All Chapters of The Secret Heir Of Slytherin Empire : Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
150 chapters
41. Influential figures
Saturday 12 pm Micheal Hudson's car had just pulled up in front of the Slytherin Empire building. He heaved a sigh of relief, expecting nothing but good news. Getting this deal meant a lot to him, especially since he was only three months away from becoming the CEO of Caribbean enterprise. As usual, he came along with his new girlfriend Ellen, and they both walked into the building. It was Saturday, and thus, there were not many people inside, but only a few at work. The receptionist working today was a man, and as soon as he saw them, he already guessed that they were representatives of the Caribbean enterprise because they were the only ones scheduled for a meeting. "Here to see Mr John Catar, I suppose?" the receptionist asked with a smile, and Hudson nodded his head in agreement. Just then, Oscar also walked into the building, he saw his ex-wife and her new boyfriend at the counter, and clenched his fist, wondering why he couldn't just go up there and punch Micheal in the
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42. Oscar will decide
"What do you mean by that?" Micheal inquired, wondering how the same man that he knew had nothing, suddenly became an influential figure in a company like the Slytherin Empire. "Oh, that doesn't matter, in fact here he comes now," Amy averted her gaze to the man who had just walked out of the elevator. "Mrs. Slytherin, you made it," Oscar walked up to her, and they exchanged pleasantries, from shaking hands to hugs, leaving Micheal and Ellen speechless for a moment. "These are the representatives from the Caribbean enterprise that I told you about earlier," Amy introduced him to Micheal with a smile. "Oh, I see." Oscar acted as though he had just met them for the first time. "Well, I must let you get back to them, I'm headed for a conference now." "Oh, no problem," Amy smiled at him, "If not for you, Oscar, the Slytherin Empire wouldn't be what it is today." "There's a problem, I'm happy to help, do have a nice day," Oscar said, and as he was headed out of the buil
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43. It's the least I can do
Micheal and Ellen stared at each other simultaneously before turning back to Amy, "I'm sorry ma'am. but isn't there any other way around this?" "Unfortunately no," Amy replied with a straight face, "As I have said before, the CEO himself doesn't want to have anything to do with you, so it's Oscar who gets to decide. Do not worry, if he says yes, then there is nothing that the CEO can do to change that. " She explained. John stood there confused, "isn't Oscar the CEO?" He wondered. Amy's statement made no sense to him, but he kept his thoughts to himself, besides, it's no news that Oscsr was keeping his position a secret, so this might just be a scheme. "Ah," Micheal exclaimed. He couldn't bring himself to talk to Oscar about anything, let alone beg him to save his deal with the Slytherin Empire. He didn't know how he became so powerful, but would rather die than talk to Oscar after all he all done to the young man. "Is there a reason why this is difficult?" Amy asked with a
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44. My boss, Mr. Oscar
Sterling cooperative 12:30 pm Ellen's father had just arrived at the building. Ever since he received a call from Mr. Albert the previous day, he couldn't wait to meet the man who claimed to want to buy the company's largest stake for double the price. One of the many reasons why he wanted to give it off was because running the company was a lot more difficult than it had always been. As a financial institution, he was beginning to have issues with services, and was still facing some government and licence-related issues, most of which cost money to sort out. Selling out that stake will give the new owner overall access over the company's affairs, and if he or she is capable and influential enough, they'd sort out all problems faced by the company within a month or two. But it was difficult and almost impossible to get a buyer until Micheal came along. He didn't come for the company initially, but rather for his daughter Ellen, who at the time was already married to Oscar.
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45. Consider yourself adopted
"Hello," Mr. Briggs, Ellen's father called the receptionist immediately, "Stop, Mr. Leo, from leaving the building, tell him to wait for me for a second, please" he instructed and quickly ran out of the office. Taking the elevator, he got to the ground floor in no time and met Leo interacting with the receptionist, so he hurried to meet up with him. "Me Loe," she called, and Leo turned to face him. "Yes? The receptionist just told me to hold on to that you wanted to see me?" Leo replied, whilst patiently waiting for him to answer. "Uhm... I just wanted to be sure..." Mr. Briggs stuttered. He wasn't quite sure how to pose the questions but had to start somewhere. "How well do you know Oscar?" He asked. "He is my boss?" Leo answered with a rather quizzical tone. "I mean aside from that? personally, what else do you know about him?" He asked, and Leo already knew what the old man was getting at. Before leaving Axel City, Oscar had told him that Briggs was his father-in-
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46. A disaster waiting to happen.
