All Chapters of Mysterious Billionaire: The Son-in-Law They Never Wanted: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
164 chapters
Chapter 131
Helen’s mind swirled with panic and desperation as she raced back outside. She had to find someone, anyone, who could help Davin. Her breaths were uneven, her heart pounding in her chest like a war drum.She dashed through the backyard, her eyes darting around for any sign of the attackers or potential rescuers. The street was now eerily silent, the red salon car and its men gone without a trace. Helen's heart sank as she spotted the figure of her husband lying motionless on the ground.“Oh no, Davin!” she cried out, her voice trembling. She stumbled to his side, the sight of him bleeding and still sent a chill down her spine. Blood was pooling around his head and mouth, his breathing shallow and uneven.Helen knelt beside him, her hands shaking uncontrollably as she touched his face. The warmth was fading, and panic surged through her veins. She tried to apply pressure to his head wound with her coat, desperately trying to stop the bleeding.“Help! Somebody, please!” Helen’s voice w
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Chapter 132
Helen sat in the sterile, bright waiting area of the hospital, her mind a jumble of worry and fear. The fluorescent lights above buzzed softly, casting an unnatural pallor over everything. Her hands gripped a small, worn-out clutch she had managed to keep with her, though it now felt like a lifeline to a world that seemed distant and unrecognizable.Time dragged on, each tick of the clock on the wall amplifying her anxiety. Nurses and doctors moved in and out, their faces a mix of professional detachment and concealed empathy. Helen's gaze darted to every new arrival, hoping for any sign, any news about Davin. The seconds felt like minutes, and minutes like hours.Her thoughts drifted back to the harrowing moments before the ambulance arrived. Davin’s condition had been dire, his breathing ragged and his face pale against the darkened backdrop of the street. The young woman who had helped her, though a stranger, had been a beacon of hope. Helen had caught her name Laura as she answere
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Chapter 133
Helen stretched as best she could in the stiff, uncomfortable waiting room chair, feeling the morning light warm her face. Her thoughts were a blend of fatigue and apprehension; the previous night's vigil had drained her both physically and emotionally. Laura stirred beside her, blinking groggily in the daylight."Good morning," Laura said softly, stretching as well."Good morning," Helen replied, managing a tired smile. "I hope you slept a little better than I did."Laura nodded. "I did get a few hours. It was hard, though. How are you holding up?"Helen sighed. "I’m trying to stay positive, but it’s difficult. I’m just so anxious about Davin. I keep replaying the events of last night in my mind."Laura nodded sympathetically. "It’s completely understandable. It must be incredibly hard to wait like this. Do you need anything? Maybe some coffee or something to eat?"Helen shook her head. "No, thank you. I’m not sure I could keep anything down right now. But I appreciate the offer."La
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Chapter 134
All through that evening, Helen's eyes were fixed on the clock, the hands crawling forward with torturous slowness. Laura, sensing Helen’s increasing tension, kept up a steady stream of conversation, but her own anxiety was palpable.Suddenly, the door to the waiting area swung open, and Dr. Reynolds walked in with an unusual expression, a mixture of disbelief and urgency. Helen’s heart leapt at the sight of him.“Mrs. Davin?” Dr. Reynolds called out, approaching them. “I need to speak with you immediately. It’s about Davin.”Helen’s breath caught. “What’s happened? Is he all right?”Dr. Reynolds motioned for her to follow him to a quieter corner of the waiting room. Laura, noticing Helen’s distress, stayed close behind. As they reached an area in the hospital's lobby, Dr. Reynolds looked both anxious and relieved. “There’s been a development. We’ve been reviewing Davin’s condition closely, and something rather unexpected has come to light.”Helen’s eyes widened with a mix of fear an
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Chapter 135
Helen and Davin left the hospital room, the sterile scent of the corridor. Laura, trailing behind them, kept a close eye on Helen, who was a whirl of conflicting emotions: relief, worry, and an unyielding determination.As they reached the hospital’s lobby, Davin turned to Helen. “Babe, I'm sorry if I'll have to go to the extent of finding and revenging these men.”Helen nodded, her eyes scanning the area. "I can't judge you for it, dear…but there's one thing I desire." Davin's eyes widened, "... And, what's that?""I'll want to be a part of it… Let’s start with the route we took.”Davin led the way, his steps quick and purposeful. Helen and Laura followed, their footsteps echoing softly in the quiet hospital. The three exited the building and made their way to Helen’s car, a sleek Mercedes parked just outside.Once inside, Helen took the wheel, and Davin directed her, guiding her through the city streets toward the route they had taken earlier that day. ***********The city was al
