Florence Weah sat behind her desk looking at some files. She was still raging from last night. Her father had made a statement which made her infuriated. It almost made her feel that he was never going to be back to normal. It scared her that her father had changed forever, but it didn’t matter to her.

Florence never had a life of her own because of her father. She was too busy trying to please him ever since her mother died. He had been hurt and it changed him, and she felt that by doing as he asked, he would slowly come back to the loving father she knew. But that didn’t seem to be working. Instead, it seemed like her father was using her—manipulating her for his self-gain. And a little girl who had no clue of what she was doing, she had fallen for it every single time.

But things had changed when she met Roman. He made get feel alive. He made her realize that there was more to life than traveling across the world making deals with the German and Russian mafia. He had made her fee
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