007. a lunch with ruby

“Brian waits for us” Stella shouted at Brian as she dragged the dreamy Ruby toward Brian who had stopped walking and was waiting for them.

When they reached where Brian was standing, Brian asked them;

"What do you guys want?”

“Can you join us for lunch!” Stella offered.

“Sorry I can't join you guys for dinner, I have a lot to do today” Brian rejected their offer without thinking twice.

“Brian it's not Good to reject pretty girl's offer” Stella insisted.

Brian looked at Stella, whose expression remained the same, and then to Ruby rose whose expression had taken a 360-degree turn, her cheerful smile was replaced with a sad expression. It was not Stella that was actually inviting him, but Ruby rose. Brian's heart softens.

“ Okay I'll come with you guys, now smile Ruby, you looked more beautiful with a smile on your face” Brian said. He was not trying to flirt with Ruby but when the word came out of Brian's mouth, Ruby smiled beyond her limit until her cheeks turned pink but due to her skin color, it was not noticed.

Ruby hugged Brian tightly, which shocked Brian, Stella bent her head in embarrassment.

' This girl is always acting weird around Brian' Stella said inwardly'.

“Ruby can you let go I can't breathe properly, you're chocking me” Brian said as he tried to break free from her hug.

“ I'm so sorry Brian, I was so happy that I actually forgot my manners” Ruby apologized.

'Forget manners my foot, rich kids like you are never disciplined properly' Brian cursed, but he did not say it out loud for them to hear.

“ Did you say something? “ Stella asked.

“ No I didn't, did you hear something?” Brian asked back.

“ Let go!” Ruby said as she dragged them to the cafeteria to have lunch.

Ruby was considered the badass of their school and everyone gives way for her to pass and regardless of what people talked about her, it never bored her. And she always makes funny jokes that makes people attracted to her. Some people said she's very noisy and arrogant and also a bully.

After finding a comfortable spot to seat in the cafeteria, they place an order.

“Bring two plates of..... Brian, what would you like to eat?” Ruby asked.

“I'm not picky!, Anything is okay for me” Brian said.

“Bring two plates of rice and stew for me please there should be no garlic inside, with a can of coke and a can of Marltina and four beef meat each " Ruby ordered.

“ Same thing with her and also add a plate of beans and three cooked eggs with a can of Martina"Stella ordered.

Brian looked at Stella as he wondered where all the food she ordered will enter.

“I know you are wondering why she's eating that much for a girl” Ruby paused as she stared at Stella for a moment before continuing her statement.

“She's a boxer, and the strength she wastes makes her craved for food more than before”.

“Okay!, How did you meet Stella?, cause ever since year one it has been only two of you moving together” Brian asked.

“She's my sister” Ruby said.

“ Yes, I'm her adopted sister, Ruby was the one who convinced her parents to adopt me after my parents' dismissal, and I was lonely at that time. It was only Ruby who was there for me, when I need someone to talk to, when I joined their family I was only eight years old and the make sure I never missed my parents, and it was the best thing that has ever happened to me, to meet the Michael's” Stella said.

“Oh! Sorry about your lost” Brian said.

“ It's nothing, I have moved on!” Stella said.

“What are your hobbies?, Brian!” Ruby asked.

“I love swimming, reading, and drawing, " Brian replied.

“ I also love reading and drawing, and I love singing and dancing” Ruby said.

Brian looked at Ruby all the rumors that they have been saying about her, it's not true at all.' this was the first person I met when I joined the Orwell's, and she has not changed a bit' Brian thought.

“ Why do you not like garlic?” Brian asked Ruby, who was eating her food slowly.

“I'm allergic to garlic” Ruby replied.

“Wait!.. What?” Brian said as he looks at her, in Brian's mind, he has already colored Ruby as a witch.

“ I Know in your mind you have already called Ruby a witch, but Ruby is not a witch” Stella said as she looks at Ruby whose head is down due to embarrassment.

“ She does eat garlic, and for that reason she started developing bad breath and the doctor advice her to stop” Stella narrated.

“ Then allergic is not the right word for her to use” Brian said.

“ You don't have to feel embarrassed even me I have what I hate and when I tell people they do laugh at me” Brian said.

“ I wasn't feeling embarrassed, I was just shy” Ruby said

“What's the difference between being shy and feeling embarrassed” Brian asked with a smirk on his face.

“Brian there's a difference” Ruby said.

“Okay ma." Brian said.

As he scooped down the remaining food on his plate. Ruby has already taken care of the bills, so Brian doesn't have to pay, Brian seated there for more than thirty minutes, and they're chatting happily. This was the first time Brian has ever chatted this happily after the break-up.

“ Ruby thanks for the meal” Brian said.

“ You don't have to thank me what are friends for” Ruby said as they all stood up from their seats ready to depart the cafeteria.

Brian was the first person to leave the cafeteria while Ruby and Stella were chatting.

“ I know you love Brian, but Ruby, you and Brian are not from the same class of family. What do you even see in Brian that you can't find in other guys” Stella asked.

“ It's either you tell me how to get him or you forget about talking how poor his family background is” Ruby said angrily.

“ Girl you don't have to be angry with me” Stella said.

“ I'm not angry with youin fact, you are trekking home, I don't want anybody who doesn't like Brian in my car” Ruby said.

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