All Chapters of Mysterious Billionaire: The Son-in-Law They Never Wanted: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
162 chapters
Kendrick thought Isabella was about to stand him up. He put a call across and it went to voicemail. He decided to wait for a minute but it seemed like it was taking longer so midway through his elastic patience for a minute, he dialed the number again. When she didn't pick up he showed his frustration by hitting the wall and turning to leave and behold, look what he saw!“How long have you been standing there, watching me angry?” Kendrick asked, unaware of what to feel.“You looked so angry, now I think you feel stupid.” Isabella said confidently, still.maintaining where she stood.He walked closer, there was a considerable distance then he stopped. “That doesn't answer my question. It seems you enjoy watching me in pain. All I did was concur with your sister's opinion which I have apologized for and shown that I regret.” “I've been here for over a minute, you've just not been aware of your environment.”He clapped thrice then stopped, “ good remark! He was unconscious to his immedia
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James announced Luther II’s entry into the arena and everyone rose to welcome him. Derek rose from the white silk divan he was sitting on and clapped as he waved slowly, turning 360 degrees for everyone to have a view of him.“Our mysterious billionaire will address is later, let's dig in and keep ourselves busy.” James said as they sat down.“Where is he?” Davin asked sternly.James motioned to Sarah and she went over to where Peter sat. “He wants to see you.”Peter was still chewing gently the rice he just threw into his mouth. He drank some water and cleaned his mouth smoothly. “Right now? Before he says anything?”“Yes, he's looking at us.” Sarah said, brushing him to get up quickly.“Alright.” He stood up, adjusted his tie exhaled deeply, “how do I look?”“Perfect.” She replied as they were on their way.Derek watched as Peter approached Luther II with so much shock. Could it be what he was thinking? W
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“We know your family and we hope you don't fall victims to poor people who pretend to be rich. Our son here is our only child and we hope to give him out to the best bride, that includes her status.” Mrs. Strandsen said.Kendrick eyed her with so much regret, he had warned her and told her not to do this but she vehemently refused.“Mom, she's from a reputable family and she'll make a good bride.” Kendrick defended.“Your mom is just trying to ensure she's the right woman for you. My mom did the same.” Mr. Strandsen said, refilling his glass with wine.“I understand, as a parent, one has to look out for his child especially when he's an heir to a lot of wealth like in this case. But there should be no misconception regarding my family's reputation as we deal and fraternize with only those in our status.” Isabella said courteously.“Well said, my daughter. Permission to add the in-law?” Mr. Strandsen said, impressed by her eloquence a
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“Finally brethren, we're here in honor of our brother, Luther II and he has called this dinner for those who hold the keys to our city, the billionaire's cartel.” James said with a broad smile.There was a round of applause that engorged the building. Derek clapped his hands weakly as he could not wait for the unveiling. James looked at him with a sympathetic smile and continued.“I stand this evening to show you the man behind the mask, a friend and business partner, a brother to all, Lord Davin.” He motioned with his head to the back of the room. He lifted his hand and pointed to the inner room from whence Davin emerged from, from the dark shadows.Derek had a heart attack but came back to life immediately. He had nowhere to go, even death rejected him. Raul and Mario were astonished as well, he was left to die and late Tiga ensured he was gone, at least that's what they were told. What on planet earth was happening. Derek wanted the ground to open and swallow him but as much as he
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“I hope you get to stay with us more than usual because your tenure has already brought a lot of good luck already.”“You flatter me a lot, what do you mean? “ Davin chuckled.“I mean most cartel heads live a short life and if longer, they rest on their own or drop mysteriously.”“I am the mysterious billionaire, any other thing more mysterious than I am doesn't exist.” Davin said with a perturbing confidence.“You seem very confident, might I know where it comes from?” Mr. Wills asked.“And you seem more confident, interrupting my conversation without a proper introduction.”“Hahaha, an introduction? There's never been a need for that because everyone knows me. I'm the infamous popular Mr. Will. I'm sure that explains your.answer.”“Hmm, I must say I give it you. You're whimsical and smart, a lot of qualities not found in many these days.”“I'm curious as to how you rose to fame. You see my friend and
