All Chapters of POWER UNDISPUTED : Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
50 chapters
Chapter 41
The goons slowly started to pull back, although some decided they hadn’t had enough of kicking the downed men. Angela fired some more shots into the air. “Try me,” she seethed. Her heart was thumping against her ribcage. She would have preferred not to but would do what she had to do if one more person laid a finger on Damien. Both men rose to their feet, battered and bloodied. Seeing his bleeding face, she wanted to rush to Damien but the only thing keeping Don Simeons goons at bay was the massive gun she was struggling to hold up. “Well isn’t this a surprise? Dearest Angela with an AR15. It’s as if you want me to fall deeper in love with you,” Don Simeon said with a resounding chuckle. He glanced at the mountain of a man, who was staring at him as if he’s kicked his dog, then at Damien, marvelling at how the bastard was still standing. The guy was more formidable than Saul had given him credit for. Everytime he sent men to deal with Damien, they had either returned in pieces o
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Chapter 42
“I’m fine, Damien. What, are you going to follow me into the bathroom next?” Angela asked with a giggle. Ever since their experience with Don Simenn, Damien had been borderline obsessive with Angela’s safety. Everywhere they went, he would scan the place like a hawk, searching for potential trouble. If someone so much as breathed wrong in her direction, he was alert and ready to take them down. That bastard Saul was going to pay dearly, he thought. Although Angela found it endearing how much he cared about her, it was starting to get overbearing. Damien glanced at her as if she’d asked if the sky was blue. “You’re not following me into the bathroom,” Angela snapped, trying to hide her blush. He rolled his eyes. “Fine.” His phone rang. At this point he didn’t need to check to see who it was because the person had blown up his phone so much, he set a custom ringtone. “Her again?” Angela asked. “I don’t understand why you don’t just block her.” She knew he didn’t love
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Chapter 43
Courtney’s eyes grew wide, flabbergasted that he would say something like that and embarrass her in the presence of his new woman. Did he ever even love her? Her gaze traveled between Damien and Angela as if trying to remind him they weren’t alone. “Or have you decided that his son’s dick is enough for you?” Damien followed up, his voice dripping with disdain. Courtney’s eyes brimmed with tears. “Why the hell are you asking me this, Damien? What does this have to do with us? I’m sorry, okay? I made a mistake and I regret it every day. We need to let go of the past if we’re going to get back together.” Angela burst into a mocking laugh making Courtney’s face further redden. She felt her ears getting burned and the room started to spin. She couldn’t believe the man who claimed to love her all those years was treating her like a common five-dollar whore. “Get back together? Who said anything about that?” Damien asked, raising an eyebrow. The woman was truly delusional to think he w
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Chapter 44
Having already seen him coming, Angela sprung into action, sending Andy sprawling backward with a fist to the gut, milliseconds from the bat hitting Damien square in the face.Andy hit the ground with a painful thud, howling in pain and sputtering like a misfiring exhaust.“Courtney, what the hell are you doing with this bastard?” he croaked in between agonized wheezes, glaring daggers at Damien.Courtney was beside herself. Worry, confusion, anger, desire; all these emotions swirled around in her head, rooting her to the spot. She wanted to go to Andy to check on him but what would Damien think about that? And that bitch with him, she would try to make it seem worse than it looked to Damien.Damien stared down at him with a smirk. “Seems you’re back on your feet. I barely even laid hands on you and it took you weeks to heal up? What a joke,” Damien said with a chuckle.If looks could kill, Damien would have been a pile of ash from the scorching glare Andy was giving him. “I have noth
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Chapter 45
A week had gone by and Damien was getting ready for his secret ceremony. He could hardly hide his eagerness, as he restlessly paced the house on the eve of his ceremony.“You know, this won’t make it come any faster,” Angela said, getting distracted from her work by his constant pacing.She was right but he couldn’t bring himself to settle down. “Do you realize what’s going to happen tomorrow?” He asked, confused by how casually she was taking the whole thing.Angela rolled her eyes. “Yes. You’re having a cult meeting.”“Sure, but seriously. I’m getting a secret. I’m leveling up. Do you understand that?”“You’re already pretty great as you are,” Angela muttered shyly, glancing away so he wouldn’t meet her gaze.He stared at her, wanting to say something but the anticipation of what was to come was at the forefront of his mind.“The Aston is fueled right?” he asked, changing the subject.“Always,” Angela replied, grateful for the tension release but a little hurt that he didn’t acknow
