Roman stepped out of the elevator with a smile on his face. Lunch with Florence had been a great idea. It had lifted his mood after he had been caught in two minds. Was he going to go starlight to the point, or was he going to play a little longer? He had opted for the second choice hoping that he wasn’t going to regret it later.

He glanced at his watch as he walked through the hallway. It was a few minutes to 2 pm. He was late for work. He had been asleep all morning before sending Florence those flowers. He was certain she was going to cherish it. Maybe after work, he was going to sit down in the digital room and watch her every move. That sounded creepy, but he needed to know who she was working with.

He didn’t buy that she liked him sincerely. There had to be somebody in the shadows pulling the strings. It could be a new enemy. Roman already had a lot on his plate. He was dealing with Viper Don already who wanted his head on a platter, now he had to deal with a ghost from his pa
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