All Chapters of POWER UNDISPUTED : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
50 chapters
Chapter 11
At the last second, Damien grabbed his hand and in a flash, had Raymond spun around with his hand behind his back. The angry man yelped like a little girl as the pain finally registered to him. "You were so angry just a second ago. You're telling me this is all you got?" Damien asked, sounding genuinely disappointed. "Let me go, you fool. Do you know who I am? Let me go now or – ahhhhh."Hearing his incessant spiel, Damien twisted his hand a bit more. Assholes like this never really learn until they hit rock bottom. Depending on how out of touch they are, some of them don't learn even then."Security, get over here now!" Abigail whispered into her earpiece. "I'm so sorry about your experience here today, sir. I promise it's not usually like this," she pleaded with Damien.Still restraining Raymond, Damien casually replied. "Must be something in the air, huh?""Yes, maybe that's what it is," Abigail giggled.The sight of the both of them casually conversing while Damien had a man's a
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Chapter 12
"What the hell is a street urchin like you doing in a place like this? Are you here to steal?" Alison shrieked.At the sight of Damien. Andy began to lose his temper. This was the bastard who dared put hands on his father, despite everything they did for him. Worse yet, there was a beautiful woman with Damien so he had to keep his composure. How could this useless fool get with a woman like that anyway?"Is what you've resorted to? Trying to impress a woman with your ex-wife's money? Don't you have any pride as a man?" Andy asked.Alison's head snapped to Andy and a growing smile formed on her face. "Oh really. Courtney told me he didn't take the money.""Of course she did." Andy said. "She was trying to hide his shame. Now here he is with another woman, trying to live lavishly. That is the only explanation for all this.""Wow. What a shameless man." Alison said, shaking her head. "I should collect every penny she gave you because you don't deserve anything." Her eyes went over to An
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Chapter 13
"Is this true?" He titled his bespectacled head down to look the clerk in the eyes."Yes sir," she said indignantly. "I've been trying to kick them out but they won't leave.""What did they steal?" he asked her.The clerk looked at Alison hopefully, waiting for the answer that would justify her actions to the manager. Alison said nothing, even going as far as avoiding the girl's eyes."What did he steal," the manager repeated, sounding irritated.She only looked about like a lost child. He smacked her upside the head and shoved her away."Go inside," he ordered. "Damn imbecile," he muttered.The crowd had forgotten what they came to the store and the manager saw fit to remind them."Everyone, nothing to see. Let's all go about our business," she yelled, waving his arms like a conductor then turned to Damien. "Accept my sincerest apologies sir. She's my niece and she knows nothing about working." He extended his hand for Damien to take.Seeing this, Damien switched the black card from
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Chapter 14
"I guess this is the surprise he had for me," Damien whispered to Angela."You're unlucky today. Seems like you stepped on the wrong toes," the head thug said, a wide grip on his face. "Unfortunately for you, we were chosen to make you see the error of your ways." He stared at Angela. Damn, she really was a beauty. He might have to keep her for himself.Damien found himself getting excited. Never before had he faced such an opposition. It was always a small fry idiot, too drunk to know any better. But these guys; not only did they look like they would give him a challenge but they would also deserve every bit of pain he was about to inflict on them. Six men around them, all poised to pounce. The anticipation was making his heart pound against his ribcage. In the distance, he saw Andy's car parked facing them. He would deal with him after.Dropping his bags in the ground, he asked. "Are there more of you or this is everyone?"The thug faltered a bit, not expecting to hear that but th
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Chapter 15
"Damien, dear boy, to what does this old man owe the pleasure?"Daniel was using an elliptical bike with a lady in a lab coat, holding a clipboard standing next to him. He still looked agile as ever but Damien could tell the man wasn't in tiptop condition."I can't have you dying on me," he said as he handed the old man his Yin necklace.Daniel took it eagerly and put around his neck, not stopping to pedal his bike."Sir, you need proper form so you don't hurt yourself," the lab coat lady said.He glared at her as if she'd asked him to sacrifice his grandchild. "This necklace makes me feel better than you and your team of useless crooks ever have. I don't know why I keep you around."Damien felt bad for her especially when she hung her head and blushed. "You know why you keep me around," she muttered, trying and failing to keep the smile off her face.Damien raised an eyebrow at Angela, who shrugged in response. He glanced at his grandfather, who seemed high off of the effects of the
