All Chapters of The Secret Heir Of Slytherin Empire : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
150 chapters
31. Make this moment count
Oscar was not kidding, and Amy did not want to stop him from doing what he wanted, but she suddenly got curious and asked. "Where is your wife now?" Oscar thought about this question for a few seconds, "Hmm," He sighed, He didn't want to explain anything regarding the Hudsons to her yet until he was able to get rid of them from the Slytherin Empire permanently. "I mean, you said she left you for someone else, I'm just curious to know if you have any idea who she left you for. I'm pretty sure he's not even on your level right now." She asked while picking out the sausages from her plate. Apparently, she wasn't in the mood to eat them today. "Yes, I know him. His name is Micheal... but I don't know his surname or status," He lied, but couldn't find any good reason why. He could have just told her that it was the first son of the Hudson's that took his wife. But judging by how John Catar was very defensive over that affair, he wasn't sure that Amy was that fond of him to agree,
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32. How do I pay
Mrs. Smith was seated in her office, doing what she does on a normal day, typing on a computer, compiling documents, and making phone calls. Ever since she fired Oscar, she couldn't understand why the police had refused to give her an update on the case. Each time she asked the chief, he told her that he was working on it, and when she reported to another police unit, she'd get a different response entirely, or she'd be asked to report back to the one in their unit. The only reason why she wasn't concerned yet, was because the chief gave her hope that Oscar was still in custody and that her money would be returned or Oscar would go to jail, little did she know that it was all a lie. Today, she received an unexpected guest. She received a call from the receptionist that someone wanted to see her. She was stunned because there were no other appointments on her list, but she had little time to spare, and asked them to let the person in. However, the receptionist suggested that s
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33. I stole it!
Everyone took a few steps backwards, not wanting to get involved in a fight that might get them injured. "Where is that security!" Mrs Smith yelled as she looked around the vicinity but none was found "What was that for?" Jacob asked with a frown, and with his hand on his bleeding nose. He tried to confront Tom, but the man's towering height and horse-power punch caused him to think again. "Hey hey hey!" Some men who had witnessed the incident from afar ran toward Tom to stop him from acting again, but as soon as the bodyguard cast his deadly gaze upon them, they all froze in place. While this was going on, the automatic door that led into the reception slid open and everyone's jaws dropped in astonishment as they saw who walked into the company. Mrs Smith couldn't believe her eyes, this was the man who ought to be detained, yet here he was, all suited up, accompanied by three other bodyguards aside from Tom. Jacob on the other hand, almost passed out in fright, he could alr
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34. A hurricane blew your things away
With the first set of people settling, Oscar drove out of the company feeling satisfied, not just because he went to show off his current worth but at the same time exposed to a bad person. Now he was headed for his in-law's place and he wasn't quite sure what was going to happen when he got there, but he needed his documents especially his academic qualifications and other national identity-related documents. Somehow, he wished that Leo had come along with him so that he wouldn't have to go into the house at all, but now he had to, what does he have to fear? It took less than twenty minutes to get to his in-laws' place, and he asked the driver to park the car outside the compound so he'd walk in alone. He also asked Tom and the other bodyguards to stay behind because he didn't want to cause a scene, pick up his documents, and leave. He walked into the compound and saw that both his mother-in-law and father-in-law's car were parked, which meant that they were both home. He hadn't
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35. It's a demand
Oscar rushed into the company, knowing that no one would recognise him, because his father-in-law thought that he was such an embarrassment to his family that his name must not be mentioned or his face shown. "Excuse me, sir?" The receptionist who had seen how he barged into the company asked. She saw him walk in with three men behind and wondered if there was a problem. For a financial institution like Sterling's cooperative, she was used to wealthy men barging into the buildings at several points with bodyguards ready to make trouble over the slightest inconvenience, and she believed that Oscar was just one of them. "Here we go again," she mumbled as Oscar approached the counter with a furious expression. "Where is the manager? I want to speak to him immediately," He said. "Please, take it easy, sir. I'm very sure whatever the problem is, it will be resolved in ... "I said I want to speak with the manager, don't tell me anything else," Oscar cut her off with a loud voice. "
