All Chapters of Journey Of The Elemental Master: Chapter 21 - Chapter 26
26 chapters
The Heavy Day
After successfully defeating Jillian, Mr. Roger again chose his opponent and it turned out that what he had summoned was..."Elron, now it's your turn," said Mr. Roger.Elron was so surprised when Mr. Roger called his name. Not only was he surprised, but almost all the participants there were also surprised. Elron's heart immediately started beating very fast. Fear immediately seized Elron's soul, especially when he remembered how harshly Mr. Roger treated Bill and Jillian.With heavy and hesitant steps, Elron entered the fighting arena. He really had no confidence at that time. His blue eyes looked at Mr. Roger who was standing right in front of him. “Elron, this is your first time fighting me, isn't it? Do not hesitate. "Give out all your abilities," said Mr. Roger. “O-oka, Sir...” The atmosphere around the fighting venue suddenly became silent. It seems everyone is curious about what abilities Elron has. Elron, who had absolutely no martial arts skills, seemed confused about sta
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New Friend
Because he was very tired, without realizing it, Elron fell asleep on the bed with his body still covered in sweat until suddenly a knock on the door woke Elron up. Elron's eyes which were originally closed suddenly bulged wide. Elron's eyes looked red at that time.“Eron! Elron! Are you ready?" Jillian called him from behind the door.Elron was shocked. He glanced at the wall clock hanging on the bedroom wall. "What?! 7 o'clock?!" Apparently Elron had been asleep for too long. He didn't realize that it was already 7 pm and it was time for dinner.“Elron, open the door. "Let's go now," said Bill from behind the door."Hurry up Elron, the food will run out soon," said Brock.It turns out that Jillian wasn't the only one who picked up Elron that night. His close friends also came to his room. Elron was increasingly panicking. He immediately got up from his bed. His two blue eyes looked at his body which was covered in sweat. He also sniffed his own body.“Ughh.. My body smells so bad.
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First Member
The next day.The Xtrange Community youth have gathered at their training ground in the grassland. They all wore the same white uniforms as yesterday. Of the dozens of young men, Elron was seen lining up at the front. This time he looked calmer than yesterday."Good morning everyone!" said Mr. Roger in a loud voice."Spirit! Spirit! Ughhh!” All the youth of the Xtrange Community responded to Mr. Roger's greeting with great enthusiasm. It seems they are more prepared than yesterday.“Like yesterday, you will face me for training this time. Yesterday's results, no one can win against me yet. I hope that today someone can beat me. I will summon some of you to face off against me. Now we will warm up first," said Mr. Roger.The Xtrange Community youth started to warm up. They ran around the wide lake. Like yesterday, Elron started to look tired after running around half the lake. Luckily his close friends always support him.“Come on, Elron. You can do it," said Bill, who was running besi
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Great Determination
After being defeated by Milea, Mr. Roger called one by one the Xtrange Community participants to fight him. Most of the participants lost against Mr. Roger. On that day, there were 3 more people who managed to defeat Mr. Roger, so that a total of 4 people had joined the ARMOR squad.“Damn! "There are only 6 more people who can join the ARMOR troops," said Bill.“That's right. Our opportunities are running out. Hopefully I can still be accepted into the ARMOR troops," said Snow.Elron's friends looked worried at that time. Opportunities to become ARMOR troops are increasingly limited. Elron, who is still an amateur, looks calm. He still doesn't seem to realize how important it is for Xtrange Community members to be able to become ARMOR troops.While Elron's friends were talking, suddenly..."Elron, now it's your turn," said Mr. Roger.Elron's heart felt like a knife had been stuck in it. He did not expect that he would be called again to fight Pak Roger.“M-me, Sir?” Elron asked with a
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"Oh shit!" All the participants were shocked to see the terrible strength of Elron.After releasing his lightning power, Elron's breath became shallow. He looked at Mr. Roger who was still slumped on the ground. Several Xtrange Community youth ran over to Mr. Roger to help him up."Mr. Roger, are you okay?" asked one of the young men.Sir Roger slowly got up. He has transformed into his original form. "I'm fine..."Elron's face looked worried. It seemed like he felt guilty for hurting Mr. Roger. Mr. Roger walked slowly towards Elron. With a gasp, he stretched out his right hand.“Congratulations, Elron. You have succeeded in defeating me. According to the regulations, you are officially a member of the ARMOR squad."Everyone who witnessed it was shocked when Elron officially joined the ARMOR squad. Those who underestimated Elron's abilities now realize that Elron has extraordinary powers. Elron's close friends were also happy to see Elron become a member of the ARMOR squad, except for
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The monster continued to approach Martha and suddenly its sharp claws slashed at Martha's body."Nooo!" shouted Elron.Instantly, Elron's eyes opened wide. His body jumped from the bed. Apparently Elron just had a bad dream. His face was covered in sweat. His breath was ragged."Thank goodness it was just a dream," Elron said while holding his forehead.After the nightmare, Elron immediately thought of his mother who was still lying in the hospital. He rushed out of his room and went straight to where Martha was being treated. He was afraid that something bad would happen to the mother he loved.As soon as he arrived at the hospital, Elron immediately saw Martha who was still lying in bed. Elron could breathe a sigh of relief when he saw Martha sleeping peacefully."Elron...?" Martha suddenly woke up. He saw his son sitting beside his bed.Elron held Martha's hand. "Mom, are you okay?""I'm fine. It seems like my wounds have started to heal too. I want to get out of this room immediat
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