All Chapters of The Secret Heir Of Slytherin Empire : Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
150 chapters
51. Who? ... Oscar
"Oh!" Ellen exclaimed, "What's your plan exactly?" She inquired with a hint of curiosity on her face. "I just said it, we plan to invite him to a restaurant for a conversation without him knowing that he's coming to meet me... "And you think that's the best idea?" Ellen cut him off, unable to believe that a fully grown businessman could come up with such a plan without looking into the consequences. "It's not the best idea," Micheal replied before taking his seat on one of the sofas. "It's the only idea Because there is no way in this world that I am picking up my phone to call that loser." "I see," Ellen muttered, "Tricking the CEO who doesn't want to see you into meeting you is what you call an idea? oh lord!" She exclaimed, "Just pick up your phone and call Oscar, swallow your pride and save your company, to avoid trouble." "Now you are just saying nonsense," Micheal exclaimed as he stood up from the sofa and headed for the bedroom. "Don't say I didn't warn yo
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52. This is the end.
Monday 8:30 am Wade just walked into the Slytherin Empire feeling uneasy. After the incident at the basements, he couldn't help but feel that there were FBI everywhere constantly waiting to catch him. As for how they had escaped the FBI in the basement, he could only call it a miracle. They had overhead the FBI planning to check the whole room and panicked for a moment because they would be found in no time. The chamber was large enough to contain a king-sized bed with enough room for a sofa and a few other home appliances. But most of these spaces have been occupied by gadgets and machines used to prepare *** and bind them before smuggling within and out of the country. They knew that once the FBI found the door, they wouldn't hesitate to unlock it and they'd be busted, so each of them grabbed a gun and pointed at the door to prepare for the worst. "Where the fuck does this shaft lead?" Jordan asked looking up at a hole in the ceiling. From the looks of things, the the
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53. Are you okay with that?
3: 34 pm Wade made his way to the main building, he had intentionally not gone back there hoping that Oscar would have gone because until now, he had no idea that Oscar was the new CEO, not many people in the company had this information yet. "Hi," He walked up to the receptionist but met a different person this time because the shift for the first receptionist was over. "Yes, welcome sir, how may I help you?" She asked him. "Uhm, I just wanted to confirm if Mr. Oscar is still around, he visited earlier and wanted to see me, but I have been busy all day, so I couldn't meet him." "Yes, Mr. Oscar is still around," she replied and Wade sighed, that was a failed attempt. "That's a surprise." He uttered. "What do you mean?" The receptionist asked, curiosity written all over her face. "I thought he'd be gone by now, you know, most visitors just show up and in an hour or two they'll leave." He replied. "Huh?" The lady raised a brow, wondering what nonsense the young man bef
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54. I want to hear it
Wade was dumbfounded, seeing his wife's body would save him a lot, especially since it would be all the evidence he needed to show her family that he had nothing to do with her death. But at the same time, he couldn't bring himself to the FBI, it was like bringing the culprit to the court to testify that he wasn't a culprit when he could have easily gotten away with it. "When?" He asked after a few seconds of silence. "Sometime during the week, they'll have to schedule a date for you, but I won't go along with you though. I'm happy to make arrangements for your flight and accommodation but I can't go, I've got a business conference next two weeks that I need to prepare for." Oscar replied, feeling fulfilled that he had just helped someone who deserved it. "Oh," Wade uttered, "Thank you so much, I appreciate this, I'll inform her family member as soon as you confirm the date. Even if I can't go, they'll go and see for themselves that I am not lying." "Why would you not go
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55. Oriando
"We traced the receiver, as you called it, to another state on West Arcadia, and it is just so unrealistic to make a call from the middle of the woods, and dumped the phone there," Charles said and took out another phone from the box. "Unlike your father's phone, this one was reset completely to factory setting, wiping out all memory, picture and call history. We found the sim card not so far away from where we found the phone, and from what we saw, it was as if whoever used it tried to break it but it was too small to break all the way." Charles continued while showing off pictures that back up his claims. "We continued to search the area and found another body, wrapped in clothes and dumped. This gave us two sceneries. One, it could have been plotted by whoever owned the phone and Mr Aston to kill those people for a reason we are yet to discover. Two, Mr Aston and the body we found could have been the victims because both their phones were found at the scenes, one reset and the
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56. Excuse me?
