All Chapters of The Secret Heir Of Slytherin Empire : Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
150 chapters
61. Tell them I'm dead
Returning to the mansion, Oscar realized that it was already past six a.m, he sighed heavily and threw himself back on the sofa where he prayed for sleep to take him for a few hours. The fatigue was rather surprising to him, but each time he closed his eyes, he couldn't keep them shut, mostly because he was worried and anxious, but it was the same thought that eventually knocked him out, and for the first time, he slept off on the sofa. _____ "Sir?" Oscar woke up after he was tapped several times on the arm. He saw Leo looking down on him all suited up as usual, "I slept on the couch? how embarrassing?" He thought while yawning with his hand over his mouth. "Good morning sir," Leo greeted him, and Oscar stole a glance at the clock on the wall and saw that it was past nine a.m. "I'm sorry to interrupt your sleep but you ought to have had a guest, remember Mr O'brien? he asked me to plead with you and know if it's okay to move the meeting to tonight, he said he is not coming alo
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62. Such a hassle
Back to Micheal, he got the message from Mr. O'Brien that the CEO of Slytherin Empire has agreed to meet with him by four p.m. and he was rather excited and anxious at the same time. The fact that it could end in disaster made him more afraid because initially, the CEO didn't want to set his eye on him. However, he planned to act as though wasn't aware that he was going to meet the CEO of Slytherin Empire and let Mr. O'Brien introduce the CEO to him. It was already twenty minutes to the time and Micheal was fully dressed in his black tuxedo, a gold wrist watch and black shoes. He wanted to look good and professional at the same time and he rehearsed every word he was going to say if meets the new CEO. "Good luck," Ellen mumbled and walked up to him from behind. Looking at the mirror in front of them, she adjusted his bow tie and smiled. "Thanks," He replied with a sigh, "I will need it. But, if it doesn't work out this way, then the smear campaign is all we have to try. At
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63. I have a lot to say
Once the verification at the counter was completed, Oscar and his escort Tom were directed to where Mr. O'Brien was waiting for him, and as soon as he saw the man sitting opposite Mr. O'Brien, he almost wanted to turn back and leave, how could he do that now without making himself look unprofessional and rude. He paused for a second and turned to face Tom, "He is here." "Yes sir, unfortunately. " Tom replied. Oscar couldn't go back now, he gently walked up to the table and put a smile on his face, acting as though he hadn't seen Micheal. "Good day sir, you must be Mr. O'Brien?" He greeted extending his hand for a handshake. At the sight of this young man, a shiver went down Micheal's spine. He refused to imagine it once in his head that Oscar was the CEO of the Slytherin Empire because that would make no sense to him based on all he had learned so far. "Oh?" Mr. O'Brien exclaimed in shock, he had expected a man who was more than fifty years old, not a young man who could be his
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64. I'll handle it
"Well? we are all ears." Mr O'Brien replied, with both hands on the table and his eyes fixed on the young man who had barely opened his mouth. "I have done nothing to the Slytherins," Micheal replied, "And even if they claim that I have done anything then they should tell me what it is. It must have been a mistake and I'm being held accountable for it." He stopped and looked at Oscar in the eye, "The person whom I offended may not even be a Slytherin, but a man with a fake identity trying to carry out his revenge on me." "That is oddly very specific, " Mr O'Brien uttered with a quizzical expression and turned to Oscar, "Is there something going on that I do not understand?" He asked. "I don't know, Micheal, is there?" Oscar shot a deadly glare at the young man who was indirectly throwing shades at him, "It is such a shame that this man doesn't feel ashamed or sorry for what he did' Oscar thought to himself. "Mr. O'brien, " Micheal looked at him with a sigh, "This
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65. You can not die on me, mom
Oscar sighed as soon as he got back into the car, his face fumed with fury and he struggled to control himself and his rage. "I just need to go home," He uttered, and this surprised Tom because he thought that Oscar got an urgent call from the doctors to come to the hospital immediately. "I thought you were going to the hospital, sir?" Tom asked. "I said that to get me out of that place, I'm not proud of the fact that I lied, but I can't stand someone who lies like that, Micheal is just... just... I don't even know what words to use to describe him." "What will you do now, sir?" asked Tom. Oscar did not respond for a while, his heart was filled with hate and resentment towards Michael that he wished for all men like that to be wiped off the surface of the earth. But he knew quite well that it would all end as wished, so he thought it was best to increase the difficulty level of this game he was playing. He felt that his revenge wasn't solid enough and should be taken to
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66. Aiden has promoted
"What is the matter?" two nurses rushed into the ward immediately worried that the patient must be in critical condition to warrant the urgent call. "Where is the doctor?" Oscar asked them, looking away from Amy who was displeased by his action. "Sir," One of the nurses sighed heavily upon realising that it was a false alarm, "You don't push that button unless it's important sir, we were scared because you pushed the emergency button." "My mother is speaking of death, and you think it's not an emergency? Where is the doc... Oscar's words were cut short when the doctor walked into the room wearing a worried look. "What is going on?" and before Oscar could answer his question, the nurse went on to explain what had just happened to him. "Mr. Oscar?" The doctor turned to Oscar for an explanation and Oscar replied, "She's speaking of death and the fact that she won't survive, I need an explanation to understand what exactly is wrong." "Sigh." The doctor walked past the
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67. I'm sorry, who?
