004. Graham

“But Brian, I have nowhere to go” Claire cried.

Brian stared at her for sometimes, knowing how it's like sleeping under a bridge, and uncompleted with no place to bathe no good food to eat. During his freshmen year, he booked for a hostel space but there was no space left.

He had to look for an apartment and during that period he was squatting with one of his friends, but due to human nature, they started having some issues, and he was chased out of the DOM with no place to go. He slept under the bridge and uncompleted building, it was tough for him.

“You can stay with me for now until you save enough money for accommodation” Brian said.

“Unknown number is calling you now” his phone rang

Not knowing who it was, Brian was hesitating to pick up the call.

The phone rang and rang until it stopped after some seconds, it started again, and it continued for the fourth time.

Seeing that the caller was not ready to back down Brian had no other option than to pick up the call.

“Hello, am I speaking to Brian Taylor” a sonorous elder voice sounded from the phone.

“ Good day sir!, I'm Brian Taylor” Brian said as he stared at Claire.

“Come to Everest hotel” the elder man said in form of a command.

Brian wanted to say something, but the call had already been ended from the other side of the phone.

“Brian who was that?, And why do you look so gloomy” Claire asked out of concern.

“It's a call from a stranger Claire, and he said I should meet him at Everest hotel” Brian said

“Everest hotel, oh!… wait I know the place, did he tell you the room number?” Claire asked

“No he did not and beside I also know the place, but I'm a bit scared. Who knows if it's the Maxwell's, you know they can do the extraordinary" Brian said. Just then he received a notification, it was from that Same number that called him.

“I have just received the room number” Brian said as he showed Claire the message

“ Brian, my advice for you is to go, don't worry the Maxwell's can do nothing to you because you would be inside one of the Morris price less building” Claire suggested

“How did you know?”Brian asked.

“ I know many things you don't know Brian, don't waste your time, go now!”Claire encouraged. Brian gives her the address of his apartment before booking a cab to the Everest hotel.

From the outside, the place looks breath taken, its design is unique, the atmosphere of the hotel is done calm and serene, giving a secure vibe.

Brian walked in as he admired the design and the decor of the office, not paying full attention at his from he collided with one of the waitresses.

“ Hey! Watch where you are going!” The waitress shouted as Brian mistake hit, making her fall down.

“So sorry!” Brian apologized as he tried to help her up, but she refused as she measured Brian with her eyes, observing his outfit. Brian was still putting on those old clothes.

“ I can stand up by myself,” the waitress said with a smile,

“Please I'm looking for room 101” Brian said.

“ The second floor by your left” the waitress said before continuing her duty's. Brian walked towards the elevator but was stopped by guards and the manager of the hotel.

“Who let you In here” the manager asked

“Sir I was invited here” Brian replied.

“ By whom?” The manager asked.

“I don't know the name but” Brian did not complete his statement before he was grabbed by the manager and was thrown out of the hotel harshly.

Not knowing what to do, Brian decided to go home. He has lectures around 3pm in the evening.

Brian walked, under the bright and warming sun, along the dusty road leading to his house.

Since the road was a bit narrow, Brian had to step by the corner for the cars that were coming behind him to pass.

The first car passed and blocked the road while the second stopped behind Brian, giving him no place to pass.

' Why are these cars blocking my path' Brian thought.

The car of the Maybach opened and a group of men dressed in black suit came out, and they all looked at Brian with a blank expression on their faces.

Brian's heart beat was beating faster than usual as the men in black surrounded him with no place to escape to.

' Please don't kill me, I'm the only child of my poor mother and my family are all hoping for me' Brian pled in his mind.

The car of the Maybach in front of him opened and an elderly man in the latest Tom Ford's custom loafers and the limited edition of Stuart diamond suit


Looking at the man, only one thing came to his mind, the Maxwell's, the Maxwell's has come to seek revenge for what Claire had done to Mabel and her friend.

“ Brian Taylor, right?” The elderly man asked.

“ I'm Brian Taylor sir” Brian answered thus scared, but he tried to be bold.

“ I'm Mr. Morris Graham, your grandfather” Mr. Morris introduced himself.

“ Sir, I think there's a misunderstanding somewhere, I'm Brian Taylor and my surname does not have Morris at the ending” Brian explained.

“ Brian, when I see my blood I recognize it immediately, you are one of the Morris” Mr. Morris insisted.

“Let me pretend to believe you” Brian said with a smile. He was relieved, knowing that it was not the Maxwell's after him. 'Oh wait! I'm the Grandson of the Morris's, wow! Wow.' Brian was thrilled inwardly; thus he never believed it.

Mr. Graham handed him a picture containing the image of his parents back then in high school.

“Are these not parents” Mr. Graham asked.

“That's my mom for real, but this person looks like my dad” Brian replied.

“ That's my dad for sure” Brian said.

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