All Chapters of Mysterious Billionaire: The Son-in-Law They Never Wanted: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
162 chapters
“Tell me about Mr. Tom, anything new?” Derek requested as he settled himself in the back of the car.Mario turned to speak to him. “He's a business tycoon, an elder statesman who's had his finger in the political pie for years, so I intend to concentrate on showing him our products,” he explained. “However, the second guy, Don Carlos, is the one who is really interested. He has connections with the Feds and can help us when we have issues. He's also a politician but for the Southern province.“His father was a kingpin in the game and was an ex policeman.” Raul provided, accelerating away.“-- and my hope is that he'll give us a better deal than the Mexicans. Their monopoly is strong here in the south that's why they charge so high. Because they know there's no one else to buy from.”“So you think working with Mr. Tom and Don will make us relevant again.” Derek asked curiously.“Yeah, we promised to deliver one thousand bags in two weeks and it's very feasible because we have slashed t
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Davin clapped as James entered his room. “You're doing so well I must say.”“You have no idea what it is like out there.” James said tiredly.“You seem very stressed. You have to rest to be sharp and active in tonight's event.” Davin advised.“Yes definitely, I will. Were you watching me?” James asked, he was suprised.“Im always up here alone, it won't be so bad if I snuck up to witness the fun personally.”“But you know it's risky. If they see you thy could leak it to-“Someone and that someone leaks to another and the surprise is ruined and the party doesn't do what it's intended to do. But you forget I'm extraordinary man and careful indeed so no need to worry.”“Okay if you say so.” James said casually.“Alright make sure you rest, I'll be in the paseo doing what I love best.” Davin chuckled, about to step out.“Lest I forget, he followed me.” James said, pulling his shoes off.“Who followed you? Derek?” Davin asked curiously.“No not him, his boy.” James answered, relaxing on
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Sarah sat alone in her car, the weight of Peter's words sinking in. She wiped away the tear that had escaped down her cheek and took a deep breath, trying to gather her thoughts. Her mind raced with questions and uncertainties about what to do next. She couldn't believe how quickly everything had unraveled.She glanced at her phone, contemplating whether to call James or Davin. A part of her wanted to reach out to James, to explain and perhaps seek his help, but she hesitated. She knew Davin's reaction would be unpredictable, especially now that he knew about her connection with Peter.Finally, she decided to call James. She dialed his number and waited anxiously as the phone rang."Sarah?" James's voice came through the line after a few rings."James, it's me," Sarah said, her voice shaky with emotion. "I... I need to talk to you.""Sarah, are you okay? What's wrong?" James sounded concerned."I... I think Davin knows about Peter," Sarah admitted, her voice barely above a whisper.Th
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She was actually confused on what to do, he may have been very crude with his words but he meant well. Staying at home and missing the party wasn't exactly a great choice but the best idea to stay safe if she wanted to be. She dabbed her eyes with her handkerchief and stood up to leave. She dropped the bill and walked out. She walked into her car with her shades on, her eyes were already red. She entered and drove off. She passed by Jetly Fashion Store and felt awkward. She took a U-turn and parked in the garage of the store. She stepped out and walked towards the entrance of the store with elegance. She greeted a few people and got in. She stood in a fixed, she threw her eyes around in amazement. There were so many beautiful gowns and she wanted to try all of them. While she was still bewildered, a young woman walked to her in a nice green polo, Jetly Fashion Store boldly written in front of it. “Welcome to Jetly Fashion Store, how many I be of help ma'am.” She asked politely“Ther
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FOR THE EVENT, WE HAVE TO LOOK GOODAs a man getting dressed quickly was one of the talents we were endowed with. So whether a woman got in before you, you had to come out before her or else you lose your manly status. He smiled as he thought about what his old man discussed with him while he was still younger. He checked himself in front of the mirror, he knew he looked sweet. A gold bow tie and a gold pocket filler to match with his shiny black three piece suit, he exuded elegance and class. But even as he loved his look he expected his bride-to-be to look more ravishing than he was. He recalled the words of his dad again, your wife should always look better than you.“Use the sedan, I'll move around in the Porsche.” Derek instructed, as he stood outside his mansion.“Yes boss.” Mario said.Raul saluted and entered the other car. Derek's Porsche was in the middle while Mario and Raul cruised in front and behind him respectively. I
