All Chapters of Mysterious Billionaire: The Son-in-Law They Never Wanted: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
164 chapters
Chapter 111
Davin's return to the helm of his business empire brought with it a renewed vigour. The chaotic period of imprisonment and confrontation had ended, but the effects were still felt. With his brother Michael and the scheming villains behind bars, Davin’s focus shifted to resurrecting his company and solidifying his place in the realm.The morning after securing his brother and the conspirators, Davin arrived at his grand office in Arctic City. The building, a towering symbol of his success, was a stark contrast to the turmoil he had faced. The staff, inspired by their leader’s return, buzzed with renewed energy and anticipation.Davin walked through the corridors, greeted by nods and murmurs of admiration from his employees. His presence alone was enough to inject a sense of purpose and direction into the office.As he entered his spacious office, Richard, his trusted aide, was waiting with a stack of reports and a determined look on his face. “Good morning, my lord,” Richard said, hand
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Chapter 112
Davin exited the room, his slow gaze lingering on Helen as if he had more to say. But he said nothing, disappearing into the hallway. He emerged onto the balcony, waiting for his car to arrive. A guard approached, "Master, we're ready to leave."As he emerged from the room, he headed straight to the exit door, and sat at the balcony, waiting for the driver to bring the car from the garage so he could head for the next meeting he had for the day. The cars pulled out and a guard hurried to him, “master, we are set to leave.” he announced. Davin stood up with his shoulders high, heading towards the car, when he was close, the guard flung the car door open, and he docked into it. Some minutes later, they arrived at 6 crescent Avenue, a place he called the home line office, he dropped from the car and marched in. It was no ordinary day, as it was a meeting of the board’s group of directors. “You all can wait for me here.” he said to the guards who nodded in unison. To think of it, he
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Chapter 113
The hall’s atmosphere shifted drastically from lively to tense as Maya's outburst reverberated through the room. Davin, who had been basking in the thunderous applause, now stood with an aura of calm authority, his demeanour unflinching despite the sudden commotion. The speaker, a poised and elegant woman gestured for silence, her gaze sweeping across the room as the guests shifted uncomfortably in their seats.Maya’s voice, tinged with a mix of fury and desperation, rang out again. "I am saying that this man is not who he claims to be!" Her eyes wide, her face flushed with a combination of anger and embarrassment. "He’s an imposter, and you’ve all been deceived!" She yelled. The room was quickly filled with loud murmurings, growing louder as the guests began to exchange glances, their curiosity piqued. The speaker, maintaining her composure, approached Maya with a measured pace. She was a tall and curvaceous woman, her steps commanding respect. "Excuse me, Ma’am," she said, her
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Chapter 114
Maya leaned against the cold metal of the car, her expression a blend of anger and humiliation. The laughter of the security guards echoed in her ears as they snickered and exchanged glances. The night had turned bitterly cold, and Maya shivered despite her anger.As she stood waiting, she watched the lights of the event hall flicker through the glass doors. The glittering facade seemed a stark contrast to her own mood. She felt the weight of her actions crashing down on her, her cheeks burning with embarrassment. Derek had stormed off, and now she was left alone to face the consequences of her rash behavior.The minutes dragged on, and Maya’s patience began to wear thin. She glanced at her phone, hoping for some kind of communication from Derek or anyone who might be able to offer her an explanation or a way out of this situation. But the screen remained stubbornly dark, devoid of any notifications.Finally, the doors of the hall swung open again, and a group of well-dressed guests
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Chapter 115
The next morning, Maya awoke to a grey and dreary sky, mirroring her own sense of dread. She barely slept, her mind replaying the events of the previous night with excruciating clarity. In the kitchen, she brewed coffee, but it offered no comfort, only a bitter reminder of her mistake.Sitting at her kitchen table, Maya stared at her phone, dreading the headlines she knew awaited her. She hesitated before unlocking the screen. The top story was about her. The headline read: “Business Woman Causes Scene at Board of Directors Meetings." Maya’s face went pale as she read the article. The accompanying video clip showed her shouting at Davin, her face flushed with anger, and the ensuing commotion as she was escorted out by security. The video had gone viral, and the comments were a harsh mix of mockery and disdain.“Oh, this is a nightmare,” she muttered, her hands trembling.Her phone buzzed with an incoming call, jolting her from her spiral of despair. The caller ID read “Margaret.” May
