Viper Don stood by the window in his study room with his hands behind him. He was waiting for the feedback from his daughter. She had updated him on the date night she had with Roman, but that had been before they both got on the date. If she was doing exactly as she was told, then he had little to worry about. The plan was still in motion.

It seemed Roman was back on his feet and ready for revenge. This was the reason he had placed his daughter on him. All he hoped was that Florence wouldn’t take it too far. She wasn’t the type that went for men. He had never heard her talk about a man. But there was something about Roman that seemed to attract her. Viper Don hoped it was nothing but mere infatuation.

He turned away from the window and walked back to his desk. He was waiting for Florence. She was supposed to be here about thirty minutes ago. It was getting late, and there were other plans he had in place in case Florence failed. But Florence never failed. She had always stuck to th
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