All Chapters of The Secret Heir Of Slytherin Empire : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
150 chapters
21. I wonder what they'll do next
"Are you seeing this?" Ellen said whilst staring at the name of the CEO on the office door. "Mr. Oscar Fred Slytherin," Micheal uttered and chuckled, "If only it were Oscar," He added, before knowing on the door. "Come in," a voice replied from the other side and they both walked in, unaware of who or what they were about to meet. "Good day," the man on the desk greeted them as they walked in and both Micheal and Ellen proceeded to shake hands with him, the relief on Ellen's face when she saw that it wasn't Oscar could not be overemphasised. "You must be Mr. Oscar Slytherin, it's such an honour to meet you, sir," Micheal said while he took his seat, but the man on the desk shook his head and said, "Unfortunately I'm not, my name is Leo Angus, the CEO is not here right now, and he had asked me to carry out this interview on his behalf," Leo replied and Micheal sighed in frustration. "Can we wait for him?" He asked, "I'd love to speak with the CEO by myself if you don't mind.
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22. Why am I so paranoid?
In a fit of rage, Micheal walked out of the elevator on the ground floor. Those who saw him avoided him because he looked just like he was about to start a war. As he got to the receptionist's desk, he dropped his documents on the table so loudly that it startled the receptionist herself. "Is there something I can help you with, sir?" She asked him, remaining as calm and composer as possible. "Yes, I want to see the managing director immediately," He said to her, his tone so harsh that he got people staring at them from all corners of the vicinity. "Micheal please bring your voice down, yelling won't solve our problems right now," Ellen said to him with a sigh, she was more than embarrassed by his current behaviour, even though she clearly understood the reason behind it. "I'm sorry, sir, but Mr. John Catar is very busy right now. He had a lot of appointments just like you. He has representatives for interviews. I suggest you come back tomorrow, I can book an appointment for yo
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23. It was a mistake
Oscar was seated in his office, more than ten minutes after Micheal had gone to see John Cater. He wasn't doing so much in the office until a knock was heard on the door and he asked whoever it was to come in.Mr. John Catar, the managing director walked into his office looking displeased, he held the documents from the Caribbean enterprise in his hand while he said,"Pardon me sir, but is there a reason why you refused to see the representatives from this company?" He asked, and Oscar nodded his head and replied, "Yes, I have my reasons, is there a problem?" He inquired, hoping that the MD hadn't come to talk him into changing his mind."Not that there is a problem sir... but uhm, Mr William Hudson, the CEO himself was a very good friend to your father, they've been in contract together for years now, and although they aren't the largest of companies they are one of our investments" John tried to explain, but Oscar wasn't listening. "Like I said, Mr John, I have my reasons, don't
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24. Guilty not guilty
Micheal couldn't wait to tell Ellen the good news, he knew that she would be relieved as much as he was, even if he had to wait a week, it didn't matter to him, as long as the contract was not terminated. Getting out of the elevator, Ellen couldn't wait to ask him how the meeting with John went. As soon as she saw him, she left her seat and walked up to him. "It was all a mistake," Micheal said, even before she asked, and Ellen heaved a sigh of relief. "I told you not to worry," she said, "I'm so glad it has been sorted out... "Not yet," Micheal interjected while walking toward one of the seats. "I'll have to come back in two days." While the couple chatted away, Oscar stepped out of the elevator, and the first thing he saw was the both of them. "Oh shit, I thought they'll be gone by now," He cursed, but unfortunately, he couldn't turn back now. His bodyguards were behind him, and he felt that it would be very awkward to just turn around and head back into the elevator. "Osc
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25. Someone is looking for you
"I was very disappointed sir when I saw her, I feel so bad that she had to leave you to be with someone else, now look at you, she would be left speechless when she learns that you are the CEO," Leo uttered after Oscar had narrated his ordeal with Ellen. "Let's not be too hasty," Oscar replied while looking out the window of the car, watching the street was a good source of entertainment for him. "I'm not even sure how long this will last," He added, as much as Oscar enjoyed what his life had become, he kept it in his mind that it could all end in the blink of an eye, if he wasn't the true Slytherin heir then it's over. "What do you mean by that sir? You are where you are supposed to be, of course it will last long, as long as Mrs Amy Slytherin is here, no one can stop you," Leo tried to encourage him, he was also aware of the reason why Amy was in such a haste to make Oscar CEO, and he supported her decision because Aiden can not be trusted. If not because the police had no evi
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26. Aiden?
