All Chapters of HANDS OF RETRIBUTION : Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
200 chapters
Lilian Troyes sat by the dresser gazing at her gorgeous black hair as her husband stepped out of the bathroom. He was dressed in nothing but a towel which was below him. His skin was pale and his hair was dripping wet as he stepped into the room. Lilian bit her lips as she stared at him through the mirror. He was looking like dessert, but she knew she couldn’t do anything now. There were so many things running through her mind which made her head crowded. David had promised that he would fix everything in no time, but it seemed it was taking longer than usual. In the space for the three months he had brought in Timothy Belton, and for the first few weeks, it looked like some things had changed. The comings had been slowly getting back on its feet. Then all of a sudden another investor came into the company. This time it was a woman. Lilian didn’t like her one bit. She had seen her at the party, and she couldn’t deny how gorgeous she looked. She was simply stunning, and she had been
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Florence Weah stepped out of the elevator and into the underground parking lot as she headed toward her vehicle. They had finished another meeting, a meeting for which Roman surprisingly wasn’t in attendance. Her mind was still thinking of what her father had told her. All she had to do was make Roman like her. It sounded like what she had wanted to do, but she knew she was against catching feelings for him. Her father wouldn’t accept it. Staying around someone like Roman without catching feelings for him was going to be harder than she thought. She headed towards her black Audi exhausted from the meeting. As she got into the car, she sighed and shoved her seatbelt, ready to head back to her new house. A few feet away from her, a figure was sitting in a black SUV watching Florence walk through the parking lot. The fingers of the figure looked feminine as they drummed the steering wheel impatiently. It was Lilian Troyes. She had been waiting for Florence for a while now and thought
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Florence stepped out of her heels and sat on the couch with a sigh and also with a glass of wine in her hand. She sipped the wine to the sound of the jazz music playing in the background. Today has been one hell of a day. After sitting still for over three hours in a conference room, she realized someone was following her. Florence had noticed it first at the traffic light. She had noticed the SUV from the parking lot back at Troyes Inc., and she confirmed it when she came out of the store. The question on her mind was the obvious one. Who had been following her? It had been a woman. She had noticed when she stepped into the bar in search of her, but Florence couldn’t recognize her. She doubted he would recognize a whole lot of people. Being away from New York for too long had messed her up. She didn’t have time for friends anymore, especially now that her father had tasked her with an important mission. And that mission was to get Roman to like her. She wondered if that would be
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“This is it,” Florence said as they approached her house. Roman swerved the car into the driveway and brought it to a halt. He stepped out of the silver Porsche and headed towards Florence, opening the door for her. Florence came out of the car, feeling exhausted. The night had gone just as she had expected it to. They didn’t talk much about their personal lives after asking each other about their parents, but they had held business talks. Roman was a smart guy, and she understood perfectly why her father wasn’t a fan of his. Roman walked her towards the porch until they arrived at her front door. Florence turned to him and stared into his silver eyes. She didn’t want this night to end. She wanted Roman to stay a bit longer. Perhaps sleep in his arms, if she could. “I guess we have reached the goodnight kiss stage?”Florence chuckled at that, and Roman joined her not long after. As they stared into each other’s eyes, Florence reached for him and wrapped her arms around his neck,
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The warm jets of water crushed Roman’s body as soon as he turned on the shower. The sensation the warm water gave him was soothing and he sighed as he let the water caress his skin. Last night had been crazy. He had gone out with Florence Weah, and all of a sudden they were on her couch having one hell of sex. It had been amazing, and he wished he could do it again. But Roman knew he couldn’t afford to. His main objective was to get closer to Florence and know what she was up to. There was something off about her, and he wasn’t determined to find that out. Last night when they had talked about their families, she had made mention of her father but no mother. Roman was an orphan. It was upsetting he had watched his mother die only a few months after reuniting with her. That wasn’t fair, but this wasn’t a time to recollect. It was morning, and he had to get going soon. He had left Florence sleeping to have a shower hoping that he would get to sneak out before she woke up. And maybe p