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The salon was huge, nearly thirty feet long and ten feet wide with windows and French doors overlooking elegant gardens with numerous fountains and pools. There was a handful of people, the early billionaires who were already admiring the fat cushions tha stared at them by the entrance.They couldn't wait for the unravelling of the mysterious billionaire who would be allies with all and sundry but Davin wished the time never came. He wondered if he made a mistake, the only good thing about this party was the smirk on his face when Maya and Derek found out he was the one. He could overemphasize the ecstasy he already felt thinking about it. He looked reluctant but never nervous, if nervous then in a good way.“How do I look?” Davin asked standing in front of the mirror.“You look nice, just a little touch on…” he readjusted the shirt and places the tie in the centre, “now you're good to go.”“Thank you James, you've been very helpful.” Davin said thankfully.“My pleasure boss, don't f
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Isabella became shy all of a sudden, the outspoken, bold and beautiful girl hid behind her father's fortress today. Kendrick came back to his senses. He saw the way she looked at him, if there was nothing then why would she behave that way. She left her for only few hours and she had found another love, very much impressive for taking things to another level!“Hello? Kendrick are you here?” Kendrick nodded and moved aside. “What's wrong with your son?”“He'll be fine, just a little stressed.” Mr. Strandsen exhaled loudly. He had seen what just happened and he didn't need any interpreter to translate the audio-visual because although he was old, his brain still worked. “C'mon boy, let's go take pictures and brace up, it going to be fine.”“What's happening? I'm lost.”“It's men talk. Brace up.” He mimicked himself and she smiled.“Okay if you say so.” Isabella checked her phone, he had double texted
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She couldn't stay quiet for long, she didn't like the silence between them especially when they swam in a pool of diverse emotions. She pretended to be on her phone while he pretended to be concentrating on the road. She got tired and decided to be the first person shooter.“Do we have to be quiet through out this journey?” “I prefer we continue the journey this way.” Peter answered expressionlessly.“Why do you always act up when there's something good.”“What's good? A kiss? I don't feel it's something good.”“So what's something good? Considering that we're going for a party and it may as well be my last day.” Sarah said with mixed emotions of frustration and anger.“Can we not talk about this?” Peter demanded.“Ok dear, what do we rather talk about that will be intriguing and fast paced through out this dull journey.” Sarah snapped quickly.“Nothing. We talk about nothing.” Peter said, increasing the volume of the stereo.Sarah frowned. His demand for no conversation and quiet s
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“Boss, we have bad news and good news.” Raul said with his face down.“Good news first! I'm in a good mood.” Derek said smiling.“The goodnews is that if you give the order now we can pursue and recollect our goods and take even more because we know who's behind the attack.” Mario said in a serious tone.“And the bad news?” Derek asked shaking visibly.“We lost Don Carlos and Tiga to death and a host of other workers to the brawl. We also lost all the goods on transit, but we can-”“Fuck! Fuck! Fuck, fuck, fuck!” Derek fell to the ground, he couldn't control himself. He smashed his phone on the glassware and it shattered and he had everyone's attention.“Boss we need to go!” Raul managed to say loudly.“I'm finished, this was my last resort! Where do I run to?” Derek said, his head in between his thighs.“Boss we have to go, the cameras are getting too much.” Mario said, helping him out of the curious pre
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Derek came out of his car but was still ashamed for his outburst. Mario followed him from behind while Raul was his forerunner, paving the way. As he entered the hall, it was as if everything paused. Everyone turned to look at him but he didn't mind, he made it to his seat without looking at anyone.As soon as he sat, everyone continued eating.“What happened?” Maya asked concernedly.“What happened son? Why such a violent expression of emotions?” Mr. Windsors asked.“Are you alright?” Margret asked.“Mom, dad, leave him be. He won't be able to say a word now probably from the shock. He'll be fine, right babe?” Maya asked, rubbing him softly.He nodded while Mario stood aside, taking a seat behind him. Raul did the same thing, everyone on high alert. Victoria had a hunch, she could guess what was wrong. She asked no questions and pretended to be so engrossed in her food. Derek faked a smiled occasionally to ward off the inquisitive eyes of his in-laws.“Why is the mysterious man not h
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