All Chapters of Mysterious Billionaire: The Son-in-Law They Never Wanted: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
164 chapters
Chapter 121
Very late that evening, as the darkness deepened outside Margaret’s home, the air inside grew heavy. Margaret had prepared a quiet corner for her daughter to rest, offering her solace and a semblance of normalcy. Meanwhile, she and Maya waited for Derek’s arrival, both dreading and anticipating his intervention.The doorbell rang, breaking the silence. Margaret opened it to find Derek standing on the porch. He was a tall, imposing figure, his face etched with concern but also with a steely determination. Behind him, a pair of burly men stood, their expressions unreadable, their demeanor unprofessional.“Margaret,” Derek greeted with a nod, “I’ve come to discuss our plan!”Margaret led him into the living room where Maya was seated, her eyes red but her expression resolute. Derek glanced at Maya, then turned his attention to Margaret.“We need to be swift,” Derek said, his voice low and serious. “I’ve gathered a few of my best men. They’re waiting outside. We have to strike while Davi
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Chapter 122
Davin sat on the bed thinking of how today's event would turn out. Today happens to be his wife Maya's birthday and although he tried to get her the best gift this year , he was only able to afford a neck piece. It was a beautiful sapphire necklace with a silver chain that cost him $200. Davin and Maya’s relationship hasn't been the very best but he loves, cherishes and adores his wife, so on her big day he wanted to give her something beautiful just like her. Davin hurriedly got dressed in a nice blue tuxedo with a black tie and matching black shoes and headed for the Windsors ballroom where Maya’s birthday celebration was ongoing. Davin has been living with the Windsors after his marriage to Maya, three years ago before Davin married Maya he had used up all his assets to help the Windsors clear their bankruptcy issue , this gave him a free pass to marry Maya Windsors hence him living with them.As he approached the ballroom , he met Isabella who is Maya’s younger sister, she pai
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Chapter 123
It was a beautiful day in Suncity as the morning’s warmth awakened the world with soft golden rays across the skyline that seemed to mirror the new beginning in Davin’s life. The sun rose higher, casting a warm glow over the landscape, illuminating all it touched. His return to the business world had been nothing short of spectacular, and the city was buzzing with the news of his resurgence. His empire was now thriving beyond imagination and he was about to be updated on the recent developments of his business which he left in the hands of his secretary Helen. Davin’s urgency to return to the business world wasn’t just because of his love for work but also because of a certain secretary that inhabited his thoughts throughout the period he was away. He felt a mixture of doubt and trepidation with thought he’ll never admit out loud even if his whole army had the entire weapons from the armory trained at him. His reputation as the “god of war and the richest man” had
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Chapter 124
Their relationship continued to blossom after the grand announcement of their engagement. Davin and Helen traveled back to his empire to meet with his mother and begin the official planning of their wedding ceremony. The news of their engagement was all over the news and papers with eye catching headlines and breathtaking pictures. The rich and prominent, high class, middle class and even the low class were talking about their engagement. “Maya ! Maya! Isabelle screamed as she entered the living room where Maya was having a conversation with her mother and Derek. “Don’t tell me you guys haven’t seen this, he is getting married” but as she looked at their reaction their facial expressions she could feel the tension in the atmosphere indicating without any doubt that they were well aware of the fact and that was probably the conversation before she came in. “I mean it’s all over the news and papers so what do you think?” Maya said in a very harsh and angry tone
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Chapter 125
The return flight was quiet, the luxury of the jet feeling oddly oppressive as Davin and Helen grappled with the weight of the uncertainties that awaited them. The dazzling beauty of their island retreat seemed like a distant dream now, overshadowed by the looming challenges of their everyday world.As the plane touched down in the city, the familiar bustle of the airport greeted them. The excitement of their wedding seemed a world away as they were thrust back into the demands of reality. The once-splendid comfort of the jet now felt like a brief escape from the problems they needed to confront.The ride from the airport to Davin's family estate was silent, each lost in their thoughts. Davin’s face was etched with a tension that Helen hadn’t seen before. Her concern grew with every mile they drove. When they finally arrived at the estate, the grandeur of the house did little to alleviate the feeling of unease that had settled between them.Margaret, Davin’s mother, greeted them with
