The warm jets of water crushed Roman’s body as soon as he turned on the shower. The sensation the warm water gave him was soothing and he sighed as he let the water caress his skin. Last night had been crazy. He had gone out with Florence Weah, and all of a sudden they were on her couch having one hell of sex. It had been amazing, and he wished he could do it again.

But Roman knew he couldn’t afford to. His main objective was to get closer to Florence and know what she was up to. There was something off about her, and he wasn’t determined to find that out.

Last night when they had talked about their families, she had made mention of her father but no mother. Roman was an orphan. It was upsetting he had watched his mother die only a few months after reuniting with her. That wasn’t fair, but this wasn’t a time to recollect. It was morning, and he had to get going soon.

He had left Florence sleeping to have a shower hoping that he would get to sneak out before she woke up. And maybe p
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