All Chapters of The Secret Heir Of Slytherin Empire : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
150 chapters
11. Are you married
Oscar woke up, still assuming that he was at home and not the Slytherin mansion. He couldn't recognise where he was for a few seconds, before it finally occurred to him that he had spent the night at the Slytherin mansion. He sighed and got off the bed immediately. He stared at his phone to check the time, and it was past seven a.m. and also read the response to the voicemail he sent to Karen last night.Karen had asked for a few documents to file for the divorce, and he proceeded to send all soft copies to her before walking into the bathroom to freshen up.This has been his daily routine for the past three years since he started working for the company that fired him. He saw three new toothbrushes and cleaned his teeth with one of them before proceeding to take a bath.He had only just gotten out of the bathroom when he heard a knock on the door."I'm coming," He said, and forgetting that he had nothing but a towel around his waist, Oscar unlocked the door to let in a maid who brou
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12. A black Range Rover SV
"I was," He replied with a sigh, if only Ellen had stayed back with him, she would partake in the luxury of his current life."You had a family, with a child?" Amy asked, leaving the door and walking back to where he was seated. "No, I don't have a child yet, she left me recently, apparently, she saw someone better, but it doesn't matter anyway." He replied, hoping his newfound mother would drop the topic, but she didn't."You loved her?" She asked and Oscar thought about it for a while, he loved her, and after she chose to be foolish, and leave with someone else, he still loved her. She was his wife after all, and the memories of the blissful two years they'd spent together were still fresh.He was upset but didn't hate her entirely, he was disappointed but did not condemn her, but one thing Oscar wasn't going to do, was get back with her. After he had torn the divorce paper, he wanted to file for another divorce to bring the union to an end.He was quite aware that if Ellen saw him
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13. That's bad
Both men were shocked to see each other, who would have thought he'd see the man he met at the bar yesterday in Axel City?Before Wades could attempt to shake hands with Oscar, the bodyguard blocked him,"Don't worry," Oscar assured the guard before they let Wades.Wades on the other hand could not believe his eyes, it made no sense that the man who he had seen, and looked incapable of paying for his drinks, was now in front of him surrounded by guards."I didn't expect to see you here," Oscar said with a smile."Neither did I," Wades retorted,"As soon as I left you yesterday, I got into the car and came to Axel City straight up. Do... do you work here?" He asked, and for a moment, Oscar was short of words, he didn't want to explain anything to anyone especially not at the moment. "I uhm... just came for a meeting, I was invited," He replied. "Are you sure? You certainly look like you own this place, if not that you had called my name, I would have sworn that you weren't the same ma
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14. MD
"What is going on?" Leo walked out of the elevator with a worried expression on his face, he saw Oscar's bodyguard holding down two securities to the ground, while the receptionist stood at a distance with fear written all over her face. "Call the police immediately, " she yelled at Loe, who turned to her with an expression of shock and asked, "Why?" "This man is no Slytherin," she uttered and Loe almost slapped himself across the face, none of this would have happened if he had just called her rather than sent a text that she never opened. Turning to Oscar who stood speechless behind the other two bodyguards, Leo apologized, "I'm very sorry sir, please Pardon me, I failed to properly communicate the recent information to her for an update on the executive ranking." "Huh?" Oscar raised a brow, his dramatic use of vocabulary wasn't making sense at that moment "Uhmm, how do I do this, sir this is Natasha, she is one of the receptionists, and uhm...Natasha," He called and turne
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15. I have another job for you
Meanwhile, at the Slytherin mansion, Amy Slytherin was having a heated argument with her brother-in-law over the current update. Aiden had gotten the news that Slytherin Empire now had a new CEO, a position that he ought to have taken in his brother's absence, and he was furious. He drove to the Slytherin mansion that morning to see Amy and hoped that the news he heard was fake, and someone was playing a trick on him. "Of course, I made him the CEO, what else do you want to know?" Amy asked Aiden with a quizzical expression, she was seated on the living room couch with an apathetic expression. Ever since her husband disappeared two months ago, she saw how eager Aiden was to take over the role of acting CEO in his absence. Before now, she always felt like Aiden was jealous of his brother's success and would do anything to take what was his. Even though Aston made him one of the senior associates, she couldn't help but feel that Aiden wanted more. If Aston doesn't trust his broth
