All Chapters of HANDS OF RETRIBUTION : Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
200 chapters
Florence Weah’s heart was thumping hard against her chest as she stood before the door to her father’s study. He had asked to see her, and he wondered why he would want to do so. Her father only called on her if it was important. Making her the face of his plans wasn’t as enthralling as she thought it would be. It was only involving her in dangerous feuds. But she didn’t have a choice. She had to do what he asked because he was the only parent she had left. Florence held the doorknob and exhaled before swinging the door open. She stepped into the room and found a figure standing by the window. It was her father. She rolled her eyes as she closed the door behind her. She was tired of her father acting like he was invisible. It was amazing that everybody he worked with didn’t know what he looked like. There were no portraits of him at home. Every one of them had been taken down while she had been away. What made Florence more infuriated was that the photos of her mother were taken do
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Eric Hilton stepped into the Deputy’s office unsure of what they had been summoned. Adam who was right behind him stepped in and closed the door. Deputy Behrens was behind his desk looking at a bunch of files. He didn’t seem to have acknowledged their arrival. There were a lot of questions going through Eric’s mind. They had a couple of unsolved murders and it was getting tiring. They had spent all week trying to find clues on both the murders, but nothing came forth. They were still at square one. The only suspect they had was Roman Lacroix, and he looked innocent. They had stumbled across him at the crime scene where he had been watching them wheeling Jermaine’s remains away. The mafia was a strong candidate also. It was found that Jermaine was working for the mafia and Roman also had a few connections within the mafia. Something was missing that he couldn’t quite piece yet, but he was still hopeful. Well, that had been until r had been summoned by Deputy Behrens. Deputy Behrens
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Roman threw the glass across the room and it landed on the wall, shattering too many pieces. He had been there. He had seen him, but he couldn’t do anything about it. Roman was still feeling feeble. He had laid his eyes on Floyd Helix, the man who had killed his father, but he couldn't do anything about it. At least not while there were people in the room. He could vividly remember the shock on Floyd’s face earlier today when he realized that he was still alive. Roman couldn’t believe this. He knew what Floyd had been thinking when he laid eyes on him. If he had known he was alive, he would have killed him too, because he knew he was a threat to him. Roman could barely laugh at the irony. He had bought a share in a company that I originally belonged to. It didn’t make any sense. Ben rushed into the room and found Roman breathing heavily. He had heard the sound of glass shattering and had rushed to see what was happening. His eyes went to Roman who seemed infuriated. It was probably
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There was silence as the security guard took one last look around the museum. He was exhausted as he flashed his light at the expensive painting that had just arrived from Venice for display. If it went missing, he was going to lose his job. He yawned one more time and flashed his light at it, staring at it one more time. The painting was of a cat sitting beside what seemed to be a pharaoh. It was too dark to make out what the painting was, and his flashlight wasn’t helping matters. Losing interest in a matter of seconds, he yawned and walked towards the door. The security guard turned around and flashed his light one more time at the room before stepping out of it. He locked the door, using his access card to seal the room shut. And with that, he walked off to get a few hours of rest. Back in the room, and on the roof, three figures hovered. There was a buzzing sound coming from the panoramic ceiling. It seemed like a huge laser was making a hole in the ceiling.After a few minute
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“I see you’re still running petty crimes,” Roman said as he stepped out of the van. They were back at Oliver’s hideout which looked like a huge dimly lit garage. Surrounding them were huge artifacts which seemed to have Ben stolen by the crew. Roman knew them very well. He had stumbled across them once when he had been going for an auction. There he had met Oliver who had posed like a millionaire hoping to partake in the auction. But Roman had been suspicious of him because a few moments later, the room was filled with gas, and when he dispersed, the painting was gone. Roman had commended their work a few times, and always kept an eye on them. That was how he had been able to find them tonight. Anywhere there was going to be a huge art event, they were always going to be there. “This isn’t petty crimes,” Oliver said stepping out of the van with the huge black duffel bag in his hand. Roman chuckled and bit his apple again. When he realized that there was nothing left for him to bit