"What the hell do they want with me?" Oscar wondered while keeping his head low, the piece of glass pricked him, leaving his blood stains on each one he picked out of his skin. "Can this car go any faster!" The bodyguard yelled at the driver while trying to shoot down the men on the bike through the window. "Hold on!" The driver exclaimed before taking a sharp bend that caught everyone off guard. Both Leo and Oscar lost balance and leaned against the body of the car it turned. Before long, the next sound took them by surprise, and the sound of metal being dragged along the tar at high speed filled the air. The unpleasant sound that followed that loud bang could only mean one thing. "Shit, we've lost a tyre," the driver exclaimed. As the car stopped, it was only a miracle that the car did not flip from the impact of the explosion. "I guess we'll have to do this the hard way," the bodyguard quickly stepped out of the car with both guns in his hand. As the bike approached, he shot
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27. You had just one job
Aiden switched off the television as he got fed up with the news about the traffic jams on the street that left over fifty cars destroyed, injured a few citizens, and killed two due to nimrod gunshots. It ought to have been good news, but the fact that the target was not even affected was infuriating, and just when he had kept quiet long enough, he yelled "You had just one job!" "Two people died, several got injured, and the victim himself was unharmed, so what did you even do?" The man who had been standing behind him the whole time wasn't moved by his rage. He just stood there like a statue but made sure to avoid his gaze. "We were not sure what he looked like sir, you gave us pictures, all we had was the plate number of his car, and we traced it, four of my bike men went after it and none of them returned." While he was still speaking, Aiden turned around to face him. He closed the distance between them and silenced the young man with a slap across the face. "Not sure wha
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28. Your instructions were neglected
Amy was seated in her bedroom when she got a call from John Catar, thinking that it was an urgent business matter. She hesitantly picked up her phone from the bed and picked up the call. "Hello?" She said. "Hello mam, uhm, I have a situation that and I would love to speak to you about it, do you mind if we meet sometime later today... "No," Amy replied before he could finish talking, "If you want to discuss anything, you can do it over the phone, so go ahead, I'm listening." "Okay," John uttered, "It's about Mr Oscar. He almost terminated our contract with the Caribbean enterprise without informing any of us... "What?" Amy exclaimed, "This is one of our fastest-growing investments," she said. "Exactly, and he didn't even tell us, I got to find out from Mr Hudson's son himself, he even refused to interview him, and go through their proposal, I don't know what he holds against the Hudson's but I think it's important that he doesn't bring personal matters into the business," J
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29. I don't believe you
Meanwhile, on the rooftop of a certain building, Oscar's bodyguard waited patiently for the man who he had captured after the incident to wake up. He sat on a wooden stool with scissors dangling on his smallest finger, and a rope on the other, coupled with a cigarette that he held on the same hand as the scissors. As soon as the man slowly regained consciousness, he almost passed out in fright, "Shit! Oh shit!" He exclaimed, his heart beating rapidly when he realized that he was tied to a chair and dangling from the rooftop of the skyscraper. Tom, Oscar's bodyguard heard the noise and knew that his victim was finally awake, so he walked to the edge of the rooftop and looked down on his terrified victim. He leaned over with the scissors and threatened to cut the rope that stopped the man from falling down the 24-story building into the cars that drove past the street below. "Please!" The man exclaimed as soon as he set eyes, on Tom, "Please don't cut the rope I beg you." While
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30. Today
Friday 7 am Oscar couldn't get over what John Catar had done. How could he reschedule a meeting with those who had wronged him? Of course, he didn't know what that was, but it frustrated Oscar more than anything else. It was so annoying that it was the first thing that came to mind when he woke up. Amy had asked him to stay back home for the time being until Tom and the cops could trace the person behind the attack and find him, but Oscar wasn't having that. The urge to go to the office to confront John was too intense, but after thinking about it for a moment, he realized that today wasn't driving the best, and he'll have to wait till tomorrow Saturday to make sure those deals were permanently terminated. He checked his body for those scratches from the attack, and they were healing very slowly, he felt the pains like a million fire ants biting at once but endured it long enough to get out of bed and brush his teeth. He took a bath afterwards before heading down for breakfast,
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