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Viper Don stood by the window in his study room with his hands behind him. He was waiting for the feedback from his daughter. She had updated him on the date night she had with Roman, but that had been before they both got on the date. If she was doing exactly as she was told, then he had little to worry about. The plan was still in motion. It seemed Roman was back on his feet and ready for revenge. This was the reason he had placed his daughter on him. All he hoped was that Florence wouldn’t take it too far. She wasn’t the type that went for men. He had never heard her talk about a man. But there was something about Roman that seemed to attract her. Viper Don hoped it was nothing but mere infatuation. He turned away from the window and walked back to his desk. He was waiting for Florence. She was supposed to be here about thirty minutes ago. It was getting late, and there were other plans he had in place in case Florence failed. But Florence never failed. She had always stuck to th
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Roman swung the door open and stepped into the house. He was exhausted, and he needed some rest. He had spent last night at Florence’s house, which sounded like something he wouldn’t do. Now, he needed to rest and recover. He was met by Selena, who was coming out of the kitchen with a bowl of chips. Selena was surprised to see Roman. He looked like a mess. His black hair was damp and ruffled, and his silver eyes were dull. The buttons of his white undershirt were gone, and his suit jacket was rumpled. He looked like he had been involved in a train wreck. “Roman?” She called. She had heard he had returned to town, but she hadn’t met him because he wasn’t around when she and Lydia returned. When he didn’t come home last night, she had been worried because he was always home. Seeing him now, she felt a lot had happened last night. “Hey, Selena.”Selena was baffled by that. She crunched her chips as she watched him take a seat on the couch. Roman sighed in relief as he sat on the couc
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Florence Weah sat behind her desk looking at some files. She was still raging from last night. Her father had made a statement which made her infuriated. It almost made her feel that he was never going to be back to normal. It scared her that her father had changed forever, but it didn’t matter to her. Florence never had a life of her own because of her father. She was too busy trying to please him ever since her mother died. He had been hurt and it changed him, and she felt that by doing as he asked, he would slowly come back to the loving father she knew. But that didn’t seem to be working. Instead, it seemed like her father was using her—manipulating her for his self-gain. And a little girl who had no clue of what she was doing, she had fallen for it every single time. But things had changed when she met Roman. He made get feel alive. He made her realize that there was more to life than traveling across the world making deals with the German and Russian mafia. He had made her fee
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Roman stepped out of the elevator with a smile on his face. Lunch with Florence had been a great idea. It had lifted his mood after he had been caught in two minds. Was he going to go starlight to the point, or was he going to play a little longer? He had opted for the second choice hoping that he wasn’t going to regret it later. He glanced at his watch as he walked through the hallway. It was a few minutes to 2 pm. He was late for work. He had been asleep all morning before sending Florence those flowers. He was certain she was going to cherish it. Maybe after work, he was going to sit down in the digital room and watch her every move. That sounded creepy, but he needed to know who she was working with. He didn’t buy that she liked him sincerely. There had to be somebody in the shadows pulling the strings. It could be a new enemy. Roman already had a lot on his plate. He was dealing with Viper Don already who wanted his head on a platter, now he had to deal with a ghost from his pa
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Timothy Belton didn’t understand why he was nervous as he sat behind the desk in Viper Don’s study. Surprisingly, he was alone, and that didn’t make him feel any less nervous. Each time he had come here, Viper Don had always been already seated. But not tonight. Timothy looked at his hands and realized they were sweaty. He could feel his heart pounding in the darkness. He felt he was going to hyperventilate if Viper Don didn’t show up soon. The first time Viper Don had called him, he had been both nervous and excited about the prospect of working with him. To be working with someone like Viper Don ensured you just more than security. It opened more privileges for him. But now, he was reconsidering that. Viper Don wasn’t acting like his partner anymore. Ever since he had acquired the share in Troyes Inc. he had been acting differently. Timothy knew he was searching for something. He didn’t know what it was about, but he knew it had something to do with Roman. It seemed Roman was ever
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