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“You can’t be serious,” Roman said, stunned by Oliver’s words. Why would he want to help them? They were doing perfectly fine without him. He had just watched them infiltrate a highly secured museum and steal a bunch of expensive artifacts. Why would they need him? Roman felt this was some kind of test, and he wasn’t buying it. He wasn’t a thief. “I’m dead serious, Roman,” Oliver said. “You want my weapons, you help me once and you get whatever you want here.”Roman squinted at him. He knew better than to trust thieves, but Oliver was an honorable thief. Even though he was as cunning as a fox. Susan and Daimonte looked at each other in surprise. They didn’t understand what Oliver was doing. Why would he choose Roman over the money? They all knew that Roman was a billionaire now, and it would be good business to charge him high for the weapons. Why would Oliver choose another route? It made no sense. “I’m offering you good money, Oliver.”Oliver chuckled and gazed at Roman. His sil
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Lydia Rhys parked her motorcycle before the Rhoades’s house and took off her helmet. Selena who was behind her did the same, getting off her motorcycle immediately. Of all the people she could get stuck with, it had to be her. Lydia wasn’t thrilled when Roman ordered her to helpSelena searched the house for the artifact. She had confronted him just before he left for New Jersey to let her go with Ben instead, but Roman had told her he needed Ben back home. Lydia felt he was trying to make both of them friends. “Is this the place?” Lydia asked. Selena looked at the house and nodded. She was starting to hate coming here. It kept on bringing back memories of that night which she tried so hard to keep away. Lydia dropped her helmet and got off her motorcycle. She walked towards Selena who was standing like a statue. “Okay. Let’s get this over with,” she said heading into the house. Selena watched her before following her. They arrived in the living room and found the chalk drawing
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It was 3 am, which made it unusual for an ice cream truck to be driving past the half-empty streets of Newark. The driver who was behind the wheel grabbed it nervously as he tried to shake off the negative emotions. They were behind him so he had nothing to worry about. All he had to do was take the ice cream truck to the museum and that was it for the night. At first, it had sounded so easy, but thinking about it now, he might as well be making a huge mistake. There were frequent museum robberies in this town. A few hours ago, there had been a report of a robbery at another museum, and the driver felt that he was next—a morbid feeling. “Tom. Are you okay?” A voice asked from the dispatcher after a slight static. Tom looked at the dispatcher and reached for it. He brought it to his mouth as his hands trembled. It wasn’t going to be as easy as he thought it would be. “Y—Yeah. I’m alright.”“You have nothing to worry about. All you have to do is get that truck to the museum. We will
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This wasn’t part of the plan. Oliver had calculated it properly. There was no flaw in it. The cops weren’t supposed to be here that quick. They had about thirteen minutes before they should arrive. How had they found them so easily?Susan was dumbfounded when she heard the sound of the sirens. Her heart was thumping hard against her chest. There was no way this was happening. This was the first time they were behind time. What must have gotten wrong?“Oliver,” Roman called. “We better hurry.”Oliver nodded and began packing the artifacts into duffel bags. Roman shook his head in disappointment. He couldn’t believe this was happening. He couldn’t believe he had become a thief. It made him feel dirty, but they were in a crisis, and he had to do something about it. He threw his bag towards Susan who caught it staring at him in disbelief. “Help Oliver get the goods in the bag,” he ordered. She arched an eyebrow at him. “And what about you?” Roman reached into his pocket and brought o
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Eric had heard a few footsteps coming from upstairs, and immediately he knew they weren’t alone. He had told Adam, and they had gotten on their guard. Never did he expect to see Selena Rhoades here. He understood why she was here. She was probably missing her father, and nostalgia had brought her here. When he recognized her, he lowered his gun. Adam still had his gun out until Eric held his hand. Adam looked up at him in confusion and he lowered his gun, shoving it back into its holster. “Would any of you like to tell me what the hell you’re doing here?”Lydia and Selena looked at each other. They knew they couldn’t tell the cops about the artifacts. It wouldn’t make any sense to them. So they stayed silent. Adam raised an eyebrow and he waited for any of them to say anything, but nothing was said. They both stared at the men in silence. It looked like they were still shaking from the fact that they had guns being pointed at them. “Should I repeat myself?” Eric asked. “I just ca
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