All Chapters of Mysterious Billionaire: The Son-in-Law They Never Wanted: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
164 chapters
Chapter 141
The morning after the attack, the atmosphere in the facility had settled. Helen and Davin’s team worked relentlessly, coordinating with external agencies and preparing for their next critical move. She has always been on her husband's side. The information extracted from Nicholas had provided a crucial lead, but it was clear that the path to dismantling the network would be anything but straightforward.Helen stood by a large map of the city spread out on a conference table, her fingers tracing various locations and routes. Davin entered the room, his expression serious as he carried a folder of intelligence reports.“Any updates?” Helen asked without looking up.Davin set the folder down beside her. “Carter’s team has managed to make some headway. They’ve identified a few possible locations that might be connected to Nicholas’s network. One of them is a warehouse on the outskirts of town. It fits the profile of a safe house.”Helen glanced at the map and nodded. “We need to priorit
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Chapter 142
The morning after the attack, the atmosphere in the facility had settled. Helen and Davin’s team worked relentlessly, coordinating with external agencies and preparing for their next critical move. She has always been on her husband's side. The information extracted from Nicholas had provided a crucial lead, but it was clear that the path to dismantling the network would be anything but straightforward.Helen stood by a large map of the city spread out on a conference table, her fingers tracing various locations and routes. Davin entered the room, his expression serious as he carried a folder of intelligence reports.“Any updates?” Helen asked without looking up.Davin set the folder down beside her. “Carter’s team has managed to make some headway. They’ve identified a few possible locations that might be connected to Nicholas’s network. One of them is a warehouse on the outskirts of town. It fits the profile of a safe house.”Helen glanced at the map and nodded. “We need to priorit
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Chapter 143
Two weeks after the demolition of Paulus Company, Helen and Davin faced a new adversary: the Sheridan Group, a powerful conglomerate whose dark dealings had only become more entrenched with time.Davin had witnessed the destruction wrought by the network’s designs, but the Sheridan Group represented a different kind of threat for his companies. The conglomerate's vast empire of influence spanned finance, technology, and infrastructure, providing fertile ground for corruption at its highest levels.In their temporary operations center, the walls were lined with maps, financial records, and intelligence reports. Helen was at her desk, her eyes scanning over the latest findings, while Davin joined her, carrying a stack of new intelligence briefs. Helen focused as she sifted through a pile of documents, her fingers drumming against the wooden table.Davin set the briefs down with a deep sigh. “We’re making progress, but it's slow. The Sheridan Group has infiltrated every corner of this
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Chapter 144
The morning after the shareholder meeting dawned, but Helen and Davin barely slept. They gathered in the operations center, the dim glow of monitors illuminating their faces as they sifted through the aftermath of their presentation.Helen rubbed her temples, the tension from the meeting still gripping her. “We need to capitalize on the momentum we’ve created,” she said, her voice firm but laced with exhaustion. “But I can’t shake the feeling that the Sheridan Group will strike back hard.”Davin leaned against the wall, arms crossed, a contemplative look on his face. “They’re wounded, but they won’t go down without a fight. We need to stay vigilant.” He glanced at the messenger, who had been a crucial part of their campaign. “What’s the public sentiment like today?”The messenger, who had taken a seat at the table, tapped on her tablet. “There’s a surge of support on social media. People are sharing our evidence, and local news outlets are beginning to cover the fallout from yesterday
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Chapter 145
Helen and Davin collapsed into the car, the doors slamming shut like a final barrier against the chaos. They both took a moment to catch their breath, the weight of what they’d overheard still pressing heavily on their minds.“Did you get any footage?” Davin asked, his eyes sharp and intent as he turned to Helen, his earlier bravado replaced by a focused urgency.Helen nodded, pulling her phone from her pocket. “I recorded everything… If we can expose that…” Her voice trailed off, realization dawning. “We could turn the tide.”Davin nodded, already strategizing. “We need to get this to the media, but we have to be careful. If the Sheridan Group catches wind of our plan, they’ll try to silence us for good.” he muttered slowly. “Then we need to find a safe way to share it,” Helen said, her fingers trembling slightly as she tapped through her phone. “What about Ian? He’s been connected with some investigative journalists. If anyone can help us get this out without getting caught, it’s
