All Chapters of the mysterious Morris family: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
37 chapters
011. aunt Shawn
Brian stood there silently, observing his newfound family members. He had never been in this situation before, where two people were fighting over something that didn't belong to them.He used to think that these kinds of things only happened in novels or stories, but now it was happening to him.Aaron decided not to push the issue further and closed his mouth. However, that didn't mean he would allow the village pumpkin to have what he and his father had struggled to maintain for many years.Knowing how ruthless his grandpa was, Aaron wasn't ready to do anything rash or mischievous to Brian. If he planned carefully, no one would suspect him when he eventually eliminated Brian."Welcome, Brian. It's a pleasure to finally meet you, my nephew, after so many years," Aunt Shawn said with a friendly smile."Thanks, I really appreciate knowing that I have other family apart from my mother and foster grandpa," Brian replied, returning the smile.Though Aunt Shawn seemed to take his side or d
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012.Aisha is back
"Keep a watch on that old lady who refused to get married, she's manipulative and very dangerous. I know she's planning something huge," Claire said before laying down on her bed."Go and be with Ruby before she gets suspicious of you," Aron suggested before jumping out of the window.*Knock* *knock*Claire, Ruby called."Wait a minute, I'm coming," Claire said as she opened the door for Ruby to come inside her room."Oh, I wanted to check on you since I did not see you again," Ruby said as she placed her hands on her trousers."I was just taking my bath," Claire said as she dried her hair."Oh, I thought you were with someone else because I heard voices, but I couldn't hear what they were saying," Ruby said as she looked at Claire."I was just listening to voicemail from my friend," Claire said as she played a voicemail between she and Aron just to convince Ruby.Ruby could not understand the languages being spoken between Claire and Aron."Ruby, I'm going out of the house. Everythin
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013. meet at the mall
After the dinner with Ruby, Brian can't seem to think straight anymore. Crazy things are happening to him now and he has no one to talk to. How he wishes his mother was here with him.What if Aisha wants him back? What would happen to Ruby? He can't let Ruby down, but he has always loved Aisha. There's not a day that he does not think about Aisha and how it would feel to have her here with him until he met Mabel.And after Mabel left him, Ruby has always been with him and now Aisha is back.Why did the universe choose to punish me this way? I can't break up with Ruby, neither can I stop Aisha from stricken me as she always does.I need to think of something very fast.These thoughts are making Brian have a hard time sleeping, and he doesn't like it at all.The next morning, Brian woke up feeling tired with dark circles around his eyes.As he walked into the parlour, Claire and Ruby were already there waiting for him, as they had all agreed to go to the mall together."Brian, what took
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014. I don't want to move on
At home"Brian, come, we have something to talk about. What are you going to do about this online rumors that are going on? And what's going on between you and that girl at the mall? Ruby's not here, you can tell me everything," Claire said as she collapsed on the couch. She was exhausted already, but she still had to know something about that girl they met at the mall this morning.From the way she sees that girl, she knows that girl is up to no good and is capable of doing something to destroy Brian and Ruby's relationship."Claire, her name is Aisha. We grew up together in the countryside," Brian said."Oh, she's your childhood sweetheart," Claire said while nodding her head."I know there is more to it than you are telling me, Brian, but don't worry, I will find out myself, dear brother. And I will deal with her personally if she tries something stupid around me.""She's my first love and also my first girlfriend," Brian said. These words caught Claire off guard."Wait, you two on
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015. held on gun point
Brian decided to fulfill her only condition by eating with her, Aisha watched as Brian ate his food calmly, her heart leapt with joy.Brian, after this meal, you would have no other option than to marry me by force. I can't let you marry someone else after knowing your worth in life, Brian. You belong to me and me alone," Aisha smiled inwardly as she watched Brian.Noticing the gaze Aisha was giving him, Brian raised his head to look at Aisha who was smiling happily at Brian."You should eat before your food gets cold," Brian advised as he continued to eat. After finishing the food, Brian demanded his bracelet. After taking his bracelet from Aisha, he tucked it inside his pocket and was ready to go.But something seemed wrong with him. He looked at Aisha, with his eyes wide open."You drugged me, Aisha," that was the last word that came out of his mouth before he collapsed on the floor."Hello, can you help me? I think he just fainted, and I need to rush him to the hospital," Aisha sa