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Chapter 126
The estate had regained its composure, the aftermath of their struggles becoming a distant echo.As Helen and Davin stood on the balcony, taking in the view, the quiet seemed to shift. The relief from their recent battle had introduced a new kind of tension, one that was almost more insidious than the threats they had faced before.“It feels strange to be back to normal,” Helen remarked, her gaze focused on the horizon.“Normal is a relative term,” Davin replied, squeezing her hand gently. “I think we’re both still trying to adjust.”Just then, the doorbell rang, slicing through the calm evening. Davin glanced at Helen with a raised eyebrow. “I wasn’t expecting anyone.”“I’ll get it,” Helen said, stepping inside.The foyer was awash with the soft light of the chandelier as Helen opened the door. Standing there was a young woman in a sharp business suit, holding a briefcase. Her expression was cool and composed.“Ms. Helen Alden?” the woman asked, her tone professional.“Yes, that’s me
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Chapter 127
As Helen and Davin crouched behind a stack of crates in the dimly lit warehouse, the atmosphere was thick with tension. Their small team of trusted partners, two security experts and an intelligence analyst, were strategically positioned around the perimeter, ready to act if necessary. The meeting inside was supposed to be the key.They had hoped for a breakthrough, but the sudden commotion that erupted was far from what they had anticipated.The sound of heavy footsteps and muffled voices grew louder, and Helen's eyes darted toward Davin. He looked equally confused and alert. They exchanged a quick glance, silently communicating their concern. Suddenly, the door to the warehouse burst open, and a group of masked men stormed in. They were armed and moved in a way that suggested they knew exactly where they were going.The others began to roust the assembled figures in the meeting room, their guns drawn and voices commanding.“Stay low, babe.” Davin whispered to Helen, as they both p
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Chapter 128
The warehouse was a now filled with chaos, its interior now pierced by the flashing strobe of gunfire and the sharp, jarring shouts of combatants. Helen, crouched behind the crates with Davin, could barely make out the scuffle as the masked men wrestled to secure the documents and fend off the authorities closing in. The scene was surreal. Richard Collins, who moments before seemed a confident orchestrator, now appeared more desperate and frantic. Helen's heart pounded, not just from the immediate danger but from the realization of the gravity of their situation. Richard's arrival, the documents, and the involvement of their former security team member, Damien, all converged into a disturbing narrative of betrayal and high stakes.“Damien? Here? What the hell is going on?” Helen muttered under her breath, her eyes locked onto the man they had once trusted.“Doesn't matter right now,” Davin replied, his eyes scanning the room. “We need to get you to safety and take out as many of thes
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Chapter 129
Helen and Davin hurried towards their car, the tension from the fight still surging through their veins. The darkened streets outside seemed almost peaceful compared to the chaos they had just left behind. Helen's heart was pounding. As they approached the car, Helen glanced back towards the warehouse. The flashing lights and the distant sound of sirens reminded her just how close they had come to disaster. She turned to Davin, “We need to get out of here and go over these documents, babe.”Davin nodded, his face set in grim resolve. He hurried into the car, and they sped off, the tires screeching as they left Locks Crescent. The drive home was tense, the silence in the car heavy with the weight of what they had just endured.But their brief moment was shattered as they turned onto their street. Davin’s eyes widened in shock. “No way… what's she doing at my gate?" he muttered under his breath.Helen followed his gaze and saw Lyra standing at the gate, her hands resting on her wais
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Chapter 130
“Did you hear that, babe?” Helen asked, her voice low and tense. Davin’s expression shifted from casual contentment to one of concern as he looked toward the gate.“Yeah, I heard it,” Davin replied, setting his glass down and standing up. His demeanor had shifted, the relaxed posture replaced by a readiness that suggested he was bracing for another confrontation. “It sounds like someone’s trying to get in.”Helen’s thoughts raced. The previous night’s chaos still loomed heavily in her mind, and the last thing they needed was another interruption. The calm they had found was quickly being overshadowed by an unsettling sense of deja vu.“I’ll check it out,” Davin said. “You stay here and keep an eye on the documents. I don’t want to leave anything to chance.”Helen nodded, her eyes betraying a mix of anxiety and respect for Helen’s resolve. “Be careful.”Davin made his way through the house, his steps cautious. The noise grew louder as he approached the gate, a series of urgent thuds ac
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