003. Helena heaven

Chapter 3:

At Helena's Heaven, colloquially known as the Fantasy of Your Reality, it's a place for the rich and not for poor, skimpy, and pathetic people like Brian. After helping Claire carry the goods up from the car to the hotel room for delivery, while Claire followed suit.

When Brian entered the room, it was filled with students from elite backgrounds. Even Mabel was there. “Guys, look who we have here,” Sharon mocked.

“The poor and stinky Brian from the countryside,” Sharon continued to mock Brian. Brian only stared at her without saying anything.

They are from a rich and well-known family. If he said anything to them, they might silence him forever without anyone finding out or taking action.

“And look who is talking! I love your courage to actually call someone poor and stinky. You aren't even properly developed,” Claire mocked Sharon.

Brian was amazed by that. Claire is the only person who has ever stood up for him when others insulted him.

“Claire, you called me an improper development?” Sharon asked, as she tried to suppress her anger.

“Oops! Did I just say that you are improperly developed? I apologize for calling you that if it hurts your ego, but I'm not lying,” Claire mocked, as she walked dramatically around Sharon.

“If I may ask, how am I improper in any way?” Sharon asked, as she used her eyes to search the area of her body that's not properly developed.

“How can you have big boobs with no ass and when you stand straight, you look exactly like the letter P!!” Claire continued to mock, and the whole room was laughing helplessly at Sharon.

Seeing that everyone was laughing at her, her anger grew deep and started burning with flames as she lunged towards Claire to pull her hair. Claire dodged, making Sharon hit her head on the wall so hard that it started bleeding.

Sharon broke down in tears as she used her hand to cover her bleeding head. Mabel stood up from where she was sitting.

“Brian, I have to say your new girlfriend is very brave,” Mabel said as she emptied the entire drink on Claire's hair. Claire was dripping wet from the drink that was poured on her.

Her wet clothes clung to her body, exposing her perfect and lovely figure. Krayon looked at Claire with a lot of lust in his eyes.

'This person is a dog,' Brian cursed inwardly. Claire walked towards the table that was filled with drinks and picked up the most expensive alcoholic drink before heading towards Mabel.

“I'm not that magnanimous to let you go without a fight,” Claire said as she emptied the entire alcoholic drink on Mabel's body before using the bottle to smash Mabel's head.

Seeing the blood rushing from her head, she got angry and started pulling Claire's hair.

Claire was caught off guard, in her struggle to break free from Mabel's grip, she started blowing on Mabel's face. Brian only folded his hands and enjoyed the show. 'Claire is a warrior and also very aggressive.

I never knew she had such martial skills,' Brian said inside his mind. After separating the two, Brian dragged Claire out of the hotel and straight into the car.

“What the hell do you think you were doing?" Brian asked angrily.

He didn't know anything about Claire's background, but one thing he knew was that those people can kill, and nobody would find out about it.

“I'm not like you. I can't stand up for myself,” Claire said while frowning.

“I agree, you are standing up for yourself, but what you said to Sharon is too harsh," Brian explained.

“Do you know? I'm in this condition because of Sharon and her mother. I have to make her pay one way or another, and I have to get my mom's company back,” Claire continued, turning towards the window.

“My dad doesn't want to see me because of them.”

“It's okay, Claire. Don't worry. I know everything is going to fall into place one day,” Brian comforted her.

Brian somehow felt connected to Claire, but he didn't know where the connection was coming from, she's someone he just knew at his work place.

“Brian, because of her, I'm rendered homeless. I don't have a place to stay,” Claire started, pretending like she was crying.

“Please, don't cry. You can stay with me if it pleases you,” Brian was moved by her fake cry.

“Thanks, Brian,” Claire said while she hugged Brian with a smile.

Claire started the car, and they went back to Mades food and drinks.

“Here comes the tigress, the tigress of Mades " John mocked Claire, as Claire and Brian both walked into the eatery together.

“ John, I have no time for your jokes” Claire said.

“Claire and Brian meet me in my office” Mr. Roland commanded.

“See what I'm trying to tell you,” John said,

“ It's not everything, you would resolve with fight must time you just have to keep quiet and let it go” John advice

“Claire let's go, before Mr. Roland gets angry” Brian said as he walked into the office.

“Sir you sent for us” they both said simultaneously.

“What happened at Helena's heaven” Mr. Roland asked calmly.

Claire narrated all that happened and how Brian was insulted.

“ Claire, I'm happy that you were able to support Brian and stand up for your friend” Mr. Roland complemented Claire.

“Thanks” Claire said

“This is your salary for the month” Mr. Roland handed to them their salary for the entire month.

“But sir, this is just the middle of the month, why are you paying us now?” Brian asked.

Claire was speechless, she did not say anything, know why their boss was giving them their salary when the month is yet to end.

“You're the month is yet to end, but the problem here is you guys are not allowed to work for me anymore” Mr. Roland said with a disappointed face.

“ But sir, we did nothing wrong, why are you doing this to is?” Brian asked.

“Brian if it was in my power, two of you would continue to work for me,” Mr. Roland said.

“Sir whose person is in control?, for all I know you're the owner of this place” Claire said in form of a question.

“ Claire!, Two of you have offended the Maxwell's, and I'm place under condition That me myself is not happy about” Mr. Roland said in a grief voice.

Brian and Claire both work out of the shop with a sad look. “Brian what are we going to do now!” Claire panic.

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