All Chapters of HANDS OF RETRIBUTION : Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
200 chapters
Damon leaned against the desk in the office as the paramedics placed a bag of ice on his head. The other one pointed a tiny flashlight at his eyes, probably checking for signs of concussion. Damon was feeling weird. There had been an infiltration last night, but nothing was stolen. There was a man in the office last night dressed in black. He seemed to have been looking for something of importance to him. Damon had tried to stop him, but that hadn’t gone as planned. Now the sun was up, and the paramedics were trying to make sure that he was okay. The police crowded the office as they searched for anything that was stolen. One would think that it was a crime scene. “How many fingers am I holding up?” The male paramedic asked. Damon looked up at him holding out his index, middle finger, and thumb. “Three,” he said with a sigh. The male paramedic nodded and rose to his feet. He went to meet up with a police officer who was standing by the door. “How is he doing?” The officer aske
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SHANGHAI, CHINA. Lydia stepped out of the car and gazed at her surroundings. The streets were busy with the locals. She wondered which part of Shanghai Roman had taken her to. When Roman had told her he was heading for Shanghai, she didn’t know it would be that same day. By the time they got home, Ben had already packed their stuff for them. Now, they found themselves roaming through the streets of Shanghai. Roman stepped out of the car and looked around. There was something wrong with Ben. He looked tired like he had been up all night. He was aware of that because he had been awake by the time Ben had returned and surprisingly that had been around 3 am. Roman didn’t bother asking because he didn’t want to intrude on Ben’s work. Whatever he was doing, he was sure that it was safe. “Where are we headed?” Lydia asked. Roman smirked at her. He grabbed her hand and walked through the streets of the town. They were heading towards a local area, and Lydia was feeling uneasy. “Why didn
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Lydia woke up to the sound of groans. This confused her. She had thought it was from her dreams, but they seemed to be coming from outside the house. Lydia rubbed her eyes and sat upright. She looked at the empty mat by her side and knew immediately who the groans belonged to. Her eyes scanned the room trying to find a clock but there was none. She reached for her phone underneath her pillow and brought it out. Yawning as she turned it on, she was perplexed to see that it was only fifteen minutes past seven. Why would they be up so early?Lydia was contemplating going back to sleep, but she sighed and rose from the mat. Her back hurt because of where she had slept. The wooden floor was hard and cold. The mat barely did them any favor. Lydia wondered why Roman didn’t choose a Sensei who loved living in an actual house. Over here, they were living retro, and she wasn’t a fan of that. As she got outside, she found Roman and Nuo holding wooden sticks. Roman was standing in an offensive
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Selena Rhoades stepped into the house looking around. She was back home once again, and she was glad this time Roman wouldn’t be here to stop her. When she heard that Roman had traveled to Shanghai, she decided to use that opportunity to search for the map once more. Hopefully, she will have better luck than last time. Selena looked at the chalk imitation of her father’s corpse and gulped hard. Flashes from that night came back to her. She felt guilty for leaving her father alone. If she had been with him, Viper Don wouldn’t have harmed either of them. And even if he did, she would be happy to die with her father. Without him, life was terrible. She could hardly focus in school. Her grades were dropping, and she was hoping that she would be able to finish on a high before the semester ended, but she didn’t know how possible that could be with Viper Don afterward. It was sort of impossible to keep focus while being reminded that someone was out to kill you. That was how Selena felt.
