All Chapters of Mysterious Billionaire: The Son-in-Law They Never Wanted: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
164 chapters
Chapter 151
A week had passed since Maya’s downfall, but the memories of her actions still reverberated through Davin’s life. He sat in the plush leather seat of a private jet, staring out the window at the clouds drifting past. The hum of the engines was a steady reminder of his ascent in the business world, yet an uncomfortable knot tightened in his stomach. Today was a pivotal moment: the annual Head of Companies meeting, a gathering of the elite, where decisions that shaped industries were forged in hushed tones and confident handshakes.As they flew over a patchwork of greens and browns, Davin replayed the events of the past week in his mind. The whispers at The Pinnacles Spot, the disdain in Maya’s eyes, the stares of onlookers, all had seeped into his consciousness, leaving a bitter aftertaste. The incident had stained his reputation, even among those who had once looked up to him. When the jet touched down at the exclusive airport, Davin took a deep breath, steeling himself for the sc
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Chapter 152
As the annual Head of Companies meeting progressed, Davin felt a strange feeling wash over him. The tension of the past week lingered, but the support of the organizer had given him the pride and delight he needed. He hurried through the conference floor with an air of determination, catching bits of conversations that hinted at new opportunities. This was not just a chance to reclaim his reputation; it was a chance to redefine himself.Davin found himself engrossed in discussions about emerging ways to build his new industry. He shared insights about the innovative projects at Hayes Enterprises, exposing the strides they had made in renewable energy. Slowly, it began. Attendees who had once regarded him with doubt started to nod in agreement, their expressions shifting from doubt to respect. He could see respect rekindling in their eyes.In one particularly conversation with a prominent tech mogul, while they discussed the future of clean energy and the potential for collaboration,
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Chapter 153
The next few days passed in a flurry of activity. Davin knew he needed to strike while the iron was hot. With Maya’s interview creating waves across the industry, he seized the moment to craft a response that would showcase not just his resilience but also his vision for the future of Hayes Enterprises.His public relations team worked around the clock, developing a plan that would allow him to address Maya’s comments head-on while also shifting the focus back to his company’s mission. They devised a strategy for a press conference that would coincide with the upcoming industry expo, a prime opportunity to reach a wide audience.As Davin prepared for the next event, he reflected on the weight of the past week. There was a certain thrill in the air, an obvious excitment that hadn’t been there before. He was not just defending himself; he was reclaiming his narrative. The experience of the past few days had transformed him. The insecurities that had once gnawed at him now felt like ste
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Chapter 154
The gala hall buzzed with an electric energy as attendees mingled, their laughter and conversations weaving a tapestry of ambition and aspiration. Davin adjusted his tie, the fabric a sharp contrast against the tailored navy suit he wore. It was more than just clothing. It was armour, a symbol of his fame as he prepared for the impending debate with Collins. The leader of the Newfolds Consortium. As he surveyed the room, he caught sight of familiar faces, investors, industry leaders, and journalists, all eagerly anticipating the exchange that would unfold. He could almost hear their whispers of curiosity and speculation, each of them wondering how this confrontation would play out. It was a double-edged sword; on one hand, he had the opportunity to reclaim his narrative, but on the other, there was the looming presence of Helen, his wife. Would she be watching? Would she understand?The moderator, a well-respected journalist known for her incisive questioning, took the stage, drawi
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Chapter 155
The car ride home took hours for Davin. The city lights blurred by, each flash a reminder of the stakes he had just navigated.He replayed the debate in his mind, dissecting his words and actions, each moment for signs of weakness. Yet, despite the applause, a familiar tension settled in his stomach. Would Helen see the progress he believed he had made?As the sleek vehicle pulled into the driveway of their sprawling estate, Davin took a moment to gather himself.The house loomed before him, a relegation to their success, yet it felt more like a fortress of expectations. He stepped out, adjusting his tie for the last time that evening, and walked up the stone path, each step heavy with anticipation.Inside, the air was scented with a hint of lavender, a fragrance Helen loved. The soft glow of candlelight flickered from the dining room, where a beautifully set table awaited. But the warmth of the scene contrasted sharply with the chill in his heart. He knew Helen had watched the debate
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Chapter 156
Later that evening of his arrival. “Helen,” he said, turning to face her fully. “About what you said earlier... about needing to feel secure in our personal life. I realize that I’ve let work overshadow everything else. It’s not fair to you, or to us.”She looked up from the fire, her expression serious. “I appreciate you acknowledging that. It’s been hard for me to watch you transform into this... public figure while feeling like I’m losing you in the process.”“I don’t want that,” he replied, his voice earnest. “I want to bring you into this world, not push you away. I want you to feel like you’re a part of everything, like your voice matters in this journey.”Helen leaned back, contemplating his words. “I know you mean that, Davin. But how can we ensure that our family life doesn’t get lost in the shuffle? I want us to be more than just partners in name; I want us to be partners in everything.”Davin nodded, appreciating her clarity. “What if we set aside regular time just for us?
