All Chapters of HANDS OF RETRIBUTION : Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
200 chapters
It was said that nobody had ever seen Viper Don’s face and lived to tell the tale. But as Timothy stared at his face, he couldn’t believe it. As Viper Don’s face came into view, he immediately turned off the lmao. Another thunderclap was heard in the background. There was going to be a storm tonight. Viper Don sat back on his chair thinking about what he had done. He had broken his code again, but that didn’t matter. He had done it to indicate that there was more coming from him. There was a lot left for him to decide on. Like if he was going to go in all out to get Selena, or if he was going to go after Roman. He was aware that Selena was hiding under Roman’s wing. And it was only a matter of time before they flung the artifacts. They were working together, and if Selena eventually found it, there were going to be a lot of issues. But luckily for him, he usually had a backup plan. Timothy picked up the glass of scotch and took another drink as he tried to digest what he had just se
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As the rain splattered on his window, Viper Don reflected on what just happened. Timothy Belton hadn’t been pleased by his words. But Viper Don had expected his reaction. And he knew what he had to do. Timothy was a liability. And he despised that. Viper Don felt a strong sense of Deja vu. This was similar to what had happened with Jermaine. Jermaine had gone against and had stolen something of much importance to him. And he had lived the consequences of those nefarious actions. Now, Timothy was going to do the same. Viper Don pulled out his phone from his pocket and dialed a number. The phone rang for a while. “Hello?” A voice greeted. Viper Don sipped his scotch as he gazed out the window. “You know what you have to do.”“Affirmative.”And with that, the line went dead. ***Timothy Belton felt he had misjudged the rain as he stepped out of Viper Don’s estate. It was cold and he could feel the rain splattered on his face as he stood on the porch. All of a sudden, his car in the
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It was still raining hard when Eric had gotten the call. There had been an accident that seemed more of a homicide. Eric wondered how long they would wait until the rain went away, and his answer had been the next day. As he arrived at the crime scene, he stepped out of the vehicle with Adam Coleman with him. It was morning now, and the sun was rising above the horizon. Eric could still smell the rain that had clouded what seemed to have been more than a murder last night. He wasn’t thrilled that he had been called while he had been trying to get some rest. His phone had rang by 4 am this morning. It had been Deputy Behrens who had phoned him to tell him about the accident. Eric had been pissed that the Deputy had called him about a mere accident, but as he looked at the stacked crime scene, he completely understood. His eyes went to Adam who stared back at him. They both knew what each other was thinking. It was worse than they had thought it would be. There were a couple of ambul
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“What?!” David yelled as he held the receiver to his ear. Lilian was startled by that. She had been seated on the couch watching her favorite program when she heard that. David was about to head to the office when the phone rang. Lilian had answered it, but then told David it was for him. That was the last thing she had heard until now. She turned around to look at David who had a shocked expression on his face. She wondered what kind of bad news he had received. He was trying to control his emotions as he listened to the voice on the other side of the phone. “I’m sorry, Mr. Troyes. I hope you find peace,” the voice said. David sighed and nodded. “Thank you.”And with that, the line went dead. David slammed the receiver back down and ran his fingers through his hair. They had been neatly arranged a few moments ago. Not anymore. He was holding his suit jacket in his hand intending to leave the house with it. But now, he didn’t feel like going anyway. He wanted to stay back at home
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Viper Don stood by the window with a glass of scotch in his hand. With Timothy now out of the frame, he was thinking of what his next move could be. It was fine to step up then pace and get all his pending missions done. The first had to be the one with Florence. She hadn't picked up any of his calls since that night, and he couldn’t blame her. A few words had been spilled that night that shouldn’t have been. They had talked about her mother, someone he barely held a conversation about. She was gone and he was focused on other things. Big Florence couldn't quite let go of the past. Though he regretted telling her that he was the one here, and not her, it was the simple truth. It had been to make Florence let go of the past and become stronger as he had done, but it wasn’t going to happen. Florence wouldn’t be able to let go of her emotions. Those were the objects of her stagnation. If she wouldn’t let go, she wouldn’t become like him. And what if she didn't want to be like him? What