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Roman held Nuo’s hand and he was slammed onto the ground wooden floor. He winced in pain and let out a low groan. Nuo looked down on him and smiled. Her long black hair was wrapped into a bun. Besides them stood Master Feng who had his arms folded. He was watching them as they were training. When Roman saw that he shook his head in disappointment, he knew he still had a long way to go. “You know I’m starting to think you’re taking this personally,” Roman said to Nuo. A bright smile flashed across her face making her light broken eyes shine. They were beautiful. Her pale skin was becoming slightly red because of the stress she had put her body through. It wouldn’t be long before she would need to rest herself. But Roman knew she was too tired to be tired. She was one of the best when it came to possessing endurance. Nuo could fight or train for hours without having to stop. It was impressive, and that was where Roman had learned never to give up. Her favorite saying was, “If your mi
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Viper Don threw a glass at the wall and it shattered into pieces. The men who were seated behind his desk shivered in fear. They had expected him to react that way after getting the news from him. “What do you mean?” He asked. “We didn’t find anything,” Owen replied. Viper Don placed his hands on the desk. His face couldn’t be seen because of how dark the room was. Owen’s heart was thumping hard against his chest. He knew this had been a bad idea from the start. Choosing to work for someone like Viper Don only to disappoint him was the last thing he wanted to do. He had told Chris about this but he had insisted they would find the artifact. After convincing him for an hour to head Jack to the house, they searched it and found nothing. “Did you search properly?” Viper Don asked. Owen and Chris looked at each other. “Yes. Yes, we did,” Chris replied. “You’re lying!” Viper Don said, slamming his hand on the table. Chris and Owen shook in fear. There was no way Viper Don was going
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“Just relax your body and reach into your mind,” Master Feng said. Roman nodded and closed his eyes. He relaxed himself and tried to reach for his mind. He had already begun his training. This was the third day, and he felt that he was approaching the end of the lessons. For the past three days, a lot has happened. Nuo and Lydia were now talking to each other and she was teaching her new lessons. As for him, he was stuck with his Sensei with Nuo barely speaking to him. Roman knew what it was about. She had gone off on him when he had won her. Roman had thought it was just her frustration from losing to him, but it was deeper than that. She was hurt, and he wondered what he had done to hurt her. “Focus, Roman!” Master Feng yelled. Roman gulped hard and nodded. He eased himself and shut out such thoughts from his mind, making it blank. Master Feng nodded as he saw this. “Good work, Roman. Now let your mind sync with your body,” he said. “Use it to command your body. The brain is th
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Roman stepped out of the house and found Nuo sitting by the tree. It was night and the cold breeze that kissed his cheek made him know that it wasn’t advisable to be out here. He watched her look at the night sky. There was a full moon tonight, and the moonlight bathed the whole environment in its beauty. Nuo was dressed in a black robe now as she sat on a concrete bench. Roman was contemplating talking to her. They weren’t on talking terms and he felt he was at fault. Earlier today, he had managed to defeat her father which was a big achievement for him. He was feeling like himself once more. He was feeling stronger, faster, and better than when he had first arrived. And he owed it all to them. Leaving for America tomorrow was going to come as news to her, and he wanted to tell her personally before leaving. There was a lot he had to do back at home. Viper Don was still out there looking for the artifacts, and he had to be there to put a stop to that. Selena was also on her own. He
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BROOKLYN, NEW YORK. Ben sat behind the computer screen as he looked at what he was seeing. He had successfully broken into another company hoping to find more answers. There was something he was looking for. The answers to the accident of Lucien Lacroix. There had to be something Floyd Helix must have left behind. A clue. But so far, he had found nothing, and it was getting frustrating. Roman was back and was straight off to a meeting with the automobile company. It was their first board meeting. Selena was home with Lydia where it was safe. Lydia had told him something that left him in awe. Roman had feelings for someone else. It didn’t make sense to him. It was obvious Lydia was lying or jealous. Ben was aware of the feelings Lydia had for Roman and was probably frustrated when she found him kissing someone else. She had also told him about their time there. Roman had learned new skills and so did she. It was time they paid Viper Don for what he had done to Roman, but first Ben h
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Floyd Helix could swear that he had seen this man before. It came as a shock as he stepped out of the elevator. There was an aura around that was familiar like they had met before. He reminded him of someone from his past, someone that he had hated so much, but couldn’t quite remember him. He would have to search the long list of the enemies he had killed before he could come up with the name, but unluckily for him, he didn’t make a list of that. The man was staring at him as he walked past him. Floyd smiled to make things less awkward. The man was glaring at him like he had pissed him off. There were hundreds of people he had pissed off in the past. If he wanted to get into an altercation he was ready.Instead, the man shoved his phone back into the pocket of his suit jacket and watched him pass him. Floyd gazed as he watched as he headed towards the conference room. He was late. But that wasn’t fully his fault. He was coming from New Jersey this morning, and he was slightly exhaus
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