All Chapters of HANDS OF RETRIBUTION : Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
200 chapters
“Who’s this?” Roman asked but he then realized the line was dead. He took the phone from his ear and turned to Lydia with his face livid with confusion. Lydia was dissatisfied that the feeling was mutual. “Who was that?” She asked.“I don’t know,” Roman replied, placing the phone back into his breast pocket. “Where are you going?” Lydia asked. Roman was walking towards the door. He didn’t answer her. All Lydia could do was stare with a glass of champagne in her hand. She couldn’t believe that Roman was going to abandon his party. And worst of all, he wasn’t going to tell her what it was about. Could she call Ben about this? That wasn’t a good idea. Ben would tell her that she was overthinking. And he would tell her to keep faith in Roman and trust him—bla bla bla. It was hard to do any of that when Rylan barely trusted her. He was always being sneaky at times even though she had done enough to earn his trust. To her, it was somewhat tiring. She hoped that he would see that and w
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Lydia Rhys looked around the crowd to look for Roman but couldn’t find him. It had been about an hour since he had left the party, and he still hadn’t returned. She was starting to get worried. Roman had left in a hurry for a reason she knew nothing about. He wouldn’t tell her. The crowd at the party was starting to reduce. Everybody was tired and began leaving slowly. Lydia didn’t know what to do. Where the hell was Roman and what was he doing?Lydia moved away from the crowd and drank the last of her champagne. She was tired of waiting. She was going to look for Roman. She didn’t care if he got mad at her for interrupting. He always found a way to get mad at her anyway. This time wasn’t going to be any different. Lydia placed the glass of champagne on a moving tray and wiped her lips dry. She headed out of the party and stepped into the cold night. All the paparazzi that had flooded the event at the beginning were gone now. The red carpet which had been buzzing a few hours ago was
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Roman Lacroix opened his eyes slowly as he stared at his environment. It was dark and cold. He felt like he was freezing. Where was he? And what the hell happened? Everything came back to him in a flash. He had received a strange call to meet outside. That had turned into a trap step set by The Viper Don. He had sent men after him to abduct him. Roman had tried his best to fight them all but they were too many. They all ganged up on him and got him on his knees. As Roman tried to move his head, he felt a sharp stabbing pain at the back of his head. He grunted in pain as he tried to get up from the floor. He reached for his hands and realized that they were being held apart. What was this?“I think he’s coming around,” a voice said. The voice was familiar and Roman tried to picture where he had heard it from. As he thought hard, the stabbing pain came back. It felt like his head had been split with an ax. His whole body ached in pain, especially his spine. He had been smacked in th
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Lydia Rhys stepped into the digital room as she zipped up her leather overall. It was skin-tight black overall which complimented her short black hair making her look like a spy. Ben was behind the monitor screen trying to track down where Roman was being kept. He couldn’t believe that Roman could do something so stupid. How had he managed to be captured? Ben was still stunned. At check when Lydia had told him Roman had been taken, he hadn’t believed her until she came home. Only the. Did he figure out how serious this was? “Tell me you’ve found him, Ben,” Lydia said, coming to stand behind him. She wore a pair of gloves that matched her attire for tonight. Ben didn’t respond as he moved his fingers on the keyboard trying to locate where Roman had been captured. “Not yet,” Ben replied. “I’m still trying to pinpoint his location.”Lydia sighed and folded her arm frustrated that she had to wait. “Doesn’t he have his tracker on him?” She asked. “He does, Lydia. Patience,” Ben said.