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This was one of the days he prayed hard not to witness. The difficult times he wished never came to limelight, he wished Maya was by his side to pull through this mess. He wasn't even able to see her before he was dragged away like a thief, from an event in which he was invited to. That means it was a set up, a trap in which he should have known but was too dumb to see the signs. How on earth could he thinks that he was getting an ally when everything the universe put in front of him was an enemy. Where's my phone?” Derek asked no one in particular.Peter knew he was the most disposable of the three and had to be oversensitive into stay a little longer. “Inside the car, should I bring it?”“Stop asking me foolish questions and bring it, why will I ask of it if I never wanted it.” Derek shot back in anger.Peter hurriedly got the phone out, he understood what his boss felt, it wasn't easy to go from grace to grass in a twinkle of an eye. “He
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Derek had a throbbing headache from the day’s ordeal and fell into his sofa to rest. He took some pills to feel better before falling into a deep sleep.“Is he gone?” Derek asked drowsily.“Yes he is. I made sure of that.” Raul.said.“Go home and take the day off tomorrow.” Derek said, wincing from the pain he felt.“No boss! We can't leave you like this. What if you need something?” Raul.asked concernedly.“I am fine and I can take care of myself.” “Not in this state. Not like this.”“Boss he's right, you need all the help you can get.” Mario said.“But Mario, your salary for this month is not guaranteed. I need less people that's why I drove the young man away, less mouths to feed. I know he had his flaws but he's an excellent worker and loyal man. I need to know that I need to be left alone.” “Salary or not, I will work for you boss.” Mario said, with his fist kept by his chest.“You?
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How on earth did an anticipated night become one that she prayed to forget in no time. Time and time again, she had fallen for poor men. Maybe she was wrong, a poor-turned rich man and a rich-turned poor man, either ways they never were what they posed to be. She had gone personally to congratulate him but she made her look like a stranger. Now early in the morning, she wakes up, not ready to eat breakfast because she full of the gloom and bitterness from last night's dinner.“Hello Madame Maya, it's time for breakfast.”She yawned and stretched her hands and legs then turned to the other side, “I've heard you, I'll be down in a minute.”“Okay ma'am.” The maidservant said and left.“Good morning dad, good morning mom.” Maya greeted.“Good morning my daughter, hope you slept well?” Mr. Windsor asked, he was one to always care no matter the situation.“I'm good.” She said then turned to look at her mother who ignored her totally.Read more
“I'm not even worthy to sit on your table again. I can't take breakfast again beside my bride-to-be again. Two days ago I was on that seat and you called me son-in-law.”“A lot can happen in two days. The realization of the fact that you are not a billionaire again came in the span of two days.” Maya said unapologetically.“So it's about the money, huh? What more do you want? I've given you money, I've bought you diamonds, clothes, shoes. Yet you act like you've never seen these things.”“Young man watch the way you speak about my daughter-”“Young man? My name was usually Derek the youngest richest billionaire but now it's young man. No one knew I wasn't old.” He laughed ironically, he felt pain.“You didn't seem surprised when Davin said he bought your company. Means you had known this for a long time.” Isabella asked.“Yes I had known and for this reason I refused to say it. I thought I could fix it. You have corroborated
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Jan appeared with the drink shortly after to give her courage to say what she wanted to say.“It's here, are you okay?”She took aa sip, “yes I am. Won't you take some?”“I will, only if you told me what is going on? What do you so much need from me?”“Okay if you insist I say it now, then I'll say it.” She began to be emotional, her eyes became teary and she started whimpering, “he wants to take everything from us.”“Who?” Jan asked with every degree of seriousness in her.“He wants to take away the legacy we've built for so long. He wants us to go down, and for what? Nothing. Is that not crazy?”She looked confused and didn't know what to answer but she nodded. “I don't seem to get you, if only you could explain more.”She didn't want to let the request suddenly for lack of attention thereby destroying what she was building, her acceptance to whatever she wanted asking.“But you're the only one that can help me. With your help, he will not succeed with his wicked plans.”“But who's
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