All Chapters of the mysterious Morris family: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
37 chapters
021. the Micheal family
"So have you decided on what to wear?" Aaron asked Aisha. He's already tired of all the things that Aisha is saying. His ears are already filled with "Brian do this, Brian do that". "Yes, I have," Aisha said, smiling beautifully as she walked to her room. The whole mansion was lively as they arranged the whole place for Grandpa Graham's birthday. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Claire woke up early as usual. She still has a lot of things to do after applying for the competition. Claire has an anticipation towards Grandpa Graham and also what Aisha and her mentors have in store for Brian or Ruby. Since it's a game of thrones, everybody is planning to be the king or heir. It would be thrilling at first, then blood in the middle, and in the end, deadly. "I may not know the kind of plan Shawn has in store for my brother, but all I know is today I am seeing someone going out of the Morris family into a new home. Aron, have you prepared what I
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022. this son of Taylor
Brian said, "I should not worry about a thing, that I'm the only one that's important to him," Ruby said as she looked for a corner to sit down."You don't have to worry about a thing. His words sound a bit empty, but don't worry if he did not do according to what he said. I won't mind splitting him from the middle," Stella said with a smile."You want to split my boyfriend from the middle?" Ruby asked with a serious face."Did I do something wrong? Surely, I would split him in the middle if he broke your heart. Don't talk too much. It's not good for your health," Stella said.Ruby kept quiet as she started installing her instrument. Today, she and her mother, alongside Stella, are going to perform at Morris' birthday.The Maxwell's family walked in, and they caught the attention of the guests for how elegantly they dressed. Mabel followed them, since she was Krayon's official girlfriend.Immediately, Aisha spotted Mabel. She smiled before walking to Mabel with a glass of wine."Hey M
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023. dance floor
Ruby was already drawn in her instrument and she did not see when Brian walked into the hall, they were paid to perform for the whole event, there's no way Ruby can leave her spot. Claire saw an extra violin on the side and she started playing along as she walked slowly to replace Ruby for Brian. Claire knows how to play the violin, she used to play it for Aaron when they were small. Ruby followed Brian happily, she has been waiting for Brian the entire time and now he's here. They both locked hands as they carried the gift to Grandpa Morris. It was a pendant made from a rare gem. "Good evening, Grandpa Graham," they both greeted as they presented the gift to Graham Morris. After the song finished, Ruby's mom was in charge of playing songs for the entire event. Ruby followed Brian everywhere he went. Mabel saw it and she could not hide the envy and jealousy that was masked on her face. Graham Morris led Brian to the table of the Maxwells. He was going to introduce him to his ma
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024. abusive boyfriend.
Mabel was dragged into the room with force by krayon, once again as usual she's going to experience life in hell in the hands of this beast called her boyfriend.Today she was going to experience another beating and abuse because of what she knows nothing about, this was the period she knows she missed a lot by leaving Brian's side.How I wish I could go back to Brian or wind the time back to when me and Brian were still together, I wouldn't be facing this hell now, Mabel cried inwardly as she was being thrown to the ground forcefully by krayon.She knows that struggling with krayon would make things worse and her chances of survival will be lame, and that would only add more fuel to the fire.Seeing her not arguing or saying anything makes krayon wonder if she's planning on running away from him."You won't be able to escape from me even if you try," Mabel, krayon said as he used his hands to grip her chin tightly."Krayon, you're hurting me, krayon please calm down. I haven't done a
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025. waiting patiently for aunt Shawn
Back at the birthday party of grandpa Graham Morris, Brian looked at Mabel who's pleading for his mercy against her actions toward him at the restaurant last week. I have forgiven you already, so tell Aisha who's the lucky guy, don't worry I don't need to know as long as you're happy with him, and you don't abandon him halfway like you did to me, then we can still be friends Brian smiled at Aisha and Aisha smiled back happily,She was going to make sure she used this forgiveness in a useful manner to get into Brian's life without any stress.Ruby just watch your back, I'm coming for you, but I'm not going to fight you, someone else would do that for me, and I would slowly take what rightfully belongs to me, be careful Ruby, be careful Aisha said inwardly as she smiled as they changed back to their dancing partners.Ruby saw the way Aisha and Brian were smiling at each other and somehow felt jealous, she has always known Aisha to be a cunning fox and who always looks for a way to get
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026. Shawn's engagement.