"Why?" Amy asked, wondering why Oscar was suddenly so concerned. "It's important that I know, don't you think, I need to find him or at least get an answer as to what might have happened to him," Oscar replied, whilst keeping in mind that Amy might just be a suspect and her current reacting may have just proven him right. "I don't want you to involve yourselves in these matters, Oscar, concentrate on learning about the company while the detectives do their jobs." Amy tried to persuade him, but Oscar insisted for the last time. "Don't you want to know what happened to your husband?" He asked her and Amy sighed heavily, this wasn't a top she wished to discuss and hoped that Oscar would drop it soon. "I do," she replied half-heartedly, "But it's been two months, what are the chances that he is even still alive? Left to me, the case should be buried and forgotten... "Mom," Oscar exclaimed in shock. "What do you expect me to say, Oscar?" She asked, tears already gathering up
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47. Fierce combat
"That fool is after me!" John yelled and slammed his hand on the desk as though it was a cushion. "And that bothers you?" another man, seated across the desk in the dimly lit room asked. He had a cigarette in his right hand, and a mug full of alcohol on the table in front of him. He had no shirt on, as he enjoyed being massaged by the hired stripper running her hand all over his chest. "Does it bother me?" Jordan exclaimed in shock, "Of course, it bothers me, you moron! do you know who the Slytherins are?" "The Slytherins?" The man laughed, sucking from the cigarette and exhaling through his nostril. "The Slytherin's couldn't find their CEO for over two months now and you think they'll find you? ha! Even if try to do, Aiden Slytherin is on your side... "Aiden Slytherin my foot!" Jordan cut him off, kicking the chair that stood next to him, "Aiden Slytherin is nothing compared to their new CEO, that man is all-powerful! Aiden himself need my help to take him down but t
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48. What's his phone doing in your basement
Everyone froze for a moment, even the fight stopped as they waited to see if they'd hear the sound again. This vicinity was located underground, in the basement of a good-looking building. The owner of this house was none other than Kabir, an Indian businessman who had moved into Axel City and bought a house, only to move out two months later to the United States for the same purpose he had come to West Arcadia in the first place. While leaving, he entrusted the property in the hands of a family member, Raj, but the young man did more than just take care of the building. The basements were his secret hideout and that of his men who dealt in drugs together. He lived alone but had lots of guests ranging from Jordan to Wades and a bunch of others, and for more than five years, they've been working together even though he always claimed to be the boss. As soon as Raj heard the sound on the door, his heart skipped a beat. He paused his fight with Wades and contemplated on whether
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49. Twenty-four possible combination
Get your hands off me!" Raj tried to push him off, but Tom's grip was metaphorically the same as a coconut crab. "And so if he lives here, then what?" Raj asked because there was no way he could convince them otherwise. Now he knew that the phone-like device that the agent was holding, tracked Jordan's phone down here. But how was that possible when Jordan's location was never turned on? "Where is he?" Tom asked, yelling at the top of his voice, while Raj appeared indifferent. "Look around, did you see him here?" He asked, giving Tom a second to look around the room. "Go ahead, search everywhere until you... "Shut up!" Tom silenced him with a punch across the face, before tossing him to the side of the room. If he wanted to get answers, he'd get them from the scared one, the stripper. The young lady almost died on the inside while Tom was yet to approach her, she almost screamed but placed her hand over her palm to stop herself. "You want to live huh?" Tom asked, withou
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50. Ellen, go straight to the point
A.N [Sure you want to know how they got out of there, just hang on a little longer] ___ Sunday morning Harley's Hotel Axel City 9 a.m Ellen did not smile at anyone till today, after the experience at the Slytherin Empire building, she was left shocked and devastated. She thought about how much it would cost to swallow her pride, pick up the phone and call Oscar, but even if she did, what were the chances that he would pick up her call? As for Micheal, he was yet to receive the news that someone else had bought the stake that he wanted, he made all the calls that he could to see if there was anyone to help, but none could interfere with matters that concerned the Slytherin Empire. He didn't sleep at the hotel last night, and Ellen couldn't care less about his whereabouts, once she claims her father's company "or so she thought" she'll dump him and move on with her life without or without a man. But to even save her father's company, she needed to call Oscar to sort
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