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16. Divorce paper
"Mom! Mom!" Ellen called as she walked into the house, she met her father sitting on the couch with a laptop on his lap."Is everything okay?" He asked her,"Your mother has just gone to the room, it's past 2 pm and you know that she loves to take a nap by this time for absolutely no reason.""Haha," Ellen laughed,"Anyway, is Oscar around?""No, I haven't seen that one since last night, he didn't bother coming back home, as if he knew that I was going to send him packing." His father replied and Ellen chuckled."Why are you looking for him though?" He asked her."Oh, just wanted to confirm, I got these papers from Karen's assistant earlier today and you wouldn't believe what it is." She said and took it out from the brown envelope, before giving it to her father."What's this?" He asked, taking it from her."A divorce paper," she said and laughed,"I can't believe that idiot tore the divorce papers I gave to him and sent me another one today, well jokes on him, I'm willing to sign it
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17. His wife and her boyfriend would be there
The meeting ended after nearly four hours, it was an acquisition target business meeting, they spent time speaking on the position of their target in the market, and there was so much deliberation on how and how not to begin. Oscar, who wasn't entirely new to the process, stayed silent for most of the conversation. He only said a few things whenever someone asked for his opinion, and that was it. The meeting ended without a definite conclusion, as it was to continue virtually until they reached a final decision. They had to take care of current investors and a few prospective partners for the time being. As soon as Oscar walked out of the conference room, he sighed heavily. He had a lot to learn if he was going to play a good role as acting CEO, because the sooner they found out that he didn't know so much, the sooner they'd use his head. "How was the meeting, sir?" Leo, who had been in his office until five minutes ago, asked when Oscar stepped out of the elevator on the ground f
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18. Ruthless
On his way back to the Slytherin's mansion, Oscar couldn't overlook the jewel shop he saw along the way. The name of the store caught his attention especially because they make the most beautiful and expensive jewelry in West Arcadia. He recalled how many times Ellen had told him that she wanted to visit this place, to purchase one of the most expensive Neal Diamond rings. For Oscar back then, buying a ring worth over two hundred million dollars was the last thing he'd ever think of. But with his current net worth, Oscar knew that he could buy one hundred of it if he wanted, and would still remain rich. But what was the point? Ellen was no longer with him, except... "Turn the car," He ordered the driver and Leo couldn't help but ask, "Did you forget something?" "No, I mean back to the jewellery shop, I need to get something from there if you don't mind," He replied, and Leo couldn't help but marvel at how respectful Oscar was, despite how much he had acquired overnight. "As so
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19. Ask everyone here
Walking into the store, Loe could not believe the crowd he saw gathered at the front section of the store where a few watches were on display. "Oh dear God," He uttered and rushed towards the scene, worried that something has happened to his boss, Loe was already freaking out so much. As he got to the scene, Leo noticed that Oscar was still standing and he looked fine, but the problem at hand was the fact that numerous people were accusing him of theft. "I'm sorry what's going on?" He asked one of the customers to confirm what was going on so he'd know how to intervene. "Oh, this man came into the store to buy something with money he stole from his boss... "What the hell?" Leo exclaimed, "And Oscar being such a nice man, wouldn't even try to defend himself properly, sigh, at least this has given him a clear image of what this place is like." Leo thought to himself before taking out his phone. "Excuse me!" He finally made his way through the crowd to the centre of attent
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20. My wife works with that company
Thursday came faster than expected, and this was the day Oscar had been waiting for. Leo ordered the Neal diamond ring which was brought to Oscar that morning, and he was delighted to have it. It will serve as an element of surprise for Ellen. Before going to the office, Oscar had reviewed the companies, and he knew how much influence he had over who and who would not become partners with the Slytherin Empire. "Are you ready, sir?" Leo asked as he came to check up on him and to confirm whether or not he was ready to go. "Oh, I am very ready to go," Oscar answered with a mischievous smirk. He picked up the ring box and took out the Neal diamond ring with a smile before placing it on his finger. "Let's go," He said and left the house immediately with Leo. They used a different car this time, but the same number of escorts as always. The drive took the same time, and when they got to the parking lot, he could not believe the number of cars parked outside. It felt as though the enti
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