
Brian was totally speechless, and he was just staring at Mabel with a blank expression.

“Brian, please leave my apartment, you know I can charge you with attempting robbery” Mabel threatened

“Mabel, you would regret what you just did, I promise you this” Brian said before he intended to leave her apartment.

“Wait, Brian!,” Mabel said with a grin on her face.

"I have already been regretting it!, Brian!” Mabel pretended to be remorse

“ Really ?” Brian asked. He could not believe his ear, he knows people do change, but it had never been this fast. “ Yes, Brian! I have regret it already!” Mabel said innocently.

” So you are ready to accept be back” Brian said as he tried to touch her, which she dodged. Brian was basically ignoring the clear hand writings on the wall. He was ready to take her back if she agreed to come back to him.

“ Don't touch me, you loser!, do you think that I would accept you? Pathetic!, Brian for your information, I have been dating Krayon for the past two years,”

Mabel said as she jumped into krayon's arm, kissing him before continuing her statement

" you can't afford my Bangles, what am I even saying in your lifetime you can't even buy my bag” Mabel mocked Brian.

Brian had never been insulted like this in his entire life, this Mabel was not his first girlfriend, but the first one Aisha had never done this to him before.

“Now leave my house, loser!” Mabel shouted at Brian.

Brian took a glance at her before leaving her house, Brian could not concentrate on the road as the images and words Mabel was blurting out kept displaying in his head like a video.

He decided to park the car near the bridge, that divides some areas of the glorious city from Orwell university.

He walked towards the middle of the bridge.

He stood in the middle of the bridge observing the scenery of the vast river and the evergreen tall trees at its sides and how beautiful the dazzling moon reflected marvelously on the surface of the water, he never knew how many hours has past since he stood there,

'I'm I that bad that all the girlfriends I ever hard would leave at the end, first it was Aisha she left without a goodbye, I don't even know where in this part of the world she's hiding, and now it Mabel what kind of ill fate did I have?' Brian cursed himself inwardly'

When Brian reached his apartment it was already dawn. He had no time to sleep, after taking his shower, he dressed up for work. Looking at his image reflecting in the mirror, his faded shirt due to constant washing and his torn trousers, with his pair of slippers that are begging for rescue under his care, Brian

Looked like a beggar.” just only my outfit is enough reason for them to leave me" Brian said inwardly'.

Walking along the road, all eyes were staring at him. Brian felt embarrassed, but he covered it well.

At Mades drink and food.

Brian was mopping the floor of the eatery.

“Hello Brian” Claire called him with a wide smile on her face. “Good morning, Claire” Brian greeted her

“ Morning Brian, as always, the first to come to work,” Claire said.

“Times wait for no one, whatever you do, do with passion” Brian said.

“Thank God I found two of you, " Mr. Roland said.

“Is anything the matter” Claire asked

“Guys, we just received an exclusive order from Helena's heaven to supply pizza and drinks” Mr. Roland said happily.

“But I thought Helena's normally sells food and drinks?” Brian asked.

“You guys know that Helena's heaven is not just a restaurant, it's also a hostel?” Mr. Roland asked ironically

“We know!” Brian and Claire answered simultaneously.

“And the sweetest part of it is that they have paid in advance, so two of you should hurry up, guys be fast ”Mr. Roland suggested enthusiastically as every movement of theirs seems slow in his eyes

“But sir you know that today was meant to be my free day” Brian complained.

“ You don't want to go?” Mr. Roland asked

“Sir, don't worry, we will go. Don't mind Brian, he's just tired!” Claire said as she walked towards the kitchen.

After loading the goods in the trunk of the car, they both zoom off.

“Brian, you are not in a good mood. Why?” Claire asked, she had been observing Brian closely.

“Nothing, I just woke up from a bad dream” Brian replied.

Knowing that Brian didn't want to talk about it, she did not ask again.

They were driving in silence, and it seemed like the day was slow in Claire's eyes. Feeling bored, she decided to play music, switching on the music player in the car. Her favorite song started playing; give me one for the Road, one of the songs from Davido's timeless album.

Claire was singing alongside the song with a smile on her face.

For Brian, the song is like a torture for him since it reminds him all about Mabel and what she did.

“ Brian, you have always been working hard, but your money has never been enough Brian! And you can never make money that would be equivalent to that Krayon"

This words kept ringing in his head, until he started having a headache and his eyes started pinning.

He lost control of his focus, and the car started going zigzag. Claire was so scared that she almost urinate on herself, Brian managed to stop the car at the side of the road.

“Are you okay?” Claire asked

“I'm having a little headache, can you drive while I rest small” Brian said

“Okay” Claire said as she started the car. They're now back on the road, with Brian sleeping.

“We're here Brian” Claire informed as she woke up the sleeping Brian.

“Oh!!!! allow me sleep a little bit” Brian suggested as his eyes were still heavy.

“Common gets up, we have no time left” Claire said as she dragged Brian out of the car.

Brian walked to the trunk of the car to offload the food with a heavy step.

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