Timothy Belton didn’t understand why he was nervous as he sat behind the desk in Viper Don’s study. Surprisingly, he was alone, and that didn’t make him feel any less nervous. Each time he had come here, Viper Don had always been already seated. But not tonight.

Timothy looked at his hands and realized they were sweaty. He could feel his heart pounding in the darkness. He felt he was going to hyperventilate if Viper Don didn’t show up soon. The first time Viper Don had called him, he had been both nervous and excited about the prospect of working with him. To be working with someone like Viper Don ensured you just more than security. It opened more privileges for him.

But now, he was reconsidering that. Viper Don wasn’t acting like his partner anymore. Ever since he had acquired the share in Troyes Inc. he had been acting differently. Timothy knew he was searching for something. He didn’t know what it was about, but he knew it had something to do with Roman. It seemed Roman was ever
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