That evening, Micheal sent a photo shot of the partnership approval to Oscar, mocking him with his text messages. He made every word count, and even went on to say that it was the true CEO of the Slytherin Empire who signed the approval. Oscar fumed with anger, so much so that he put off his phone, not wanting to read the rest of the messages. This was what Amy had warned him about, the sudden claim of power. Oscar and Leo have searched through company staff data, and none of the one hundred and fifty-seven staff working in Axel City had a matching signature to the one on the documents, not even Aiden However, what they saw took them by surprise. The signature was the same as that of Mr. Aston Slytherin, Oscar's father, and they were puzzled. Of course, they knew that Mr Aston had not come back to sign papers, and even if he did, he'd let them know, so they concluded that the signature was forged, and this was deduced by Tom. Someone in the company was using Aston Slytherin's sig
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68. I wish I had flowers
"Mrs. Amy Slytherin," She replied, "I believe you know who she is, you can check the files or something... "I'm sorry, but visiting Amy Slytherin is very much restricted, and I can't change that, I'm so sorry," the receptionist replied, still trying to remain as warm and respectful as possible. "But, why?" She asked. "It's an order from the Slytherins themselves, so uhm, I can't breach that, it will get me into a lot of trouble. I believe that you can contact other family members to know how she's doing later on. Once again, I'm very sorry mam." "Hmm," she sighed in frustration, "It's okay, I understand, I'll just tell my cousins to keep me updated, I mean, she is a big deal and must be protected. If you see her by the way, maybe a nurse, could they help me deliver a message to her?" "Sure, we can certainly do that, what do you want to tell her, that you visited?" "It's a lot of things actually, do you have a pen and a paper?" She asked and the receptionist nodded and tore
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69. Dressing room
Inside the elevator, she pushed the button for the fourth floor and took a deep breath, preparing herself for the worst, she checked to make sure that her ammunition was in the right places. As soon as she arrived at the fourth floor, she peeped outside the elevator before stepping out, holding the clothes to her chest. To her right was ward 1D downward and to her left, are rooms that were labelled, laboratory, consultants and a lot more. She also saw a desk at the far end of the hall, where a lady in a nurse outfit was typing on a computer. She paused and looked around, hoping to see a closet where nurses go to change, but she saw none. Luckily, for her, no one else was in the hallway, it was just her and the nurse at the end since this was an exclusive private ward, too many movements were prohibited. She walked up to the lady whom she presumed to be a nurse and said, "Hi," Surprise to see a random guest up here, the lady behind her, wondering where the security man had gon
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70. I can't believe this
She drew near Mrs Amy with a menacing grin, and rubbed her finger gently on her arm, before injecting the substance into her body. But before she could finish injecting all of it, she heard a sound on the door. It appeared that someone was trying to get into the ward, but couldn't because of the extra lock that she had installed. She stole a glance at Amy and smiled once more, before pulling out the needle and placing it on a tray that she had come in with earlier. "Bye, Mrs Amy, " she whispered into Amy's ear before walking to the door, adjusting her nose mask and removing the lock. The nurses and doctors rushed into the ward wondering what was going on, and they saw the strange-looking nurse who had not been one of the three that were delegated to serve Amy. "Who are you?" The doctor asked her, and Jade only smiled without giving a response. At the same time, the other nurses rushed to see if Amy was hurt. "It doesn't matter who I am, does it? I'm Nurse Alice, see it on
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