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Chapter 146
Helen and Davin collapsed into the car, the doors slamming shut like a final barrier against the chaos. They both took a moment to catch their breath, the weight of what they’d overheard still pressing heavily on their minds.“Did you get any footage?” Davin asked, his eyes sharp and intent as he turned to Helen, his earlier bravado replaced by a focused urgency.Helen nodded, pulling her phone from her pocket. “I recorded everything… If we can expose that…” Her voice trailed off, realization dawning. “We could turn the tide.”Davin nodded, already strategizing. “We need to get this to the media, but we have to be careful. If the Sheridan Group catches wind of our plan, they’ll try to silence us for good.” he muttered slowly. “Then we need to find a safe way to share it,” Helen said, her fingers trembling slightly as she tapped through her phone. “What about Ian? He’s been connected with some investigative journalists. If anyone can help us get this out without getting caught, it’s
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Chapter 147
Meanwhile, Maya was in the kitchen, the scent of garlic and simmering tomatoes filling the air as she prepared dinner.She savoured the quiet, but it shattered with a loud scream from her youngest sister, Isabella.“Maya! Maya!” Isabella rushed into the kitchen, her face flushed with excitement. “You have to see this!” She thrust her phone in Maya’s direction, a triumphant grin plastered across her face.“What is it?” Maya asked, trying to maintain her composure despite the dread pooling in her stomach. She leaned closer as Isabella played the live stream featuring Davin and Helen.Maya’s heart sank as she watched the two of them, their passion radiating through the screen. “Hello, everyone. We’re here to talk about something very important…” Helen’s voice rang out, filled with conviction. Beside her, Davin’s strong presence amplified the message, a stark reminder of everything Maya had lost.Isabella smirked, “Can you believe this? They think they’re some kind of heroes. Look at all
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Chapter 148
Peter drove through the busy streets of Arctic City, the weight of his decision pressing on him. As he sped the car, he replayed the conversation with Maya in his mind. He glanced at the rear view mirror, catching a glimpse of Davin’s laughter, his easy confidence reflecting on his face. He had recounted all that happened between Maya at their last meeting to his Boss. “Did you hear her?” Davin chuckled, leaning back in his seat. “Maya really thinks I am a man she could get at whenever it pleases her, right?”Peter forced a smile, but inside, he felt a storm brewing. “Yeah, it’s surprising how far some people will go to feel important.”Davin glanced sideways, sensing something amiss. “What’s on your mind? You seem a bit off today… is there something else you didn’t tell me?” he asked playfully. “...Just thinking about how people can surprise you,” Peter replied, keeping his tone light. “Like Maya. She’s got this whole thing in her mind, I wonder who eats her cake and gets it back.”
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Chapter 149
The atmosphere in The Pinnacles Spot shifted dramatically as police officers also approached Maya. Laughter and casual conversation fell silent, and the air became thick with tension. Every gaze turned toward her, and she felt the weight of shame that settled on her face.Maya’s heart raced, a torrent of fear and humiliation surging through her. Just moments ago, she had felt a rush of ecstasy, the thrill of executing her plan to bring down Davin’s business. Now, that exhilaration evaporated, replaced by a stark reality that threatened to swallow her whole.“Madam, we need to talk!,” one of the officers said, his tone flat and devoid of sympathy.“I haven’t done anything wrong!” she protested, but her voice trembled, revealing the panic rising within her.Davin stepped forward, his presence overwhelming. Anger flickered in his eyes, mingled with disappointment. “Did you really think you could get away with trying to bribe Peter?” he demanded, his voice low and menacing. “You thought y
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Chapter 150
Maya sat in the holding cell, the sterile walls closing in on her like a vice. The noise of the station faded into a dull hum, her thoughts spiraling in a relentless loop. How had it come to this? The dream of outsmarting Davin and proving herself now felt like a distant fantasy, one that had led her straight into a nightmare.Minutes turned into hours as she stared at the stark, cold floor, grappling with each choice she had made. The thrill of ambition had transformed into a suffocating reality. Each moment of defiance against Davin echoed in her mind, a constant reminder of her failures. She had convinced herself she was clever, that she could manipulate the situation in her favor. Instead, she had become a pawn in a game she thought she could control.The sound of footsteps outside her cell startled her, pulling her from her spiraling thoughts. A familiar figure appeared, and her heart sank. It was Beatrice, her one-time friend, who had always believed in her when no one else did.
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