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Chapter 45
Daniel knew what that bastard Arthur was doing. Entice Damien with insane strength so he would forgo the medical secret. To be honest, Daniel wouldn’t blame Damien if he went with either of the other two options. He was a young man once and he definitely understood the allure.Garth too was anticipating Damien’s answer. He always knew Damien was a selfish scumbag. Him falling for Arthur’s trick would only confirm that notion.By now, it was pretty obvious to everyone that Damien was going to go with either a martial arts secret or a Mystic art secret. How could he not? It hadn’t been a hard decision for them at all. It shouldn’t have been for him either but then Arthur had pulled out all the stops and had a demonstration done for him. A ripple of mocking snickers came from the crowd; he must have been feeling stupid now for choosing a medical secret.“I’m confident that I can fulfill any tasks you throw at me in record time, so the other secrets are within my reach anyway. Give me a m
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Chapter 46
Daniel levelled a glare and Arthur. “Control your grandbrat!”Arthur shrugged a smug smile on his face. He had stopped the last fight between the two young men too soon and knew Garth was eager to get his revenge. “They are men. Let them settle their issues between themselves. And it is suspicious how he seemed to find it so quickly, isn’t it? I’m sure you must have helped him.”“I did not. He is a capable young man. How long did your grandson take to find him again?” Daniel asked, now wearing his own smug smile.The news that Damien had found his Celladona in a month had spread around the society like wildfire. Daniel himself was shocked beyond belief. He knew that Damien was proficient – he was his blood after all – but even he had been surprised. Arthur’s frown made Daniel even more proud of his grandson. “You helped him. Stop lying,” Arthur seethed. “It’s not against any laws to do that but he can’t go around claiming merit for something he didn’t do. Own up!”“Ask him yourself,
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Chapter 48
I was on my bed, staring at the ceiling, thinking about my life and how things got so complicated.Jesse had practically gone off the deep end, asking to be part of my revenge on Oscar. I was delaying telling Deandra because I knew how much she loved drama; she would welcome Jesse with open arms, potentially other open things too. And then there was Sadie. She had been calling and texting, but after my meeting with Deandra and the soft- reveal that Sadie wasn’t how she seemed, I decided I’d keep my distance.My phone rang again. I was at my limit with her. I picked it up to scream at her to stop calling me but froze when I saw the caller.Sighing, I answered. “Hey, Tristan.”His voice was calm and soothing. Such a jarring contrast to the storm of thoughts and emotions going through my mind. “Hey, Remi. It’s been a while. How are you holding up?” he asked, his words laced with genuine concern.My heart started racing. I knew this wasn’t a casual check-in because Tristan never called w
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Chapter 49
Tristan gave me a questioning look but dropped it when I gave him a sweet smile.“I heard you're still working with Deandra,” Sadie said. Her tone was neutral but the implication was crystal clear.“You heard?” I asked, raising an eyebrow at her. “Well, Tristan told me. He said he warned you against it. You would think your mentor's words would be enough to convince you, but I guess not.”This woman was hellbent on getting on my nerves. But Tristan stepped in, stopping me from speaking my honest mind.“Oh stop, Sadie. I'm her mentor, not her micromanager. She's an adult. I'm sure she knows what she's doing. Sadie scoffed, casually taking another sip of wine. “If she's working with that… woman, I'm not sure she does.”This bitch. I wanted to rip her hair right off her scalp. I didn't realize how long I was glaring at her until Tristan touched my arm, jarring me back to consciousness.“Remi, are you sure everything's okay? You seem… distracted,” he said.My heart ached at his concern.
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Chapter 50
It had been a hectic couple of days so I decided I was going to shut everything out and actually enjoy my vacation time.Dad, once again, was hounding me to wrap up my me-time and get back to work. The whole point of vacation was to de-stress. As far as things went, it had been nothing but stress.I was trying to relax in a lounge chair in a hot spring resort when my phone rang, jarring me and everyone around me.“Sorry,” I whispered, seeing all their pissed off faces.The caller ID showed it was dad. I hesitated, wondering if I should ignore the call, not wanting to be lectured about ignoring my responsibilities. But I ultimately picked it up.“Hey, Dad.”“Get home. Now!” his gruff voice boomed directly into my ears, making me cringeEven though he was my dad and I knew he would never hurt me, I started panicking. What could have made him so serious? The fact that he was so direct, with no explanation whatsoever made it even worse.My mind raced faster than my car as I sped home, fig
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