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Rylan had already figured it out when he saw the news. He already knew that the Viper Don had taken the next step. And it was a bold step. He was speeding up his plans while he was here contemplating how to stop him. He couldn’t be stopped. The only thing Roman could do right now was match the pace he was on, but it wasn’t as easy. The only consolation he had was that Selena was on his team, and the only way they could find the artifacts was with that. But that was the problem; they couldn’t. They had searched about three times now, and they had found nothing. Each time they had gone there, it became more dangerous to go back. Selena had made mention of a few of Viper Don’s men coming in there to search the house. Roman knew that they were also looking for the artifacts. Which meant that nobody had found it yet. They were still on the safe side. He was seated on the couch, and beside him was Ben. They had both seen the news together and now they were locked in on trying to find a so
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It had been right before their eyes, and they couldn’t even see it. Roman knew that there was something off about Florence from the start. And even the truth sounded horrendous to his ears. Florence Weah was the daughter of Viper Don. Roman had finally found out his identity. He was Donald Weah. And the reason he had been tagged dead was because nobody had seen him ever since then. Donald Weah had died to bring Viper Don to life. The only issue they had was that they didn’t know what he looked like. There were no pictures of him on the documents. Roman closed the file and kept it on the side. Ben too was bamboozled by this discovery. He was trying his best to believe that this wasn’t true, but it was. Viper Don was the father of Florence Weah. Everything made sense now. “But we aren’t certain that he is the one,”Ben said. Roman shook his head. “What more proof do you need? It makes a lot of sense. Why would Florence ask me out on a date from the blue? Why would she want to get cl
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Roman stepped out of the black Audi and scanned the area. The sun was going down gradually, which meant that sunset was at bay. Roman was feeling queasy about meeting up with Florence. He couldn’t trust her anymore. After realizing that there was a possibility of her working with Viper Don, the little interest he had in her had faded completely. He saw her as a threat, and he loved to take out his threats. As he walked into the cafe, his eyes scanned the environment. He was still feeling that this was going to be a trap. He had fallen for it once and had borne the consequences. He had lost his footing and couldn’t walk for months. If Ben and Lydia weren’t there, he would still be bedridden. Those months were the worst of his life. Being able to do nothing had made him feel useless, and it was all because of Viper Don. Viper Don had messed him up badly, and he couldn’t wait to get his revenge on him. He was going to pay for what he had done to him. When he stepped into the cafe, he
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“Ladies and gentlemen, we are gathered here to lay one of our very own into the hands of God, hoping he will welcome his soul into his kingdom,” the priest. “As the Bible says, from ashes we were made, and to ashes we shall return.”David sat in the front row with a pair of black shades. They were all at the cemetery trying to lay Timothy to rest. David found it hard to believe that Timothy was gone even though he was staring at his body in the coffin. Just over two weeks ago, they had spoken and now he was in a casket. It was hurtful, but there was nothing left for him. He had been emotionally drained over the last few days. Lilian had advised him to lay him to rest. The cops hadn’t found anything that could let them get to the killer. So they were given his body to let him lay him to rest. David was unhappy about this. He was determined to find who had murdered his uncle, and then he was going to make them pay. “Dear Father, receive this poor soul into thy kingdom, in the hope th
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“What do you want?” David asked. Roman’s eyes went to Lilian. She was feeling queasy about his presence. “I just want to talk.”“Then. Get on with it.”Roman clenched his jaws and shoved one of his hands in his pockets. He was wondering what he could say that could be soothing to them. David looked exhausted. It must have been tough to lose a loved one. Roman had lost his mother, and it had changed him. His father had been murdered, and the man behind the murder was working for free. He wasn’t about to let that go. He was going to get his revenge on Floyd Helix when the time came. And he felt David was thinking the same thing about Viper Don. That was if he knew that Viper Don was behind this. “I want to share my condolences to you.”“I don’t need your sympathy.”Lilian held David’s chest telling him to relax. Roman chuckled at that. He could understand why he was being so feisty. Everything made sense just for today. Lilian glared at Roman. She was particularly happy to see him
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