It was said that nobody had ever seen Viper Don’s face and lived to tell the tale. But as Timothy stared at his face, he couldn’t believe it. As Viper Don’s face came into view, he immediately turned off the lmao. Another thunderclap was heard in the background. There was going to be a storm tonight.

Viper Don sat back on his chair thinking about what he had done. He had broken his code again, but that didn’t matter. He had done it to indicate that there was more coming from him. There was a lot left for him to decide on. Like if he was going to go in all out to get Selena, or if he was going to go after Roman. He was aware that Selena was hiding under Roman’s wing. And it was only a matter of time before they flung the artifacts. They were working together, and if Selena eventually found it, there were going to be a lot of issues. But luckily for him, he usually had a backup plan.

Timothy picked up the glass of scotch and took another drink as he tried to digest what he had just se
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