All Chapters of POWER UNDISPUTED : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
50 chapters
Chapter 31
“No, I… it wasn't–”Unable to find the right words he took off sprinting in the opposite direction. Damien watched as he hubbled down the street barely picking up any speed. What an idiot. Would someone who was trying to end you come and pick you up from a police station?He got into the car and turned around pulling up right next to Raymond's trudging figure.“I'm only going to say this once; get in.”Raymond's brain seemed to kick in. He didn't know why but he knew Damien wasn't going to harm him. He crossed over to the passenger side and got into the car. “Where are we going?” he asked.“Somewhere I can knock some sense into your head.”“You can't do that,” Raymond said with a trembling voice. “Oh really?” Damien asked without taking his eyes off the road.“Y–you can't. The police… they'll–”“They'll what? Come to your Rescue? I'm sure they hate your guts at this point. You're not a very likeable person.”“M–my father. He won't–”“Your father sent me,” Damien said. “He's sick of
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Chapter 32
Seeing the hesitant man, Damien pressed further. “Surely you're not all talk, are you? You just wanted your men to come face me but you won't face me yourself?” The men all looked expectantly at their boss. They sure as hell didn't want to face a man who had singlehandedly taken down Nugget without breaking a sweat. “Are you scared of me?” Damien mocked. “Nobody's scared of you,” the leader growled. “You think you're something special huh? I'll teach you that lesson you badly need.” He snatched a machete from one of his men and cautiously approached Damien, slicing the gleaming weapon through the air intimidatingly. “Perfect. I'll try not to smash your face in so at least you can have an open casket,” Damien said as he swung the heavy sledgehammer about like it weighed nothing. The boss faltered. “You don't scare me,” he muttered. Damien chuckled. “If that's true, why are you peeing your pants?” The boss looked down for a second and that was all he needed. He smash
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Chapter 33
“Remember, you’re getting me a new Rolls Royce. You, not your father,” Damien said through his rolled-down window right before Angela pulled off, kicking up enough dust to cover Raymond. “You didn’t eat before leaving this morning,” Angela said.“What are you, my babysitter?As if on cue, his stomach grumbled.Angela giggled. “You were saying?”He rolled his eyes but indeed, he was hungry. All the excitement of the day had made him forget it. “Let’s go to Dame’s Court,” he said as if it was a no brainer. “I don’t think I’ve had better food in my life.”Angela was vehemently against the idea. Of course, Dame’s Court had the best food in the country but unfortunately, the one closest to them had Abigail as its manager.Having Damien around Abigail was like tempting a lion with fresh meat at a safari. Neither of those things were advisable. But how could she tell her he couldn’t eat somewhere because she didn’t like the manager?“There’s this place Renee always tells me about. She’s a
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Chapter 34
“Hey Mark, Angela was telling me how much she loves the family theme for this place,” Renee carried on.Mark's eyes lit up as his gaze went to Angela. Renee hated how much her sister had an effect on him. Her heart ached wishing he would see her the way she saw him but she knew that would probably never happen.But even then, she hated Damien's presence enough that she was willing to throw herself under the bus if it meant Angela saw Mark as the real prize.“Yes,” Angela said. “It's very welcoming.”Mark felt his heart flutter at her praise. He was smitten by her and as much as he tried to hide it, he couldn't help himself.With any other woman, he could hide his emotions. But Angela was something special, goddess amongst men. So what then was a man as ordinary as Damien doing with her?“Yes, Angela, it is. You know, I had a hand in coming to that decision. I'm very family-oriented and…” he glanced at Damien again with that smug smirk. “...I will own this all soon.”“That's wonderful
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Chapter 35
“Weren't you too easy on him?” Angela asked with a frown.She greatly admired Damien for keeping his cool in situations like that. She knew wouldn't be able to if she was in his shoes. He had way too much power to be letting people disrespect him.She thoroughly enjoyed the look on Mark's face when his father came over to greet Damien. All his big talk about owning the restaurant but he didn't know Damien actually owned it. “He’s just a kid. Life will teach him a lesson soon enough.”Mark was just another trust fund baby that needed to be knocked down a peg by life. He would get his eventually.As much as she wanted to believe that, she'd been around way too many men like Mark. Rich kids who had parents with endlessly deep pockets and could pay their way out of any trouble that they got themselves into.“He probably won't. He can afford to get out of any lesson life has for him,” she said. “You never know. Look at Raymond. His own father left him in jail for a week.” Damien chuckled
