All Chapters of HANDS OF RETRIBUTION : Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
200 chapters
In the dark room, a figure stood by the window which was illuminated by the moonlight. It was the Viper Don. He was thinking about what he had done. Just over twenty-four hours ago, he had taken Jermaine’s life right here in this room. He wasn’t still satisfied with that. Killing Jermaine was a good idea, but he had no other choice. Jermaine had something he wanted; the map and compass. Those two artifacts were of importance to him. Where the map led to was very important. But Jermaine knew that and therefore proceeded to steal them from him claiming they weren’t his. Nobody told the Viper Don what could be his and not. And those artifacts were his, passed down from generation to generation. All he had to do was find where the map was. With Jermaine dead, they had no other choice but to start from scratch. They didn’t know where to start. His men had ransacked Jermaine’s home that same night, but they couldn’t find where he had placed it. It meant that it wasn’t there. It would be s
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Selena was sitting timidly on the couch when Roman returned. She was still feeling queasy about everything. The thought of being in a place where she had no idea of gave her that uneasy feeling. She was alone in the living room now, but she knew she was being watched. If Roman was a friend of her father, then she knew that there was something different about him. He wasn’t just an ordinary billionaire. There had to be a huge secret he was hiding. Selena had noticed this pattern in all rich men in New York City. There had to be something they were putting their hands in. Something dangerous and illegal. And innocent people like her father were paying for it every day with their lives. This wasn’t the first time she had heard of someone dying at the hands of a secret gang or cartel. It was well-known around the city. There were these groups that haunted the streets of New York day and night, trying to inflict damage on the people who lived there. Even the food at some point got tired o
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“Please tell me you placed a tracker on her,” Roman said to Ben as he stood behind the monitor screen. Ben was silently searching through the monitor screen. Roman was getting worried already. Selena had done the stupidest thing ever. She had left the house and gone on to fend for herself. Didn’t she know that she was being looked for? If Jermaine was trying to protect, it meant that the cartel was after her. Why would she do something as stupid as leaving the only place that guaranteed her safety? Roman couldn’t understand her. A new screen popped up. It was information about Selena. Roman stepped closer to the monitor and read it. Selena was twenty-five and was in school to get her Ph.D. Roman was surprised by this. She had a good academic background, and she was smart. She would be a great addition to the team, but it seemed she didn’t want to be a part of anything that was going on here. Roman guessed she wasn’t a fan of his. “She has a pretty good background, you know?” Ben co
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Selena Rhoades sighed as she stood on the porch of her house. Behind her was the yellow tape which cautioned people from stepping into the crime scene. Selena felt a churn in her stomach as she looked at the house. Just over twenty-four hours ago, her father had come home telling her to leave. She had known that her father was affiliated with bad men. She was aware of the crimes he had committed with the cartel just so they could live better lives. But Selena never asked for that. She never wanted this. All she wanted was someone who would understand her. Her father was the last person on earth whom she understood and could talk to about anything. Left with no friends and family left, Selena could feel the cold hands of loneliness grip her. She clenched her teeth together and stepped into the house. In the living room where they had argued last night was a chalk drawing of where his corpse had been found lying. Selena could feel her teeth grit in fury. This wasn’t fair. If her fathe
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Roman Lacroix sat in a black Audi as he watched the college students walk past him. He was looking for some in particular. Selena Rhoades. Though she didn’t want him around, Roman couldn’t help but think that she needed his help. She didn’t realize it yet, but it was true. He was trying to help her out, but she couldn’t see that. That wasn’t going to stop him. He had made a promise to her father, Jermaine, to make sure that she was safe, especially from the cartel members that were trying to get her. They knew she was hiding something, and she would be crucial to their plans of acquiring it. Roman had done the math himself. The results were morbid and dangerous. He couldn’t sit back and watch The Viper Don takeover Brooklyn or New York as a whole. There were a whole lot of opportunities waiting for him, and he couldn’t let this cartel ruin those opportunities for him. Roman was dressed in a black suit and he had a pair of black shades on which sealed his eyes from the bright sunset.