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36. Keep your hands in the air
Outside the office, Oscar and his bodyguards were approached by three security men, who didn't hesitate to ask them to stop. Tom, being himself was ready to react, but Oscar signalled him to stop by raising his hand. "What is it?" He asked the security men. "Where are you going?" One of them asked Oscar. "Toward the elevator before you stopped us," Oscar replied with a straight face. The security men saw that all was calm, there was no sign of chaos or blood, and even one of them who had gone to check Mr Albert's office saw that he was doing okay. "Drop all your weapons if you have anyone on you," one of them instructed, and Oscar sighed in frustration. "What is all this for?" He asked the security man. "Just doing our job sir," the man replied even before Oscar could finish his last word. He approached Tom first to search, but that was a huge mistake because Tom could not be touched. As soon as he tried to touch him, Tom grabbed his head and knocked it against his knee. It a
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37. Just to catch up
"Take a look at this sir," Tom handed a paper containing a portrait to Oscar. This was hours after they had left the Sterling's cooperative, it was five pm and Oscar felt exhausted, yet Tom knocked on his door to show him something that he believed Oscar needed to see. "Who is this?" Oscar inquired without looking away from the portrait of the young man in the picture. "Well sir," Tom began, "Using hypnotherapy, the hypnotist was able to get a vivid description from one of the men we caught after yesterday's attack. An artist used the descriptions to create this portrait and we believe that this is the man who sent them after you." "From the West Arcadian national identity database, we found exactly seven people with matching features, up to seventy percent perfect matches, but only one of them is named Jordan Henstridge." "He is a twenty three years old graduate from the West Arcadian University for Computer Science, and currently resides in Olen's Groove, that about an
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38. Do you?
Making it out of the house, while keeping Amy in the dark about their true whereabouts was a lot easier than expected. Of course, she was against the idea at first but had no other choice than to accept the fact that Oscar was not a child, and she had no right whatsoever to be so overprotective of him. They both left the house a few minutes to eight o'clock, and they took no one else along. The drive to the restaurant was rather peaceful because the city itself was peaceful at night. Along the way, Oscar got a message from his uncle stating that he was already at the restaurant and was waiting for him to show up. He also wanted to confirm if he was truly coming or had come up with another excuse and changed his mind. Upon getting to the restaurant, Oscar could not believe his eyes. He couldn't believe how luxurious and comfortable the restaurant was. Stepping in there was like stepping into a simulation. "I wonder where he is," Oscar looked around, but he did not have to search
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39. Smoking is allowed
"I'm sorry?" Aiden was taken aback by the sudden question, "What do you mean?" He asked. "Oh nothing," Oscar uttered with a smile, "I was only kidding. I noticed that a lot of people said the same thing, but... I just... I just don't think anyone would hate their brother that much." "Ah, I see," Aiden tried to forget the very awkward question, "You are right though, there's no reason good enough to make me want to hurt Aston. He even gave me a job in his company without any qualifications." "Hmm," Oscar sighed, "I just wish we knew where he was or where he went to, I know the detectives are working but they are not doing enough... but let's not talk about that any more... "No no, son," Aiden cut him off, "I'm listening, just go on and talk about anything that you want to, even I, I believe that the detectives are not doing enough, but what can I say? They are the experts after all." "By the way, you seem to have a few bruises on your arm, are you okay?" Oscar
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40. Remain professional
Oscar couldn't stop thinking about the sad tale that Wades had told him about his wife, her drug addiction coupled with smuggling led to her death. He couldn't even claim her body to be buried and her family were all over his head, making it look as though he was responsible. This was enough to drive a man crazy and take him to a state of depression until he eventually takes his life. Wades wasn't struggling financially, he was a research analyst for the Slytherin Empire with a sizable income for an average West Arcadian citizen. So it's nothing but the emotional and psychological trauma that makes Oscar concerned. In all his life, Oscar avoided people, he barely had anyone to call a friend but it took one night to make one. Coupled with what he's currently investigating, Oscar wished to help Wades recover from the trauma, and hopefully get to bury his wife the right way. Drug addict or not, Wade loved her, and that's what matters, he tried to help but it was almost impossible.
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