his revenge on them. “What was the party all about?” Ben asked. Roman ran his fingers through his hair and he recalled his conve
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“Please Selena, you have to listen to me!” Jermaine begged. His daughter, Selena, a slim woman with long wavy brown hair and chocolate eyes rolled her eyes. She was annoyed by her father. She couldn’t believe that he was doing something like this again. He wanted her gone, but there was no way she was going to leave him behind. He was the last parent she had, she couldn’t let the carte take him. But there was nothing much she could do. Only begging him not to do anything suicidal which was this. He was trying to surrender the cartel which was one of the biggest mistakes he could make. “No, Dad! Please don’t do this,” she begged. “We can run away. Go to a different country and start again. They won’t find us there.”Jermaine shook his head. His daughter didn’t understand the implications of that. They couldn’t leave the country. He was a suspect in one of the cartel crimes. There was no way out of this. He had to surrender to them to be assured that she lived her life to the fullest
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Jermaine Rhoades wasn’t a Christian, but now he understood how Jesus Christ felt when he struggled on his way to his inevitable death. The same story applied to him now as he sat in the backseat of a moving vehicle with two guns stabbing both sides of his abdomen. He knew that if he made any wrong move, he would be dead. They were taking him to the location of the cartel. A place he already knew. He asked himself if the mask was necessary. Jermaine could feel his heart thumping hard against his chest. When was it going to end? Soon he hoped. He couldn’t bear the anxiety and fear anymore. He wanted this to be as quick as possible. This was exactly how Jermaine had pictured himself after stealing the compass and the map. He knew that it would end in his demise either way. He had managed to evade the quick one, immediately stealing it. He had escaped the guards and had fled the mansion only to be brought back here. At least Jermaine had done what he wanted. Which was to hide the compas
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Eric ran his fingers through his hair as he stepped out of his vehicle. He didn’t need to be told that he was late. He had received a call from Adam early this morning about another body being found, and the victim was someone familiar. Eric didn’t need a further call to rise from his bed. After taking a shower, he drove like a madman to arrive here. Now he was standing behind the yellow tape with police cars and an ambulance at the scene. The scene wasn’t filled with people like the first one had been. Eric took note of that. “Good morning, Detective Hilton,” Officer Brady greeted. “Slow morning.”Eric chuckled as he rolled up the sleeves of his white shirt. “Adam is going to kill me,” Eric said. “He’s been here for the past hour,” Officer Brady said, holding his belt. Eric nodded and patted him on the back. “I’ll go and see him now.”“Good luck,” Officer Brady said, lifting the tape for him. Eric walked under the tape and walked on the lawn of the house which appeared to hous
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Selena Rhoades felt nervous as she rang the doorbell of the huge mansion. It was barely daybreak, and she wondered if it was a good idea to be ringing the doorbell of someone she didn’t know. She had never met Roman Lacroix in her life, but somehow he had a special place in her father’s heart. Selena’s mind went to her father. There was no doubt that he was dead by now. The cartel must have gotten to him. She was all alone in the world now. No father, and no mother. Selena’s face was swollen from crying. She had taken the bus here, and throughout the ride, it was nothing but tears. She had feared going blind from crying for too long. Crying isn't going to do anything. Her father had sacrificed his life to save hers, but there could have been a different approach to that. They could have left New York and gotten to another city where they would have started afresh, but her father had been against that. Jermaine was one of the most stubborn people she met. He had preferred to die than
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Eric Hilton and Adam Coleman stepped out of the crime scene with cups of cappuccino in their hands. It was getting cold now, and Eric wondered how long he was going to keep drinking it. He was slowly losing his appetite with each passing second. The body of Jermaine Rhoades was being bagged and would be taken away soon. After that, they would go to Roman Lacroix’s office where he would surely answer a few questions from them. There was no escaping what was coming to him. Finally, they had him where they had always wanted him. All they had to do was apply for an arrest warrant and he would be theirs. That wasn’t going to be hard to get from Deputy Behrens. Eric sipped his cappuccino and watched Leonard step out of the house. He took off his gloves and placed them in his kit walking towards the men. “Gentlemen. I will study the corpse further and see what I can find for you both.”Eric nodded at that. “Thank you so much, Leonard.”Leonard shrugged. “I mean, it’s my job,” he pointed
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