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016. Brian's identity
It's the same Brian you know, growing up. Did you know that Brian was from a rich family?" Aaron asked."No, I don't. But nobody in the village knows the real identity of Brian and his mother. We accepted them without knowing their identity," Aisha said."So it seems Brian's mother is hiding a lot of secrets from everyone in our community. I can't wait to see how she would react after we unveil everything about her and her son to the public," Aisha blurted out."What are you saying? If you like putting yourself in danger by going to a place that doesn't concern you or putting your mouth in a place where it doesn't concern you, you will face your own problem by yourself," Aaron warned. Brian was carried home by Aron."You're right, Claire, that Aisha is up to no good. I would have eliminated her, but I just don't want to make the world know that we're operating in this city," Aron said."Why waste so much time? You could just eliminate them within three minutes without leaving any tra
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017. why cry over someone who's not even up to your status
When Brian and Ruby arrived at school today, everywhere seemed extraordinarily lively especially their department, everyone was talking about the new transfer student that just joined their department.Ruby is not that loud-mouthed of a girl or a girl who loves gossip, she minded her business as she walked alongside with Brian, holding hands.Brian, I can't believe we're in the same department," Aisha said while she left the rest of the students who surrounded her.Everyone stared at Aisha and then at Brian, who was holding hands with Ruby. Seeing how awkward and tense the atmosphere seemed, Ruby tried to withdraw her hands, but Brian's grip on her tightened.Brian ignored Aisha, they both passed her by as if she wasn't important. Aisha at first thought that Brian would not ignore her in a crowd, but she was wrong. Brian ignored her without thinking twice."So, that's the girl he's dating. Not bad, not bad," Aisha said to herself before going back to her seat as usual. Aisha's looks a
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018. only have eyes for you
Don't let whatever she said there affect you, I only have eyes for you, nobody else", Brian said as he kissed her forehead."Brian, is it true you wanted to study medicine and surgery?" Ruby asked."Yeah, I wanted to study but my Mom said I should study this business administration and management. When I asked her, she did not say anything", Brian replied."So you did not study the course because of her?" Aisha said, still in doubt."Seems you don't believe what I said. There's no need explaining to you again, you can believe whatever you want to believe", Brian said."Ruby, I know you don't believe me, but trust me, no one would ever take your place in my heart. I would always be yours and yours alone. Please stand by my side, as I promise to stand by your side like a pillar for the storm ahead of us", Brian said.Ruby looked at Brian, she did not know what to say or do.Brian took the initiative to kiss her softly on her lips. "I love you, Ruby", Brian said immediately after letting
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019. just el....
Brian looked at the manager; he seems to be a nice man. After leaving the Morris Empire, Brian went home; he needs a perfect rest. It's been a long day and all the drama that happened today made Brian feel exhausted and tired."Hey, welcome buddy," Claire greeted as she placed the food on the table."I'm very hungry, thank God you prepared something for us to eat," Brian said as he made himself comfortable at the dining table. Claire laughed as she placed the food on the table for Brian."Brian, you received an invitation card from the Morris family. You're a star to receive an invitation from the Morris family," Claire said."Is there something you're not telling me?" Claire asked, smiling sweetly at Brian."After Claire, I'm so tired. What can I do to make Aisha stop pestering my life?" Brian asked Claire because he knows that the more Aisha is around them, she would try everything in her power to harm Ruby, and Ruby seems to be fragile in everything."Just El....," Claire paused. I
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020. the plan
Thanks Ruby, are you sure Brian would agree to participate with me, because he would be very busy?" Claire asked."Claire, I read the flier well, you guys are only participating on Saturday and Sunday, for a month," Ruby said."Won't it affect your audition or your role for the movie?" Claire asked."No, Claire, I am not even sure if I would be selected and besides, I want to be a singer not an actress," Ruby said."Thanks Ruby. I don't know what I would do if you and Brian are not by my side," Claire said."Anything for my friend," Ruby said before ending the call.Claire dropped the flier on her bed before going to shower, her plans just seem to have begun and things are going well as she planned it.But she's still thinking about what to do. She never expected that the Morris has already figured out that the scorpions are operating in the country and by now, they already know that she's in the country and they're trying to track her down."I need to cover my part very well, but if
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