006. Ruby

Mr. Morris handed the receipt for the apartment he had already purchased to Brian. “ You don't have to look for an apartment again, this is a gift from me to you” Mr. Morris said.

“ Thank you sir, I really appreciate” Brian thanked Mr. Morris happily.

“ And one more thing, I have transferred something for you just managed it for the week” Mr. Morris said.

“ Thanks, sir, for your help," Brian said. “ Stop addressing me with sir, I'm your grandfather, you don't have to address me with that” Mr. Morris said.

“ Okay Grand. Pa, see you during the weekends” Brian said as he walked out of the room.

When he reached his apartment he saw Claire and his property outside the hostel, “Claire don't worry, we are not going to sleep outside today” he pads her shoulder as he packed his belongings to the road. Brian's things were not much, his textbooks and two pairs of trousers and three T-shirts and with a mat. So it was easy for him to park his belongings on the road while Claire tugged behind him.

Since Brian is an Uber driver, he uses his company car. At the gate of Mandela estate, Brian was not allowed to enter unless he had given them prove that he actually stayed there or the person who invited him came by himself to pick up Brian.

“ Brian, just show them the property papers" Claire suggested.

And Brian did exactly what Claire said. Brian had not actually not tell Claire about the property documents, how did she know that he had such thing with him? Maybe she guessed it out, that's why, if not through guessing, how would she know that' Brian said in his mind, As he flushes that though out of his mind immediately.

They both drove In silence toward the apartment, when they reached the play Claire was looking at the place with mouth wide open.

“ Claire, can you close your mouth before you swallow a fly” Brian advise as he parked his things inside he was marveled at how beautiful the place looks, he had never been to a place like this that's properly decorated and also well furnished.

“ Brian are where do you such money to purchase this house” Claire asked as she gives him a suspicious look. “ It was given to me as a gift, from a friend of mine” Brian said. As he walked upstairs.

The apartment was a six-bedroom apartment, and Brian wondered why his grandfather would give him a six-bedroom apartment when he's the only staying. Claire is only staying with him until she has an apartment and a job, for the main tome he doesn't have to be alone in this big cage.

“ Brian, the kitchen is well-equipped, your friend's family really has money, Brian introduce me to that your friend” Claire joked while Brian gives her a look that says 'don't be a gold digger'.

“ So Claire when are going for job hunting”. Brian asked.

“That's why I said you should introduce me to that your friend, maybe he has a free space for me as a chef” Claire said.

'Oh that's why she wanted to meet this invisible person' Brian thought as he nods his head subconsciously.

To Claire, Brian has already accepted to introduce her as his friend, and she gives Brian a tight hug which caught Brian surprised.

”why are you hugging me!?” Brian asked, feeling puzzled and lost by these sudden hugs.

“ You just agreed to introduce him to me. Do you know how happy I am!” Claire said with a smile.

“And when did I agree to introduce you to him” Brian asked looking More confused than before.

” But you nodded your head when I asked you!” Claire said as she stared at him with a sad expression.

“ Claire he's out of this country and even if he's in this country it's very wrong for me to ask him to do that" Brian explained.

” It's okay, I would go and look for a job now"

Claire said as she walked out of the kitchen to the parlor. Any way I have lectures now, and I don't have time to chat with you, I'm going to school and I will be back in the evening, Brian informed as he walked out of the apartment

At school

When Brian reached the lecture hall the place was crowded with student and the only available space was at the back

Brian he no other option but to seat at the back and due to the distance he was not hearing what the lecturer was saying

Brian was so tired that he slept off.

Brian was walking on the mud road that's filled with potholes

Since the road was narrow and there's a car coming from behind, Brian stepped aside for the car to pass when the car reached where Brian was standing, the car accelerated slashing water all over Brian

“Hey what's the meaning of this” Brian shouted

Making the car to stop and guess who step out it was Mabel

''I'm so sorry Brian''

Mabel apologized as she brought out her kerchief from her purse

take use it and clean your face since your house is close by I don't have to give you free clothes Mabel said as she hands Brian the hand kerchief

Before Brian could take it from her, she lets's go of the hand kerchief, and it falls on the muddy water

"What do you think I would help you, pathetic" Mabel said

know that nothing good would come out of it Brian decided to walk away from there but was pull back by Mabel

"Where do you think you are going?" Mabel asked as she looks at Brian with disgust

''Let go of my hand Mabel" Brian instruct, but Mabel refused to let and wanted to create a scene for Brian?

Brian withdraws his hands from Mabel with force

Mabel lost her balance, making her to fall into one of the potholes that felt with muddy water

Brian could not help but laugh as he tried to help her stand. Just then an angry voice shouted his name from behind when he turned there's a fist coming directly to his face it was the first of Rayon and that was how Brian found himself on the floor of the classroom.

Just then a beautiful and lovely voice sounded from behind

"I'm sorry if I startle you. I was just trying to wake you up, please don't be angry"

That lovely voice seemed familiar to him seems like the voice of the girl he talked to three years ago., Brian turned back behold it's Ruby rose

"How can I be angry at you pretty, it's fine Ruby" Brian said as he walked out of the hall

'Did he just called me pretty' Ruby asked herself

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