005. arrogant Chin

“come and give grandpa a hug” Mr. Graham said emotionally as he hugged Brian.

Brian those not know whether he should be happy or not. His mother did not tell him that he was from the elite, and he had a family apart from Grandma and Grandpa Jordan, but if he had such a powerful family, why did they have to spend all their lives working hard to survive.

“ If you don't mind can I ask you something” Brian said.

“ You can, but not here, let go somewhere calm and quiet to discuss” Mr. Graham suggested.

They drove back to Everest hotel. Everyone was staring at Brian with envy and hate, many people have tried every possible way to get close to the Morris, but beggar has the opportunity, and that makes them to hate him more.

When the manager saw Brian, he was surprise that Brian the beggar knew such a big shot. The manager was surprised to see Brian walking with Mr. Graham Morris Even him being a manager was not given that chance to work with him, but here this poor and pathetic beggar, was given the chance to walk with him.

“ Good afternoon sir” the manager greeted with a smile on his face," afternoon Mr chin how are you doing today” Mr. Graham asked with a smile on his face indicating he was happy.

” Manager chin, meet my Grandson, Brian Taylor Morris” Mr. Graham introduced Brian to manager chin happily.

The Manager chin smile froze, and he looked at Brian with eyes saying 'how come through this beggar is your grandson'.

“ Sir, I never knew you had another grandson somewhere” manager chin said as cold sweat dripped from him.

“ Excuse me Mr. chin can I talk to Mr Morris” Brian seek permission from Manager chin's, which make his heart skipped a bit,' what if he tells me Morris that I chased him out of the hotel rudely' manager chin was dying with anxiety.

“ Mr. Morris, I don't have much time to spend with you, I would be leaving in an hour time” Brian informed.

Not wanting to waste his precious Grandson time, Mr. Morris leads Brian to a private room in the hotel.

“ Brian, you can have a seat” Mr. Morris offered. After Brian seats down, Mr. Morris continued, " I know you have been wondering why I called you to see me” Mr. Morris paused a while before continuing.

”you are the heir of the Morris family and I want you to handle it from now” Mr. Morris stopped his statement before handing Brian the property papers.” Mr. Morris, how can you give me such an important thing, I have no such interest in running your family business" Brian said.

For all Brian said, the only words that reached his ear were ' I have no such interest in your family business' it hurts Mr. Morris, if not for the family enmity Brian, Taylor, Sasha, and Arden would still be with them, and they would have been one happy family, but now nobody knows what happened to Sasha and Taylor.

Brian has every right to called single himself from the family. “ Brian, I know that you are angry with us for what we did to you guys” Mr. Morris said remorsefully. Brian did not say anything.

“ Brian, trust me I'm trying everything in my power to look for your dad and twin sister” Mr. Morris insured. Brian did not know that he had any siblings nor being a twin. There are a lot of secrets his mother has been hiding from him.

“ What twin are you talking about, my dad died when I was just two months, what are you investigating to allow the dead to rest in peace” Brian suggested. Mr. Morris looked at Brian for a while, what kind of lies did Sasha tell her son.

“ Boy about your father, nobody knows if his dead, he maybe somewhere in this world”

Mr. Morris said with a frown.

Brian didn't want to have anything to do with the Morris family business, he knows from small that when it comes to family property it always divides family and also leads to blood sheds and he's the only child of his mother, what would happen if his poor and widowed mom.

“Brian, you're the heir not because I'm trying to make amends for what happened to your mother and you, I'm trying to make sure your father's property is in your hands” Mr. Morris explained.

“ My father's property?” Brian asked nonchalantly.

“ Yes, your father initiated Morris emperor, everything the Morris owned is all thanks to him” Mr. Morris said emotionally.

“ Okay, I would sign the document, " Brian said. After signing the documents paper, Brian decided to leave the room.

”since there's nothing else to do, permit me to take my leave” Brian said, trying to be polite, history mother had been hiding the fact that he had a twin.

“ So quick, why don't you stay a little longer, " Mr. Morris suggested. “ I have other things to do today, sir” Brian replied.

“ What about weekends, you should spend More Time with your family” Mr. Morris recommended.

“ I will, when the time arrives.” Brian said before stepping out of the hotel. Brian's phone rings and it was Claire calling.

“ Hello Claire, what's the matter” Brian asked. “ Brian, we have a big problem” Claire said in a panic voice.

“ Claire, calm down and talk to me "Brian advise.

“ Your landlord has given you a quit notice, and we're only given forty-five minutes to evict the Lodge, what are we going to do?” Claire said as she burst out in tears.

“ Calm down, everything will be fine, I will be there in thirty minutes, just park the things outside the house and wait for me there” Brian said as he walked back into the hotel, only Mr. Morris can help him. He cannot sleep on the street for the second time again.

When he enters the room, Mr. Morris still there. “ What kind of manner did your mom teach you, you don't know how to knock before entering someone's room” Mr. Morris complained.

“ Forgive me for entering your room without your permission” Brian apologized to Mr. Morris.

“ What brings you back, boy” Mr. Morris asked.

“ Sir my house rent just expired, and I have no money to rent a new apartment” Brian said.

“ So, what do you want me to do? “ Mr. Morris asked.

“ I don't know if you have a free space in your house for me and my friend to stay for just a week” Brian pled. “ But I thought your house has four months before it's due time?" Mr morris inquired.

" Yes it remain four months but me and my friend offend the Maxwells and we are now rendered homeless and jobless" Brian explained.

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