Aunt Shawn, with the purpose of peeping to feed her curiosity if Brian is really inside the room, walked toward the door. Immediately she opened the door, she was dragged into the room by Claire.Claire knocked Aunt Shawn down and she looked at her already unconscious aunt, a devilish smile cropped onto her lips.Direct message to you, oh sorry I forgot you're unconscious and you won't be able to hear what I'm about to say. In behalf of your plans, which I'm about to make a success for you, I have planned for you to taste your own medicine and feel how bitter it tastes, Claire said as she instructed her assistant to give her the strings.After injecting her with the drugs, Claire ordered they wake her up while she left the room, pretending to look for Brian.Claire called out the name of Brian as she walked through the lobby in search of him."Brian," Claire called out.Immediately she reached the room Brian and Mr. Jordan were taken to, Brian called out her name and she walked into t
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027. A gift for miss Shawn
If she doesn't want to get married to him, let her be and besides the video is no longer on the internet," Brian said. Claire looked at Brian, "how can this boy be my brother, he's so soft-hearted. You want to allow someone that drugged you go free just like that. Too bad, Brian. It's either she dies or she gets out of this family." Aunt Shawn brought out her phone to check it out, "true, today's incident is no longer available online," and she was a bit happy about it. "Everything is settled, I don't have to marry into his family," Shawn said happily. Just then a notification popped up on her phone. It was a video from a strange number, even worse than her sextape, and the video was also sent to every member of the Morris family. The truth was that if the video leaked out, she wouldn't only be disgraced, but also spend the rest of her life in prison, which is something she didn't want to ever happen to her. When her family members turned to look at her, no one expected her to b
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028. I would kill you Arden.
And I'm only giving you two days to decide on what to do, if you say you don't want to do anything of what I have given to you then, after those two days elapse, everyone would know the kind of girl the only miss of the Morris family is. I have enough evidence that would also be capable of giving you death by shooting or by hanging, in attornment for your sins.So your time starts now, don't forget to open the package. Ain't you eager to know what's inside that package?Claire looked at Aunt Shawn smiling inwardly, such a wonderful view. If she knows what really happened those days, then she won't be living in fear for the rest of her life. But she won't let her still have the Morris title in her name. She's already due for marriage; she has to get married to someone whether she likes it or not.Arden, what did I do to you to deserve such blackmailing? Aunt Shawn broke down in tears as she finished reading the message.Why blackmail me? If you're really capable of beating me, then com
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029. our safety is also important as well.
When you're ready to marry, or choose, you can place a call. I'm a very busy person; I don't have time to watch family drama. Mr. Rogers said as he handed his contact info to Shawn before he turned to leave. Just then, a notification popped into her phone. "I'm only giving you two minutes to make the right choice and six hours to get married, Aunt Shawn." Aunt Shawn looked at the message. She knows any decision she took would have an effect on her in the future, and she can't afford to go to jail for the rest of her life, nor does she want to commit suicide by force. "I would marry you," Aunt Shawn said. Immediately, she received a notification. "Congratulations to my world's best aunt that's about to leave single life. She's about to be the newest bride in town. I'm so happy for you, but do you know you amazed me? With all the stuff I sent you, you did not throw your phone. I love that. I owe you a gift." The list for Aunt Shawn's bride price was given to Roger. In no time,
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030. Shawn wedding
Brian anxiously waited at the front of the operation room as Mabel was undergoing the operation.He was restless and could not even drink his water and dropped the cup.Just then, the door of the operation room opened, and the doctor came out."We are in need of blood, and we don't have her blood type in our blood bank," the doctor informed Brian. "We urgently need O negative blood; the patient is in critical condition. If the blood isn't brought on time, I'm sorry, you're going to lose her," the doctor said."I'm also a possessor of that particular blood type. Can I donate my blood for her?" Claire insisted. However, Brian immediately refused. He couldn't let Claire donate her blood for Mabel. He believed he was the one who put her in this condition and that he should be the one to donate his blood to her."I will be the one to donate my blood to her," Brian said as he followed the doctor into the operating room. Brian's blood was first screened for any sexually transmitted infection
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