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Chapter 157
The next morning brought with it the bustle of a typical weekday. Davin woke early, the sunlight spilling into their bedroom, casting soft patterns across the walls. He turned to see Helen still asleep, her peaceful expression a comforting sight. Quietly, he slipped out of bed, determined to get a head start on the day.In the kitchen, the aroma of brewing coffee filled the air, and Davin found solace in the familiar routine. He poured a cup and leaned against the counter, allowing the warmth to seep into his hands. Thoughts about his upcoming initiatives for Hayes Enterprises swirled in his mind, but he pushed them aside for a moment, savoring the quiet.Just then, Mia bounded into the kitchen, her energy palpable even before her feet hit the floor. “Morning, Dad!” she chirped, her hair a wild halo from sleep.“Good morning, sunshine,” he replied, smiling at her enthusiasm. “Ready for another day of school?”“Yup! We have a science project due, and I’m going to get an A!” she declare
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Chapter 158
The next day came with a feeling of its own. After the successful town hall meeting, he felt invigorated, ready to tackle the challenges ahead. Sunlight streamed through the window, illuminating the room and hinting at a promising day.As he made his way to the kitchen, the sounds of breakfast filled the air. Helen was already bustling about, preparing pancakes while Mia sat at the table, her homework spread out in front of her.“Good morning, family!” Davin announced, pouring himself a cup of coffee.“Good morning, Dad!” Mia replied, her head buried in her math workbook. “Can you help me with this problem? I’m really confused.”“Of course,” he said, moving to her side. “What’s stumping you?”“It’s this one about fractions,” she said, pointing at the page with a furrowed brow. “I don’t get how to add them.”Davin knelt beside her, explaining the process step-by-step. He loved these moments of connection, the way teaching Mia helped him solidify his own understanding of concepts. After
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Chapter 159
The evening air was cool as Davin drove home, the satisfaction of the day’s meeting still buzzing in his mind. He replayed the conversation with the senior management team, feeling a cautious optimism about the potential for change. But just as he was beginning to relax, a sudden jolt from behind interrupted his thoughts.He slammed on the brakes, heart racing. The sound of crunching metal filled the air. Davin glanced in the rearview mirror, realizing he had been rear-ended. He exited the car, already feeling the adrenaline coursing through him.As he stepped out, his heart sank when he recognized the sleek red Ferrari that had collided with his SUV. Emerging from the driver’s side was Derek, Mia’s boyfriend, his face twisted with anger.“What the hell!?” Derek shouted, his voice cutting through the evening calm. “Why would you let your driver bump into my car?”Davin’s driver, a calm and seasoned man named Richard, was already trying to de-escalate the situation. “I’m sorry, sir. It
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Chapter 160
It was weekend already and the sun dawned bright and sunny, reflecting its warm glow through the window as Davin awoke, feeling refreshed. After the previous evening’s eventful drive and the satisfying dinner with his family, he was eager to embrace the day and make it more eventful. He glanced over at Helen, still peacefully asleep, and smiled at how lucky she was.Once dressed, Davin tiptoed into the kitchen to make coffee. As the rich aroma filled the air, he thought about how to surprise Helen later. It had been a while since they had a proper date night, and he wanted to change that. He’d plan something special, just for them.After breakfast and a lively chat with Mia about her upcoming school project, Davin turned to Helen, who had just finished her coffee. “How about we have a date night tonight?” he suggested, a playful grin spreading across his face. “Just you and me.”Helen raised an eyebrow, intrigued. “Really? That sounds wonderful! But you know we can’t just leave Mia a
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