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“Roman?” Selena called as his hands left her mouth. “Yes. It’s me,” Roman said looking around. He was lucky to have arrived in time. As he watched Selena step out of the bus, he noticed two men who had been following her. It didn’t take him long to realize that the men were working for the cartel. He had immediately positioned himself in the alley and waited for her, hoping that the men wouldn’t get to her before him. Selena couldn’t believe that she would be relieved to see Roman. He had saved her from being abducted. She now felt guilty for doubting him and telling him to leave him alone. It was good that someone was watching her back even if she didn’t want that. “Don’t worry, you're safe now,” he assured her. Selena nodded at that. Her heartbeat had returned to normal and she was finally feeling herself once more. She couldn’t be more thankful for that. “Come on, let’s get you home,” Roman said, grabbing her hand. As they headed out the alley, five men converged at the en
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“What?” The Viper Don asked, slamming his fist on the table. The man who was standing before him now was aching in pain. He was one of the guards who had just been beaten up by Roman Lacroix. After Roman left with Selena, he hurried Jack to let the boss know about this. “She escaped, sir,” the man said with fear in his voice. The Viper Don was infuriated by that. How could that have been possible? He had sent five men after hee which he was certain would be enough to get Selena. She was crucial in finding the artifacts that her father had stolen from him. Without her, the artifacts would be gone forever. “How could she have evaded five men?” He questioned. “Sir. She had help from someone. A man,” the man continued. The Viper Don raised an eyebrow at that. How could he help her? It could be someone who was after the artifacts too. The Viper Don wondered who would be after the artifacts. If they were people looking for his artifacts too then he had to kill them before they had the
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Three black vans pulled over at the house of Jermaine. A black-tinted Cadillac followed shortly after. The vans opened up and armed men stepped out of the vehicles heading towards the yellow tape that sealed off the area. It was night now and everywhere was calm. The sudden erratic movements of the men would have caught a few eyes by now but it was late at night. One of the men stepped out from the front of the van. He had short blonde hair and was wearing a bulletproof vest with an AR in his hand. As the Cadillac pulled over beside the last van, the man walked towards it. A guard dressed in a black suit stepped out of the front seat and opened the door. The man with the AR walked towards the car. He stopped by the window not wanting to meet the figure at the backseat. “Jean Brogman, is that right?” Viper Don’s voice sounded. “Yes sir,” the man replied, nodding. “I’m hoping your men know exactly what to do,”Jean nodded once more. “Yes sir.”“Then get to work and find me those a
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Roman Lacroix and Lydia Ryhs stepped out of the Lamborghini and looked at the building before them. They were both staring at an automobile company. Roman was surprised when he received a proposal from the company to inspect it for a possible investment deal. It turned out that Lydia had been working on this while she had been away. Roman had almost doubted her and her abilities. But yet again, she had surprised him. “Here it is,” Lydia said to him. “Helix Automobiles.”Roman nodded at that. “What are we waiting for?” He asked, walking towards it. Lydia chuckled and went after him. They walked into the building, and surprisingly, they were welcomed by the whole company’s staff who greeted them. After that, they all dispersed and one of them, a man feeder smartly in a purple suit walked up to them. “Hello, welcome to Helix Automobiles. I’ll be your guide for the day,” the man introduced. Roman turned to Lydia who nodded at him. “Fine. So where do we start?” Roman asked. The man
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David Troyes gave Lilian his hand as she stepped out of the car. The paparazzi couldn’t stop flashing their cameras at them. They were finally here at the party. Lilian was still finding it hard to believe that Roman would invite them to a party. It didn’t make any sense. She was very sure he hated them. Why would he choose to let them in? It was confusing. “Thank you, David.”David kissed her knuckles and she giggled. “You’re welcome.”“Shall we?” He asked. Lilian nodded at him and they stepped into the event. It was big and she could see numerous people in there. At the stage were cars that were spinning in a slow revolution. It was obvious that Roman had gotten an automobile contract. While he was expanding, they were shrinking. It wasn’t going to be long until they had nothing left. Roman was slowly getting what he wanted. Their company. He was on his way to the revenge he had sought so badly. He had liquidated their stocks in the market making it worth less than a peanut. What
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