008. dirty minded

'' Welcome Brian, your food is in the kitchen and it might be cold by now. You know what to do," Claire said as she dropped the book she was reading.

"What are you reading, Claire?" Brian asked. Brian did not know that Claire was also a student of Orwell, and her program was pharmaceutical study.

"Biochemistry," Claire said

. "What are you using chemistry for?" Brian asked Claire, who was now chatting on her phone.

"I'm a student also, what do you think?" Claire said ironically.

"So, what field?" Brian asked curiously .

"Pharmacy," Claire replied.

"Okay," Brian said.

Brian walked into his room. He was in a happy mood after having lunch with Ruby and her sister. Brian lay down on his bed as he thought of what happened today as a whole - from his grandfather down to Ruby, he was happy.

Brian was still in his dream world until he heard a clicking sound from his phone. When he opened the phone, the first thing that caught his attention was the image of him and Mabel smiling happily together.

The images of the happy moments between him and Mabel made Brian smile subconsciously. He remembered the day they both bathed under the rain together and how he made tea for her because she caught a cold due to the rain. He didn't sleep throughout the night because of her health.

Then the memory of Krayon and Mabel entered his mind, and he wondered if Mabel would accept him back if she finds out that he has money or if he is also an elite. Then the words Mabel said to him started playing in Brian's mind:

"I have been dating Krayon for more than two years, and no matter how hardworking you are, your money can never be equivalent to that of Krayon."

These words kept playing in Brian's mind until his head started spinning, and he developed a headache. Then a message clicked on his phone; it was from an unknown number.

"Hey, are you free tonight?" the messenger asked.

"Who are you?" Brian replied to the text with a question.

"Wow, the number is still working, great!" Brian received another text from the same number.

"Who are you? I don't want to repeat myself," Brian replied to her message with a warning.

"Guy, relax. It's me, Ruby, and I just wanted to try the number you gave me three years ago on the 6th of September," Ruby texted.

"Oh, it's you! I thought it was some stupid scammer," Brian texted back as he laughed slightly.

"So why did you text me this night?" Brian asked.

"I'm wondering if you are free tonight," Ruby texted.

"Are you trying to hook me up tonight? How much are you going to pay me? I'm an expensive pr*ck and I have not slept with anyone before," Brian teased..

"Wait, what? When did I say I'm hooking you up? And what concerns me with having sex with you?" Another text from Ruby clicked on Brian's phone.

He read it and laughed at her reaction before texting back. "I know you are shy as a girl, but don't worry, nobody will know if we do it. Besides, as a girl, you need it for proper development," Brian read his text before sending.

"Brian, stop typing nonsense. I'm only inviting you to a concert. I didn't know you were so dirty-minded," a message came through.

"Shush, I'm not dirty-minded. I'm only teasing you, but if you want me to be dirty-minded, I can be anything for you, baby," Brian teased, and Ruby had already had enough and was now getting pissed off.

"If you don't want to come, just tell me, or if you don't want me to talk to you, just tell me, and I will avoid you honestly," a message from Ruby came through.

When Brian read the message, he knew she was very upset with him and was now angry beyond measure.

"Ruby, it's just a joke, and if you had told me earlier, I would have canceled my schedule, but you kept quiet, and someone has already booked me up tonight," Brian messaged Ruby.

"Who booked you up, and why can't you just cancel it now and come with me?" Ruby's message came through.

"I can't cancel it; it's my source of income, and apart from that, I have no other job right now. The best thing is for Stella to video your performance and send it to me," Brian sent a message to Ruby.

"Okay, don't worry. Good night,"

Ruby's message came through, and Brian replied with

"Good night,"

and Ruby did not send any message again.

Brian decided to check the first message that clicked on his phone, and it was an alert of $50 million.

Brian rubbed his eyes and checked it again; it was still the same amount. He decided to check who the sender was. It was from Mr. Graham Morris.

"Wait, is this the monthly allowance that Mr. Graham promised me? This is like a lifetime amount for him if he can actually make that much money in his lifetime. What would Mabel say if she found out I have $50 million in my account? I think I should call my mom and tell her, because it seems she's hiding so many things from me.''

something just clink on Brian's head.

'' Who is Arden? I have heard this name from somewhere before, but why can't I remember it? I know it's not the first time I've heard the name Arden and it's not from Mr. Morris. Wait,''

something just clicked in Brian's mind as he remembered where he heard the name from. It was from his mother and one man. Brian remembered what his mother and the man were talking about.

"You have not gathered enough information about Arden, and how would you tell me you don't know what she's doing?"

His mother's angry voice clicked in his mind, and the man's trembling voice also came through.

"From what I know, Arden is also looking for Brian and you, but her motive is unknown. I know she will find you guys one day.

Cover everything that can lead the Morris toward Arden and make sure we're the first to get her. If the Morris lay a hand on her, they might tell her lies,"

his mother's voice came through, and it sent shivers down Brian's spine as he remembered the conversation between his mother and that dark-haired man.

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