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Chapter 136
Davin’s phone buzzed on the passenger seat as Helen drove through the quiet streets on their way back to the hospital. He lowered his eyes into the screen, and it displayed an unknown number. With a slow swipe, he answered the call."Hello?"A smooth, authoritative voice greeted him. “Davin, I presume?”“Who’s calling?” Davin’s tone was steady, revealing nothing of his inner thoughts.“My name is Nicholas,” the caller said, his voice calm and deep.“I would like to invite you for a formal deal." He said. " Why not meet me at the Sterling Hotel tonight?"Davin pondered for a moment, his mind racing, "What meeting exactly?" He asked. "I thought you're a man, a business man shouldn't be asking what meeting it is, as far as it is promising!" Nicholas yelled.Davin chuckled, his voice echoing from the other side of the phone, "That's interesting… you'll see me, then." He said. Nicholas clapped, "Now you're talking …Come alone.” he snarled and ended the call. Before Davin could respond, t
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Chapter 137
Davin’s decision to surrender was a calculated move. He knew his strength and skill would allow him to overpower the men if necessary, but for now, he needed to gather crucial information. With a steely resolve, he allowed himself to be subdued, keeping his thoughts focused on the task at hand.The four masked men dragged him down a narrow corridor. Davin’s mind raced, assessing every detail of their surroundings. He needed to stay up to extract as much information as possible and plan his next move. His composure remained intact despite the rough handling.They arrived at a small, stark room where Nicholas awaited, his smirk betraying his self-satisfaction. Nicholas stood with a glass of wine in hand, his eyes gleaming with mockery.“Davin,” Nicholas greeted, his voice laced with contempt. “I see you’ve chosen to join us. I didn’t think you’d give in so easily.”Davin met Nicholas’s gaze with an unflinching stare. “What is this all about?”Nicholas’s smile widened as he poured wine
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Chapter 138
Dust and smoke choked the air as the tremors from the explosion subsided. Davin sprinted through the narrow corridor, his heart pounding in sync with the chaotic noises echoing from every direction. He glanced back only once to see Nicholas struggling against his grip. The panicked fear on Nicholas’s face was almost satisfying, but Davin knew better than to let his guard down.The emergency exit door loomed ahead. Davin reached it, yanking it open to reveal a dark, spiraling staircase leading down. He bolted down the stairs, the sound of his footsteps reverberating off the metal walls. Each step was a race against time and chaos, his thoughts racing faster than his legs could carry him. He could hear the muffled sounds of gunfire and shouting from above, the battle still raging fiercely.At the bottom of the stairs, Davin burst into a dimly lit basement. The room was cluttered with old crates, barrels, and discarded machinery. He took a moment to catch his breath, scanning the space f
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Chapter 139
The morning sun cast a dim light over the wreckage of the building. Davin and Helen’s team moved tactically, clearing debris and ensuring the area was secure. Despite their success, an undercurrent of tension lingered in the air. Nicholas’s capture was a victory, but it felt incomplete a temporary respite in a larger, unresolved conflict.As they prepared to transport Nicholas, Helen pulled Davin aside. Her face was set in a determined expression, her eyes reflecting both fatigue and resolve.“We need to debrief and plan our next steps,” Helen said, her voice low but firm. “Nicholas might be in custody, but we still don’t know the full extent of his operation or his network.”Davin nodded, his thoughts already racing through the implications. “I agree. We need to gather intelligence and assess the threat. If Nicholas has allies or resources, they could pose a significant danger.”Helen’s gaze softened slightly. “You’ve been through a lot. Let’s get Nicholas secured and then we’ll foc
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Chapter 140
The aftermath of the attack left the facility in chaos. Helen and Davin, though shaken, focused on damage control. The once cold interrogation room was now a battleground, littered with debris. The air was thick with the acrid scent of smoke, mingled with the sharp smell of blood and sweat.Helen paced the room, her mind racing through the implications of the breach.“We need to secure this facility and make sure there are no more infiltrators. I want a full sweep of the area, and I want it done today.”Davin, his shirt smeared with stain from the battle, nodded. “I’ll assist in coordinating with Carter and his men. We need to assess the damage and ensure that Nicholas remains secure.”As they moved through the facility, it became evident just how close the situation had come to spiralling out of control. The security breach had exposed several vulnerabilities, and the firefight had left many rooms in disarray. Despite their best efforts, the attack had demonstrated the sophisticati
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