the mysterious Morris family
the mysterious Morris family
Author: Moonlight
001. Brian Taylor

Chapter one; Brian Taylor

It's a boring and sunny day for Brian Taylor as he walked under the hot and scorching sun looking for a part-time job he could do in order to support himself and his girlfriend Mabel Lawson. After searching for the whole day all he only ends up as an Uber driver.

Brian qualifications for a professional job is very poor due to his background, since he was coming from the countryside almost everyone sees him Ias someone who is not well educate. Brian case is a bit different from that of an orphan, he has his poor mother his side, the little she has she used it to support Brian, but it was never enough.

Brian never met his father he only see him pictures, the only people Brian knew was his foster grandparents the ones who welcome his mother into their home with a wide smile on their faces, Brian never had a normal childhoods like other children from the countryside, who play around with other children of their age. All Brian life if he's not in school he would be with his mother in the farm. The only free time he has he uses it to read.

After graduating from highschool, Brian's mother urged him to further his education, she doesn't want her son to end up like other children in the village who after finishing highschool they end it there. Brian gained admission into one of the most prestigious University in the whole country, the Orwell university.

He was given business management and administration as a program to study. It was a thing of joy for the whole family, it was hard for a student from the countryside to gain admission into a prestigious institution in the country. Brian finally left the village that always quiet except the voices of the children that echo the whole community, to the lively city.

During Brian freshmen year he met Mabel Lawson, a female student from his faculty, but they weren't doing the same program, they started up as reading group, Brian started having feeling for Mabel, after four months of knowing Mabel, Brian proposed to her which she accepted whole heartly during their holiday period Mabel normally visit Brian's family, they all accepted her with open arms except Brian's grandma who seems to dislike. But she never makes it known to them that she did not like Mabel.

Mabel Lawson was from a middle class family so things were not difficult for her, unlike Brian who has to struggle before putting food on his table. Despite all the struggle Brian has never lacked in his studies.

It's been two years now ever since Mabel accepted his proposal and everything was going pretty well for the two of them.

After dropping of his last clients at their destination, since their apartment is closed to that of Mabel, Brian decided to spend the night at Mabel's apartment.

Not knowing if Mabel would be around he decided to call her, the phone ring for some seconds before she finally picked the call.

"Hello Brian" Mabel sleepy voices sounded from the phone.

"Babelove, I just called to tell you that I'm done for the day and I'm about to sleep" Brian said.

" Oh! okay" Mabel said.

" So, where are you right now?" Brian asked, he wants to confirm if she's at home or not.

" I'm at home, why do you ask?" Mabel asked after replying to Brian question.

" Nothing" Brian did not want to tell her that he is at the front of her apartment.

Mabel did not say anything again before hanging up the call. That was a bit strange for Brian but he did not mind it.

Standing at the front door of Mabel's apartment, Brian anticipation of seeing the surprise expression on Mabel's face makes his heart to profess aggressively against it's incarceration it's rib cage.

Brian knocked more than two times but there was no response from inside. He wanted to go back home feeling disappointed. But his leg by mistake hit the door and it was slightly open.

'this girl is a bit careless!, In this world that is filled with many evil things especially at night" Brian said

inwardly as he walked into the parlour of her apartment. An intense smell of love making hit his nose, accompanying with a Loud moans coming from the bedroom.

"Ahh!!!!!!! Harder baby!" That was Mabel's voice, she was moaning loudly. Brian has never expected to met such an event in his life, if someone tells him that Mabel would cheat on him he would never believe.

Brian's brain went dumb for sometimes before he decided to walk into the room.

" Holy cow! Mabel!" Brian shouted with eyes wide open as he saw his girlfriend having sex with another guy.

Hearing Brian's voice Mabel subconsciously shift from the bed and also from the guy, making her to fall off from the bed with a Loud thud.

", I'm .. I'm sorry" Mabel stammered as she apologized, knowing she can't ferment a lie that would make Brian thinks the opposite of what he saw.

"Mabel, why are you doing this to me?" Brian asked as tears welled up in his eyes.

Not having a reasonable explanation to give Mabel could only say three words " I'm sorry Brian"

The guy on the bed, Mabel partner in crime, could not take the drama any more,

" Darling what are you sorry about?, Just tell this loser the truth" , the voice of the man that just spoke sounds familiar in Brian's ear, he turned toward the bed to his surprise it was Krayon Maxwell the richest guy in his department, there family rank third in the country.

"Brian I have been wanting to tell you that, I don't want to be in this relationship again, I'm done" Mabel said indifferently.

"What did I do wrong, Mabel if it's because of this!, I would forget about it, but please stay with me" Brian plead with Mabel he doesn't want the relationship to end just like that. He had become too attached to her, that makes it very hard for him to let go of her.

"Brian I can't stay with you no matter what you do, look you are great guy but when it's comes to fulfilling my heart desires, you can never do it" Mabel said

" I would work harder, " Brian assured

" Brian, you have always was being working hard but your money has never been enough Brian! And you can never make money that would be equivalent to that Krayon" mabel accentuate on the word equivalent.

Despite his high he was short of words.

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