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Chapter 116
The office was quiet,and the soft afternoon light filtered through the large windows. Davin sat behind his sleek mahogany desk, absorbed in a stack of documents. The lounge had been busy that day, and his attention was divided between his responsibilities at the bar and the more pressing business matters at his office.The door to the office creaked open, and Davin looked up, his eyes meeting those of a strikingly beautiful woman who stood in the doorway. She was impeccably dressed in a tailored navy suit, the fabric hugging her form with an elegance that commanded attention. Her deep green eyes sparkled with confidence, and her dark hair was styled in soft waves that framed her face perfectly.“Ms. Pascal?” Davin inquired, his voice betraying a hint of surprise. “Please, come in.”Helen Pascal stepped into the room, her heels clicking softly on the polished floor. She carried a leather portfolio in one hand, which she placed gently on the edge of the desk as she approached. Her pres
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Chapter 117
Back at home, Davin was on his study desk when a call dropped on his device, the loud blare shattering the tranquillity of the moment, he turned to his side and quickly glanced through the phone’s screen. At once, his lips curled, it was a call from Mrs. Margaret. Reluctantly, he picked the call, his mind settled on her usual mode of approach. Everyone knew Maya’s mother to be lousy. “Hello.” her voice rang over the speaker. “What is this news I’m hearing?” she asked. Davin leaned, his hands tightly clung to the phone, “what news exactly are you talking about, ma?” he asked calmly. Margaret hissed, “Listen to me, if you feel that you can eat your cake and have it back, then I want to tell you that, it can't be!” her voice piercing through Davin’s ears. “I will ensure you have a share of the shame you’re trying to force on my daughter!” David heard that part and pretended like he didn’t, he smiled widely, shaking his head gently, after Magaret had ended the call, he had to call Ma
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Chapter 118
Maya took a deep breath as she sat across from Davin in his office. The room was well arranged, screaming sophistication as she stared at every item with an awestruck expression on her face. The sleek desk and neatly arranged files spoke of an organized mind and a commanding presence. Despite the calm surroundings, she was restless, her mind tangled with uncertainty about why Davin had called her.As she shifted uneasily in her chair, her phone buzzed, disrupting the silence. The screen flashed with Derek’s name. Her heart raced, and she glanced at Davin, who appeared absorbed in his work, flipping through some documents. She tried to subtly silence the phone and hide it from view, but her attempts were clumsy and betrayed her growing discomfort.Davin, noticing her struggle, looked up with a knowing smile. “You can answer your call, Ma,” he said, his tone smooth and unruffled. “It’s perfectly fine.”Maya’s face flushed with embarrassment, caught between the urge to ignore the call
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Chapter 119
Maya’s eyes widened in disbelief as the two Bugattis rolled to a stop outside the inn. The roar of their engines seemed to amplify the shock coursing through her. She had heard about the extravagant tastes of the wealthy, but this was beyond her expectations. She quickly scanned the scene, trying to make sense of it all.As the Bugattis came to a halt, guards in sharp, dark suits emerged from the vehicles.Their movements were swift and coordinated, creating a sense of urgency. One of the guards ran ahead, opening the door of the inn with a flourish. Another approached a man stepping out of the second Bugatti with a reverent salute.Maya squinted, her heart pounding. The man, dressed in a neatly tailored suit, seemed to command immediate respect. His confident stride and the way the guards treated him made it clear he was someone of immense importance.Her mind raced. “It can’t be him,” she muttered, almost to herself. “Must he go to such lengths just to impress me?” she thought. Sh
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Chapter 120
Maya fled the coastal car shop, her footsteps echoing through the empty streets. The night air offered little solace from the burning humiliation she felt. Tears streamed down her face as she stumbled forward, her thoughts a jumbled mix of anger, sadness, and betrayal.She turned into a dimly lit alley, seeking refuge from the pain. Her breath came in ragged gasps, her vision blurring with tears. The memory of Davin's cruel ruse, the guards' laughter, and Helen's smirk seared her mind like a fresh wound.Maya's determination for revenge gave way to a deeper sense of shame. She felt vulnerable, "how did I not know this from the onset?... fuck!... He will pay for this!" She scowled. Exhaustion weighed her down as she reached her apartment complex. The thought of facing her empty apartment was too much.She needed her mother, Margaret, who lived across the city. The long drive loomed, but Maya was drawn to the comfort and support only her mother could offer. She started the car, her ha
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