Leaving the detective's office, Tom got a call from the Slytherin mansion, and as soon as he got the information, he turned to Oscar, "A lady is at the Slytherin mansion, and she insists on seeing you, or she won't leave." "Who is she?" Oscar asked, wondering who it was that needed his attention so desperately. "She refused to mention her name. According to him, she thinks you are inside the mansion but refusing to come out." "Oh lord, let this not be Ellen," Oscar sighed, He didn't want to imagine that the young lady was shameless enough to come to look for him at the Slytherin mansion, because she was already too shameless to make that call on Sunday which he found very irritating. "It might be, judging by her voice that I heard over the phone, she seems very desperate at this point," Tom added, and Oscar felt as if he had gotten himself into a real-life ad that he could not skip."I'll just get there and see for myself." He replied and sat back, waiting for the worse.Less
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57. Well, you've crossed the line
"I'm sorry if that came across to you as rude or offensive," Ellen quickly apologized, realizing that she may have gone about this the wrong way. "It did," Oscar retorted without hiding his true reaction towards her question. "What do you want?" He asked her, intending to make her go straight to the point rather than to beat around the bush for so long. With a long sigh, Ellen replied, "It's about the same thing I called you for yesterday." "Oscar, please hear me out," she pleaded upon notice that he ex husband was already fed up and was about to quit the conversation. "I am the one you are mad at, I know I am, and I am not here to beg you to take me back, but please, if you hold anything against anyone then it's me, not them." "What you are saying does not make any sense," Oscar took a sip of the wine, sat back, and crossed his legs. "You know that you are the only one who can save the Caribbean enterprise from this predicament, and I know that you don't want to ass
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58. You called for it
"That ended very quickly," Amy's voice drew Oscar's attention as soon as he walked into the house. She was seated next to the window where she had moved the curtain to the side and watched Oscar discuss with his ex-wife. "As it should," Oscar replied and joined her by the window where he looked out and saw Ellen sobbing on the table. "I'm not done with them yet." He added. "You know, if not that I had been in a marriage where I was mistreated by the family, I would have said that you should just let it go, but if there is one thing I learnt from the Slytherins, then it's that certain people need to be held accountable for their actions, and Ellen is one those," Amy explained without taking her eyes off the window. "You won't believe that she came to speak with me with a rather sassy attitude, but quickly switched to look pitiable after she saw that I wasn't giving in to nonsense." He uttered with a sigh, "Feeling entitled I see," Amy chuckled, looking away from the window to
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59. What's happening?
Tuesday 5:00 a.m The occupants of the Slytherin mansion were pacing from one point to another, each one with a worried expression on their face, who could have guessed that such tragedy would hit the mansion before dawn? Oscar could barely remain calm, his whole body shook in horror and he was sweating all over from anxiety but no one was allowed into the room. Doctors and nurses troped in and out of the room at intervals and none of them answered his question. "We have the situation under control," they said, but Oscar saw bad news on their faces. He knew that something had happened to his mother that they were not telling him. Her scream was what woke him up, for her to scream so loudly to the point where he heard from his room was alarming because both their rooms were far apart from each other. Out of concern, sleep departed from his eyes and he got out of bed and out of the room, only to realise that he wasn't the only one to have heard Amy scream so loudly. Maids
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60. Trust issues
Oscar's arrival at the hospital was no surprise, they already expected that he would be there in no time. However just like it was at the mansion, they didn't let him get a glimpse of Amy, nor see a doctor, so Oscar sat in the waiting areas his elbow on his knees and his head faced down. He was in this position for almost thirty minutes hoping that soon a doctor would be out of the ward and would call his attention to what was going on. Luckily, just as he had predicted, a doctor came out and saw him sitting outside just next to the ward. "Mr. Oscar?" He called and Oscar raised his head, he stood up as soon as he saw the doctor and asked, "Can I see her now?" "No, we can't let anyone in there for the time being, please come with me to the office." The doctor led the way, and Oscar being curious tried to look through the door of the ward but nothing. The glass door was way too blurry to tell what anything inside the room looked like. "Please, sit down," The doctor ushered
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