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Chapter 36
As Damien fully opened the box, the smell intensified. Soon enough, the both of them were seeing stars, and swirls, and squiggles in the air.“What’s happening?” Angela asked. But the sound of her own voice startled her and puzzled Damien.When he looked at her, her face was melting off and it sounded like she was under water.Then the giggling started. Uncontrollable giggling that made Damien forget everything else and join her in laughter. They laughed and laughed, high off the intoxicating scent of the Celladona. In their joyous stupor, Damien accidentally glanced at the black box seeing the glowing petals of the Celladona.Someone snapped inside his head and he rushed to it, slamming the box shut and clicking the clocks back into place.His mind instantly cleared. His vision went back to normal; there were no squiggles or swirls, and Angela’s face was back to its usual pretty countenance.It took her a couple more seconds but as soon as she snapped back to reality, she staggered
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Chapter 37
“Arghh. Don, please,” the trembling man pleaded, clutching his casted arm as the Don’s goons dragged him into the bathroom.His eyes flickered around the room, landing on the lifeless body of his cohort.“Oh God,” he whimpered“God can’t save you now. Tell me what I want to know and maybe I’ll let you go,” Don said.“Don Simeon, I tried to stop them. I told them not to tell him your name. They wouldn’t listen. I told them what would happen but they wouldn’t listen. Please, Don. I’m the only one who came back,” the man begged, tears streaming down his face. The pain of his broken arm, although a not-so-distant memory, was nothing compared to being on Don Simeon’s bad side.“Yes, you did. But you failed. I gave you a simple task and you failed. And what did you say happened to your arm?”His eyes lit up. Finally, he had vital information to tell. “It was the woman, Don. She’s pretty as an angel but she is the devil’s spawn. She broke my arm as if she was snapping a twig.”Hope surged i
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Chapter 38
“Fuck,” he blurted as he rolled out of the way. “What the hell is your problem?”Garth couldn’t stomach it. How could this pompous prick just show up out of nowhere and steal his record? He knew Damien had never done anything to earn his stripes, yet he could stand toe to toe with him who had spent his whole life training. Training to fulfil the prophecy. He would not let Damien get ahead of him if he had anything to say about it.Even as he advanced, sending blow after blow, Damien expertly weaved and blocked his hits as if he were nothing.“Face me like a man, you coward!” Garth roared, pressing on with his blows.Damien saw an opening and chopped the brute's throat, making him falter in his movement. This created a bigger opening for Damien to send him flying backwards with a roundhouse kick to the chest.Garth picked himself up with a ferocious growl, ripping his shirt open as if it were the reason he was getting his ass kicked.“I won’t let you get away with this! I will–”“Eno
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Chapter 39
With the beast of an engine under the Aston’s hood, it didn’t take long for Damien and his passenger to arrive at the location Don Simeon had given him. Much to his surprise, the Ouroboros Society’s compound was on the way. An idea had popped in his head.Garth was clearly smitten with Angela. That plus the fact that a crazy crime boss was going to get his hands on Celladona was more than enough to convince Garth to aid him in getting Angela back.With Garth, no more back up was necessary.“Stay hidden until you get the signal,” Damien said, scanning the secluded warehouse where the exchange was supposed to happen.“What is the signal?” Garth asked.“Trust me, you’ll know.”He got out of the car with the Celladona box in tow. He knew he couldn’t trust a criminals word so he’d changed the box. Thankfully, the overwhelming scent of the flower had permeated deep into the fibers of the box’s material so it wouldn’t be too difficult to fool the man.“Are you out of your mind? You want to
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Chapter 40
Heart pounding, he pushed on. “There, get to the car quick. Garth! Let’s go!”Angela nearly tripped on air hearing Garth’s name. Why the hell was Damien calling him out of the blue?A stack of wood went flying as if hit by a wrecking ball. The wrecking ball turned out to be Garth himself, running in the exact direction he shouldn’t have been, towards the horde closing in on them. “Other way!” Damien yelled, wondering what the hell he was doing.Garth however saw it as a challenge. Why should he run from mere men? They should cower at the sight of him.What he wasn’t expecting was how many men he would have to fight. The warehouse doors burst open and they just kept pouring out, like a tsunami wave of men, armed with machetes, metal bats, and other close-combat weapons. “Garth!” Damien yelled, taking the time to stop and turn around. Even for him, this was crazy. “Leave him,” Angela called, flinging the Aston’s passenger door open. “Let’s go.”As far as she was concerned, if Garth w
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