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Lydia Ryhs drove the motorcycle around the four walls of the estate and parked it there. The guide looked abandoned. There was no one leaving there, but she was certain Roman was there. It was showing his location on her GPS tracker. Whoever this Viper Don was, he was good at hiding things. Nobody would bother to look for Roman here which gave him all the convenience she needed to manipulate her way into the building. She squeezed the gears of her motorcycle and drove into the abandoned estate. The field was huge and uncut. Lydia looked around in irritation. She finally arrived at the porch of the building and parked her bike. The sound of her motorcycle must have alerted everybody that she was there. There was no use of sneaking in anymore. Lydia killed the engine and stepped off her motorcycle. She stretched her limbs as she made her way to the porch of the building. The door creaked open as she pushed it in and she was welcomed by darkness. Lydia shrugged her shoulders trying to
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Roman Lacroix woke up to a splitting headache. He looked around and realized he was in his room. It was warm and cozy. Roman missed this feeling. He didn’t know he would one day appreciate the comfort of his bed. Being locked up in a room where it was cold and dark was supposed to be traumatizing. But he was Roman Lacroix. Nothing fazed him easily. The Viper Don had gotten to him easily. Roman still found it hard to believe that he had been caught easily by the cartel. It was surreal to him. He knew they had been lucky to get him. He had to prevent that from happening next time, but he couldn’t do anything about that presently. He was bedridden. Roman sighed as he ran his fingers through his bed. He had been tortured by the cartel to give off information about Selena. Selena wasn’t safe anymore. He hoped that she would come to terms with that. The cartel that had killed her father was after her, and Roman had made a promise to Jermaine to take care of his daughter, and he was going
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“What?!” The Viper Don yelled as he held the receiver in his ear. “He got away, sir. I showed up to meet the men all beaten up,” the voice reported. The Viper Don gritted his teeth as he heard this. He was in disbelief. “You better find him!” He yelled and slammed down the receiver in anger. The Viper Don couldn’t believe that Roman Lacroix had escaped. How was that possible? He had been bruised and weak before he left here. Where did all that strength come from? This was the second film he was losing out to Roman Lacroix and he was getting tired of it. He had to find a way to get back at him. But how? The Viper Don didn’t have a clue. Roman Lacroix was smart. He had played dumb with him during their little chit-chat. The Viper Don felt it hard to believe that Roman didn’t know anything about the artifact's whereabouts. He hadn’t been lying. Had Jermaine been paranoid enough to not let Roman in on his secret? It seemed so. Then why would Roman choose to help him? It didn’t make
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Roman was staring at the ceiling when a knock came on the door. His eyes fell to the door waiting to see who that would be. A few seconds later, the door swung open and Ben stepped into the room closing the door behind him. When Ben turned to him, he smiled at him. Unfortunately for Roman, he wasn’t in the mood for one. “How are you feeling, Roman?” Ben asked as he came to his bed. He was dressed in a black turtleneck neck sweater and a pair of black jeans. His dirty blonde hair was combed neatly and he had his hands in his pockets. Roman didn’t know what to say to him. How was he feeling? He felt useless. He felt stupid. Though this was just a setback, Roman felt he could have prevented it easily. His curiosity had gotten the best of him. Now all he could do was lay on the bed and wait till he could walk again. It had been a week since the incident, and it had been hell. The only time he got out of bed was when he went to the bathroom it had a shower. His wounds were healing, but h
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Timothy Belton was in his office lost in his thoughts until his telephone rang. It startled him back to reality and he rushed for it, plucking the receiver and placing it on his ear. “Hello? Who’s this?” He requested. “Mr. Belton,” a strange voice greeted. Timothy cranked his eyebrow in confusion. The question in his mind was a familiar one. “Yes? Who’s speaking?”“I think you’ll find that interesting when I’m done,” the voice said. Timothy didn’t understand what his words meant. “What do you want?” He asked. “The same thing you want, Mr. Belton,” the voice replied. “To take down Roman Lacroix.”Timothy was stunned by this. How did this person know he was after Roman? Whoever they were, they were well-updated on information about them. “And what makes you think I can trust you?” Timothy asked. “I don’t even know your name.”The voice chuckled on the other end of the line which annoyed Timothy. He was running out of patience. He would have thought of this to be a prank call if
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Lydia Rhys wasn’t a fan of Selena Rhoades, so it was a surprise when her smile turned into a frown at the sight of her. They all looked at each other as silence engulfed them. Roman was surprised to see Selena. It was a relief to see that she was safe. He hadn’t heard from her since he had saved her. Roman had told her to stay home until it was safe to go back out. But she had refused. She had continued going to college risking her safety each time she stepped out of the house. Roman, who had tried his best to reason with her, stopped doing so. If she wasn’t going to listen, then there was no point trying to talk to her. “You came back?” He asked. Lydia clenched her jaws as she saw her. Selena’s eyes went to Lydia. She was aware of the fact that Lydia wasn’t her biggest fan. She was the only person who made her uncomfortable staying here, that was why she majorly stayed over at her friend’s apartment. Selena couldn’t figure out why she hated her, but she was certain it had something
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