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Chapter 16
“Also, you're going to have to talk to a lot of people, seeing as you're Mr. Delaney.”He didn't really care. His ex wife could be the host for all he cared, if he had to be there, he would. Plus, talking to people wasn't a big deal so long as he didn't have to pretend to like them.“What do I need to know about this Ball?”Taking a deep breath, Angela started downloading all the information she knew about the ball; all the powerful people that usually attended, how they loved to flaunt their money, how they tended to be classless at times and how one or two people would get drunk and cause a scene.“Sounds delightful,” he jeered as he pulled into his driveway.“Wait till you experience it.”The next day came and he had his suit prepared and shoes polished. Angela really was the best right hand he could ask for.He decided he wanted to take one of the fancier, older cars and Angela had already had it delivered.“I'd give you a raise but you probably already make a million dollars," he
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Chapter 17
So much had been happening that Damien hadn't noticed her beauty. Even though she wore the same uniform as Jan and the other lady, it was clear she'd had hers tailored to fit, and fit her, it did. She made no attempt to hide her luscious curves and tempting cleavage. Despite all that, her face was her selling point. She was so pretty she gave Angela a run for her money. "I'll hold you to that," Damien said, returning her smile."I'll do my best to please you, sir. You can call me Krissy, " she returned, twirling her hair.Angela was getting irritated by her obvious flirting. "We should go in," she said.Damien couldn't help smiling at the edge in her voice. Krissy acted as a guide, showing them their assigned seat at the very front row. Damien couldn't help noticing how much her hips swayed as she walked. Her skirt stretched tight over her toned butt was such a sight to behold. Everytime, they rounded a corner, she would glance at him over her shoulder with a sweet smile as if to co
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Chapter 18
He stretched out his hand to give Angela a hug but she held out a hand to stop him. She already couldn't stand him sober. She couldn't begin to imagine a drunk version of him. "Oh Angela, my ego is bruised. Is this about the restaurant? I apologise. It was all that bastard's fault. Out of the corner of his eyes, he sighted Courtney. He knew she'd had her eyes on his since he walked into the hall. That was fine until she started approaching him. He opted to ignore her to face Raymond. Maybe he would help scare her off. "Two things," Damien started. "I know who my father is and you're making a fool of yourself." Raymond's head slowly turned once he realised who had just spoken. An unbridled anger that shook his whole body consumed him. He reached into his tuxedo and pulled out something that glinted in the brightly lit room. Damien instinctively pulled Angela behind him. Everyone hit the floor as the bang of gunfire echoed through the room. "Lay down, all of you!" A gruff
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Chapter 19
The room had devolved into chaos. Screams and yelling could be heard all through. Smoke engulfed the spot Damien and the men had been standing at. Angela was hyperventilating. She had one job and she had monumentally failed. How would she ever be able to face Daniel? Courtney couldn't believe what had just happened. Why would he do that? What was he thinking? She glanced at Angela, seeing the woman panic. Did he do it for her? He did, he had to have. Rage bubbled in her heart. The bastard had moved on that fast? Did he ever really love her? No man who truly loved his woman would let her go so readily or move on so easily. Good riddance to him then. If she couldn't have him, it was best no one else did.Movement from inside the smoke caught her eye and then someone gasped. Out of the smoke, Damien came striding out, wearing a cape and crown like a medieval king."All hail the king," chanted the gunmen. "What the hell is happening?" Angela asked as Damien helped her to her feet.Ever
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Chapter 20
He looked at the massive gash across his palm from trying to parry the knife swing too late. The crowd was buzzing now. Guffaw and shrill exclamations could be heard all around. What they were being treated to was nothing short of a spectacle. First they had been threatened with fake guns, now they were treated to the sight of fake bleeding. The Merry Weather Charity has really stepped up their game. Damien needed to focus. But who were they? Raymond had promised to make him pay. Were they hired by his father? If they were, he didn't know their strength so he could immediately incapacitate the buffoon welding a knife. He had to be patient, watch how they reacted. Feeling confident from his last attack, Raymond swung wide again. This time, Damien slipped out of the way to let the idiot's momentum do the damage, but he couldn't resist hooking a leg under him to trip him up. Raymond tumbled in spectacular fashion, stirring the crowd into a frenzy of laughter and applause. Unfortunat
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